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1、焉耆县第二中学20122013学年第二学期集体备课教案课题【Unit 10 Id like some noodles.】科 目【英语】 年 级【七年级】 课 时【Period 3】 授课教师【 】主备人【蒋丽萍】 参 备 人【何晔、马婧、马月萍、马亮 樊迎春】一、 教学目标:1、初步掌握语言结构“I likeand 和I dont likeand ”2能够读懂有关生日话题的文章并完成相关的阅读任务2、能力目标:1能正确表达自己喜欢和不喜欢旳食品2能在听力中准确捕捉有用信息并处理信息。3能够读懂有关生日话题的文章并完成相关的阅读任务 3、情感目标:让学生了解世界各地的人们庆祝生日时不同的饮食文化

2、,开阔了学生的视野。二 、教学重、难点:1能在听力中准确捕捉有用信息并处理信息。2能够读懂有关生日话题的文章并完成相关的阅读任务三、教学方法:“五步、双重教学法”四、教具准备:课文录音 多媒体使用:无五、教学过程:(一)复习旧知Step 1:Free Talk 1 Revise the food words.2 Revise: What kind of noodles would you like? Id like二)新课导学1 Look at the food on the table. Can you name them?2Ask students to match each word w

3、ith a picture. 3 Check the answers.(三)自学新知1 Read again the food on the table in 1a and finish1a.2 Work in pairs. Tell them what you like and dont like.(四)检测新学 1 Read the eight words again in 1a.2 Play the recording the first time, students only listen.3 Listen again. Please write down the informatio

4、n on the order form. 4 Correct the answers.(五)巩固新知Teacher draws a cake on the blackboard. Ask: When do we eat it? What else do you eat or do on your birthday? Let them discuss them. Then look at 2b.1 read the article and complete the chart2 read the article and answer the questions(2c)3explain some

5、information language points Ask them to read the article.(六)课堂小结能正确表达自己喜欢和不喜欢旳食品能够读懂有关生日话题的文章(七)布置作业Recite words and phrases. Read the article.大练习册第三课时(八)板书设计I like dumplings and fish, but I dont like onions.The number of and a number of 的区别。Cut up(九)教学反思 如何突破重难点 你以什么方式激发学生的学习兴趣学法 【教师精心设计典例分析】 备注: 当前在1页 / 共3页


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