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1、29527954042822600628269452693620503359812305359614Unit 9 When was he born?八年级上册英语教学案例语法知识:一般过去时 谓语是be(was/were) & V(过去式)本节课的教学内容是Go for it八年级Unit 9 When was he born? Section A。主要语言功能项目是谈论自己崇拜的名人以及名人的出生年月、职业生涯。以人物简历为线索,进一步学习一般过去时态,尤其是一般过去时态的特殊疑问句。通过Section A的学习,学生可以了解成功人士的生活经历,并且学习有关职业的英文表达方式。学生基本情况分


3、研组倡导教师利用多媒体和网络技术教学,帮助解决教学难题。这样既能为学生创造真实可视的英语学习环境,也能激发学生积极参与的欲望,引起学生的共鸣和兴趣。并且要求所有英语教师在活动中要对教学进行反思和评价,不足之处应在今后的教学工作中改进。Teaching Aims and Demands:1、语言技能目标(1)能对别人的出生年月进行问答,如:When was he born?He was born on +月、日,年. He was born in +地点/月,年(2)能对别人的经历进行询问,如:When did he start hiccupping?How long did he hiccup

4、?2、语言知识目标(1)词汇: achievement; record; violinist; start; stop; pianist; creative; outstanding.(2)句型: Who is that?Thats Deng Yaping. She is a great ping-pong player.When was she born?When did she start/stop?How long did she start?(3)掌握被动语态以及由when 引导的状语从句和由how long/when 引导的特殊疑问句.3、情感目标(1)通过谈论体育明星的成就,培养学

5、生吃苦耐劳的精神.(2)在谈论自己和别人的经历的同时,树立远大的理想.4、文化意识目标(1)了解主要的文娱和体育活动.(2)能用恰当的方式评价别人.5、学习策略目标(1)认知策略:鼓励学生向一些公众人物学习,体会他们在取得成就的道路上表现出来的坚忍不拔的精神和优秀品质.(2)资源策略:通过网络搜索,拓展知识,丰富并培养学生的自学能力.(3)交际策略:通过言语交流,培养学生的合作精神.(4)调控策略:学生通过学习,明确”在用中学,在学中用”的理念.Teaching Key Points and Difficulty根据本节课的教学内容和学生对知识的理解程度,结合教学目标,确定重点是:When w

6、as he/she born? When did he/she start? How long did he/she? 难点为重点句型的实际运用及when引导的状语从句和特殊疑问句.Teaching procedures按照上面的教学思路,结合中学英语的教学特点,我们倡导构建式的学习,努力运用学生的主动参与,感知体验,探究发现,交流合作的学习方式,让学生在语言实际运用中感受成功的喜悦,使课堂真正形成“乐说”“会说”“能交际”的氛围.本节课分为以下六个教学环节。Step 1 Warming-up and Revision 1) Intercourse 2) A guessing gameGet

7、the students to review how to describe the famous people.T:Lets play a guessing game. I will tell you something about a famous woman. Please listen to me carefully, and try to guess who she is.She is Chinese. She was born in 1973. She plays ping-pong very well. She is short. She is very great.Do you

8、 know who she is ?S: Is she Deng Yaping ?T: Yes, very good! You are right . Now please try to describe the famous persons. 教学分析与启示 利用猜一猜这一游戏环节,使学生在轻松的交流中复习句型:Whos that? That is. When was she born? 为教学新课做好铺垫,通过多媒体呈现人物进行操练,形象生动,激发学生兴趣。Step 2 Presentation (8 minutes)This activity introduces the difficu

9、lt points.A: When did Deng Yaping start playing ping-pong?B: She started playing ping-pong in 1978.A: When did she stop playing ping-pong?B: She stopped in 1997.A: How long did she play ping-pong?B: She played for 19 years.1) Ask the students to practice the sample conversation, then make up similar

10、 conversations.2) Ask several students to perform their conversations.3) Learning the new words. 教学分析与启示 此环节也通过多媒体的辅助,呈现给学生更多的语言练习素材,突出本节课的教学目标,并设定一个情景进行对话,使学生融于真实的交际环境中,给学生利用目标语言表达交流的机会,在学中用,在用中学。Step 3 Practice and listen (10 minutes)Now we are going to talk about two unusual people.Look at this p

11、icture in section A 2a and the chart.T: What are their names ?S: The man is Charles Smith and the woman is Donna Green.T: What are they doing ?S: Charles Smith is hiccupping. Donna Green is sneezing. (Help them answer)T: What kinds of world record did they have ?S1: Charles Smith had a world record

12、for hiccupping.S2: Donna Green had a world record for sneezing.T: How long did Charles Smith hiccup ?S3:He hiccupped for 69 years and 5 months.T: How long did Donna Green sneeze ?Let students listen to the tape and fill in the “How long” column in the chart.Let students listen again and fill in the

13、“started” and “stopped” columns.Get the students listen and write ,then check the answers.(教学分析与启示)通过反复的听力练习,提高学生的听力水平,注重跟读模仿语音语调。Step 4 Drill Ask some pairs of students to perform the conversations.T: You got all the answers right now. Lets come to section A 2c pair work. Please fill in the blanks

14、with information from the listening.Ask two pairs of students to Practice the conversations.T: You did very well. Id like you to work in pairs and make the same kind of conversation about Donna.S1:How long did Charles Smith hiccup?S2:He hiccupped for 69 years and 5 months.S1:How long did he start hi

15、ccupping?S2:He started in 1922.S1:When did he stop hiccupping?S2:He stopped in 1990.Ask several pairs to act it out.(教学分析与启示) 这个环节检查了学生对课堂任务掌握的情况,让学生自编对话,增进生生互动,用所学的语言去解决实际问题,促进了学生的自主学习,达到语言教学的真正目的。Step 5 Sum-up Think about what we learn today(教学分析与启示)指导学生总结该节课所学的知识,有助于学生加深理解,巩固知识,并且将知识系统化。Step 6 Homework 1)Write down a list of famous stars about their ages, birthdays, hobbies and achievements 2)Ask your parents birthdays and help them do something. (教学分析与启示)作业是课堂的巩固与延伸,课堂所涉及的东西是有限的,学生课后可以做适当的拓展。学生通过查阅资料对优秀人物有所了解,同时增长他们的课后知识,使所学知识不断地延伸。案例反思本节课在多媒体的辅助下,直观


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