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1、2022年考博英语-宁夏大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题It was clear that the storm( ) his arrival by two hours.问题1选项A.retardedB.retiredC.refrainedD.retreated【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项retarded“延迟,阻止,妨碍”;B选项retired“退休,撤退,退却”;C选项refrained“节制,克制”;D选项retreated“撤退,退避”。句意:很明显,暴风雨使他( )了两个小时到达。本句表示的是“暴风雨使他晚到了两小时”,因此A选项符合题意。2. 写作题

2、Directions: “Stay hungry, stay foolish” was quoted by Steve Jobs, the former CEO of APPLE, at commencement address at Stanford University. Write an essay with 300 words to present your understanding of the statement.【答案】略3. 翻译题Today, there is widespread agreement that cloning for reproduction is uns

3、afe and should be banned. Now, the debate has shifted away from the ethics of baby-making and toward the morality of cloning embryos for their cells and issues, which might be used to treat diseases. The controversy pits religious conservatives and abortion opponents, who regard embryos as nascent h

4、uman life, against patients groups, scientists and the biotechnology industry.【答案】现在,人们达成共识的是,为再生产而进行的克隆是不安全的,因此应该禁止。当前,人们争论的焦点已不再局限于克隆婴儿的伦理问题。人们的注意已转移到对胚胎的克隆上来,尽管由之产生的组织和细胞有助于治疗很多疾病。因为保守的宗教人士和堕胎反对者认为胚胎是早期的生命形式,他们自然与患者、科学家和生物工业站在争论的两边。4. 单选题Dont let his criticism( ) you; he belongs to the kind of pe

5、ople who always take great delight in finding fault with others behavior.问题1选项A.persuadeB.concernC.dismissD.discourage【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项persuade“说服”;B选项concern“影响,牵扯”;C选项dismiss“解散,解雇”;D选项discourage“阻止,使气馁”。句意:不要因为他的批评而( );他是那种喜欢对别人的行为吹毛求疵的人。本句表达的意思“不要因为他的批评而气馁”,因此D选项符合题意。5. 单选题Contemporary office

6、technology requires software or programs to carry out complicated information processing activities. References to software usually indicate a set of instructions. A broader application of the term includes any no hardware element of a computer system: programs, written documentation to accompany pr

7、ograms, flow charts, and user manuals, for example. The latter use of the term is rare.Software is now available from a variety of sources: hardware manufacturers and vendors, software houses (firms that develop and market software), and staff programmers (user developed software). Office supply hou

8、ses, computer shops, and even bookstores market packaged software for the microcomputer market.Early computer users thought in terms of developing their own software or using software developed by computer manufactures to perform the information processing activities desired form the computer system

9、. Users of medium to large scale computer system. Still rely heavily on programs developed, tested, and perfected by their own programmers.Large to medium scale computer manufacturers or vendors have traditionally included software with the system package, sometimes provide alterations necessary to

10、customize the programs to user needs. These packages have represented significant portions of the purchases or lease price of systems.The microcomputer revolution in the early 1980s brought with it the concept of the commercial software publisher (software house). Companies were formed to engage in

11、writing and marketing software for all types and sizes of computers, but those producing software for microcomputers were especially numerous. Major hardware manufacturers began to market software produced by these software specialists with the systems. The quality of the programs and instructional

12、materials that accompanied them was frequently poor. Because of the ease with which users could duplicate software, software prices remained high. Yet, these high prices were frequently preferable to the cost of programs developed in house. Experience and competition have increased a quality of both

13、 programs and instructional materials.1.According to the passage, the most commonly used definition of software is( ).2.Which of the following statements is NOT true?3.Large to medium scale computer manufacturers( ).4.Since the microcomputer revolution in the early 1980s,( ).5.It is implied in the p

14、assage that( ).问题1选项A.complicated information processing activitiesB.any no hardware element of a computer systemC.a set of instructionsD.flow charts and user manuals问题2选项A.Now hardware manufacturers also develop and market software.B.Early computer users had no choice but to develop their own softw

15、are.C.Software is now available for the microcomputer user even from bookstores.D.Early computer manufacturers also developed and marketed software.问题3选项A.rely heavily on software developed by their customersB.used to include software with the system packageC.can make changes for software to meet customer needsD.sell their system packages at very low prices问题4选项A.commercial software publishers have gradually disappearedB.major hardware manufacturer began to develop their own softwareC.many companies stopped the development of software for large computersD.


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