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1、人教版本高中英语必修4各单元总结复习练习试题包括答案 人教版 必修 4 各单元练习题 +答案Unit 2 Working the land 单元测试一单选( 30 题,共 15 分)1.If you blood badly, your hands and feet will get cold easily.A.passesB.crossesC.circulatesD.circles2.- Shall I open the dow to let some fresh air in?- No, A.I d rather notB.I d rather you notC.I d rather you

2、 didn t D.I d like not toA.confusingB.confusedC.confuseD.confuses4.The professor referred toyesterday.5.He insisted that hefrom heart trouble, but I didn t think so.A.should sufferB.has sufferedC.suffersD.was suffering6.It is generally considered unwise to ve a child he or she wants.A.howeverB.whate

3、verC.whheverD.whenever7 - What hened to your shoes?- They want 。.A.to mendB.being mendedC.mendingD.mended8.The boy is only five years old, but he is quite used the telephone.A.to answerB.to answeringC.of answeringD.by answering9.The offers narrowly escaped in the hot battle.A.have killedB.to killC.t

4、o be killedD.being killed1 / 1110.It isn t quitethat the director will be present at the meetingtomorrow.A.sureB.rightC.certainD.eact11.Did you findimpossible for him to tell the truth?A.thisB.itC.thatD.whatA.Thanks forB.Thank toC.Thanks toD.Thank for13.The house rent is epensive.I ve got about half

5、 the space I had at homeI m payinghere.A.as three times muchB.as muchthree timesC.much as three timesD.three times as much14.When I said that some people are stupid I was not you.A.talking toB.referring toC.turning toD.listening to15.Do you know that with wise men improves your mind?A.chatB.ChatsC.c

6、hattedD.chatting16. David and Vky married? For about three years.A.How long were; have beenB.How long have; have beenC.How long have; beenD.How long did; get17.Luckily for us, when we got there the weather to be fine.A.turned upB.turned outC.turned overD.turned into18.Having heard my answer, the mas

7、ter nodded satisfaction,quite satisfied you.”2 / 11A.with; withB.on; byC.in; toD.in; of19.The matter must be looked into. We are supposed to have a little .A.rainB.weatherC.patientD.look20.In the traff accident five were killed and twenty .A.losingB.missed C.damaged D.injured21.We are hy to hear of

8、the success of their team.A.enoughB.more than C.many more D.much many22.We won#;t ve up we should fail ten times.A.even ifB.sinceC.whetherD.until23.Well, you#;d better not buy that shirt.Brown and black don#;t go together. I wear it with my other shirt?A.How do you likeB.WhoC.What ifD.WhhA middle-ag

9、ed woman came to the bus s only the bus had gone.A.run; to findB.running; to findC.and ran; foundD.running; finding25.your help, I got the first in the final-term English eamination.A.Thanks to B.WithoutC.If notD.But for26.You should try to get a good night s sleepyou havemuchtoworkdo.A.howeverB.no

10、matterC.althoughD.whateverNow that you have a job, you must eert (努力 ) yourself in you do atwork.3 / 11A.howeverB.no matter whatC.no matter howD.whatever28.She is good playing the piano and good her students, whhis good the students.A.at; for; toB.to; to; forC.at; to; forD.to; at; forShe watches TV

11、evening and changes channels(频道 ) few minutes.A.in; everyB.every; everyC.every; eachD.every; in30.is often the case, we have worked out the production plan.A.WhhB.WhenC.WhatD.As二重点短语翻译(附加)31.searched for32.would rather33.turned to34.focus on35.build up三、完形填空( 20 分)A long time ago, there was an emper

12、or(皇帝 ).One day he told his horsemanthat if he could ride on his horse and36as much land area as he liked, he wouldve him the area of land he had covered. 37enough, the horseman quklyjumped onto his horse and38as fast as possible to cover as much land area as hecould.He39riding and riding, whipping

13、the horse to go as fast as possible.Evenwhen he was40or tired, he did not s41he wanted to cover as much areaas possible.When he at last covered a large amount of land, he was ehausted andwas42 .Then he asked himself,“ Why43 didmyselfI so hard to cover so muchland area? Now I am dying and I onlyvery

14、small area to45myself.”The above story is46to the journey of our47 .We push ourselves veryhard every day to make more48 , to gain power or recognition.We neglect(疏忽,忘记 ) our49, time with our family and to reciate( 欣赏 ) the surrounding504 / 11and the things we love to do.One day51we look back, we wil

15、l52that wedon t really need that much, 53 then we cannot turn back time for what we have 54 .Life is not about making money.Life is definitely(肯定地 ) not about work! Workis only55 to keep us living so as to enjoy the beauty and pleasures of life.36.A.useB.coverC.workD.get37.A.GoodB.StrangeC.SureD.Interesting38.A.rodeB.ranC.epandedD.struggled39.


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