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1、大学生休闲价值观的研究中 文 摘 要 休闲价值观是指被个体或群体赋予了社会或个人意义的关于休闲方面的一些观念这样的观念能使人在内心产生高兴之类的积极情感体验认识到休闲的意义表现出实际的休闲行为意向。目前对休闲价值观的研究主要停留在理论探讨和哲学思辨层面在实证领域的研究还很少。本研究在当前中国休闲时代即将到来的社会背景和大学生价值观多元化的背景下采用实证研究范式对当代中国大学生的休闲价值观进行分析与研究。 本研究共分为两个部分第一部分包括编制大学生休闲价值观问卷以及对大学生休闲参与状况和休闲满意度现状的调查第二部分探讨大学生休闲价值观和休闲满意度以及休闲参与之间的相互关系并检验休闲满意度在休闲价

2、值观与休闲参与之间的中介效应及影响模式。 第一部分采用访谈法、问卷法等多种研究方法同时结合专家组讨论和文献资料法对大学生的休闲价值观进行研究。在开放式问卷访谈法和文献资料法的基础上编制了大学生休闲价值观问卷。对问卷分别进行探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析以检验问卷的内部结构并确定其信效度形成最终施测问卷。问卷共分为三个维度休闲认知、休闲情感和休闲行为意向。调查共计发放问卷800份回收有效问卷727份在此基础上分析大学生休闲价值观的整体状况和特征并检验其在人口学变量上的差异。同时测查了大学生在休闲满意度和休闲参与上的基本状况。 第二部分综合运用积差相关和典型相关等多种统计分析方法分析休闲价值观、休

3、闲满意度和休闲参与三者之间的相互关系采用回归分析检验休闲满意度在休闲价值观与休闲参与之间的中介变量效应并通过结构方程模型验证了休闲价值观通过休闲满意度对于休闲参与的作用方式。 研究结果表明 1、大学生休闲价值观可以从认知、情感和行为意向三个层面进行测量休闲认知是指个体对于休闲活动所持有的知识、信念与看法休闲情感是指个体对于休闲活动的情绪反应休闲行为意向是指个体对于休闲活动所具有的行动倾向或是可观察到的行为。 2、研究编制的大学生休闲价值观问卷的信度和效度指标均达到心理测量学要求经过修改和完善可以作为进一步研究的测量工具。 3、当代大学生的休闲价值观呈积极正向状态在性别、学科和年级上具有显著差异

4、男生在整体休闲价值观以及休闲认知、休闲情感和休闲行为意向层面的得分要显著高于女生艺术专业的学生在休闲行为意向层面的得分要显著高于其他专业的学生三年级学生在休闲认知层面的分数要显著要高于一年级学生在休闲情感层面分数要显著高于二年级学生。 4、当前大学生的休闲满意度较高其中放松层面满意度最高美感层面满意度最低。 5、目前大学生参与最频繁的活动是大众媒体类活动文艺类活动参与程度最低。 6、休闲价值观与休闲满意度、休闲参与之间呈显著正相关。 7、休闲满意度对休闲价值观和休闲参与之间的完全中介效应显著休闲价值观以休闲满意度为中介变量对休闲行为施加影响。 关键词大学生休闲价值观休闲满意度休闲参与 ABST

5、RACT Leisure values are concepts about leisure which are endowed with meaning by individual or groups these concepts make people have such pleasure the positive emotional experiences realizing significance of leisure showing realistic intension of leisure participation. Nowadays most studies about l

6、eisure values focus on levels of theoretical exploring and philosophical pursing empirical studies are few. In the background of leisure times is upcoming and college studentsvalues towards diversity this study applied empirical study paradigm to analyze contemporary Chinese college students leisure

7、 values. This study consists of two parts: The first part includes development of questionnaire of college students values as well as investigation on present situation about college students leisure participation and leisure satisfaction. The second part explored relationships among leisure valuesl

8、eisure participation and leisure satisfaction and tested mediator effects of leisure satisfaction on leisure values and leisure participation as well as impacting model. In the first part on the basis of open questionnaire expert panel discussion and literature retrieval developed preliminary questi

9、onnaire of college students leisure values formal questionnaire were constructed after testing its reliability and validity. This questionnaire is composed of three dimensions: leisure cognition leisure emotion and leisure intension of participation. Taking 800 college students aged from 18 to 24 as

10、 subjects investigated present situation of their leisure values as well as leisure satisfaction and leisure participation meanwhile making difference of examination on demographic variables. In the second part Pearson correlation and Canonical correlation were applied to analyze relationships among

11、 leisure values leisure participation and leisure satisfaction The method of Regression analysis and Structural equation model is used to explore and test mediator effects of leisure satisfaction on leisure values and leisure participation as well as impacting model. Conclusions are as follows: 1 Co

12、llege students leisure values can be measured from three aspects: leisure cognition leisure emotion and leisure intension of participation. 2 Developed questionnaire of college students leisure values meet criterion of statistics it can be measuring tool of College students leisure values after furt

13、her revising and completion. 3 Contemporary college students leisure values are towards positive state. There were significant difference in leisure values and its dimensions between male students and female students former have higher scores than latter in leisure values and its three dimensions th

14、ere was significant difference in leisure intension of participation on specialty variable there was significant difference in leisure cognition and leisure emotion among student who was in different grade. 4 The degree of college students leisure satisfaction is higher relaxing aspects satisfactory

15、 degree is highest and the lowest is aesthetic aspect. 5 In kinds of activities the highest item on participation frequency is mass-media activity the lowest is arts. 6 There is an obvious positive relationship among leisure values leisure satisfaction and leisure participation. 7 Leisure satisfacti

16、on has significant intermediary effect on leisure values and leisure participation. Key word: College studentsLeisure valuesLeisure satisfaction Leisure participation 承 诺 书 本人郑重声明所呈交的学位论文是在导师指导下独立完成的学位论文的知识产权属于山西大学。如果今后以其他单位名义发表与在读期间学位论文相关的内容将承担法律责任。除文中已经注明引用的文献资料外本学位论文不包括任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的成果。 学位论文作者签章 200 年 月 日 前言 11 前 言 1.1 问题提出 20世纪科学技术对人类作出的最杰出贡献之一是将人类从繁重的体力劳动中解放出来使人类有了充足的休闲时间。进入21世纪伴随数字化时代的到来未来人类的生命和生活状态将更多地在休闲中度过。因此休闲已经成为人类社会活动的重要内容。 1999年第12期美国时代杂志曾撰文指出随着知识经济时代的到来未来的社


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