Unit 2 My classroom (The First Period)

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《Unit 2 My classroom (The First Period)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 2 My classroom (The First Period)(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 My classroom (The First Period)一、教学内容与教材分析 本节课的教学内容为用英语表达询问这是什么。学生在Unit1已经学习了用英语打招呼和三种物品的单词,在这单元可以用打招呼导入,用所学的apple, banana 和cat引入新课的句型 ”What s this?”。本课在此基础上教会学生在日常生活中学会用英语表达询问物品。新版开心学英语体现了它在教学内容上的连贯性和呈现了学生知识难易程度的梯度性,并符合新课标把英语运用到生活中的理念。二、学生分析 本节课的教学对象是址山小学三年级的学生,英语是他们本学期新授的一门课程,学生对英语有着浓厚的学习兴趣

2、和好奇心,经过第一单元学习后,学生在英语学习上已经掌握了一定的方法,并具备了一定的听、说、读、写的语言知识和语言技能,为第二单元的学习打下一定的基础。三、教学目标1、知识目标(1)New words: table, desk, chair, book, pencil, ruler.(2)New drills: Whats this? Its . 2、能力目标(1)通过学习,使学生掌握用英语表达询问物品。(2)培养学生灵活变通,举一反三的思维及能力。(3)提高学生把所学知识运用到生活中的能力。3、情感目标(1)通过学习培养学生的英语学习兴趣。(2)通过教学活动,培养他们大胆说英语、团结合作的精神

3、。四、教学策略 1、根据新课标的理念,在新授环节运用情境教学和任务型教学模式,化枯燥乏味的练习为趣味性强的游戏,使学生对课堂充满兴趣。2、发挥教师在课堂的主导作用、学生在课堂上的主体作用,让学生积极动脑、主动学习,主动接受新知识。3、采用游戏、竞争等方法复习总结,调动学生的积极性,活动有效、新颖。4、教具准备:课件、实物、动画视频。五、教学流程图Warm up speechGreeting and sing a song.Revision speechReview and free talk based on Unit1.Situation teaching-”My classroom”Lea

4、d-in speech.Present the words: table, desk, chair, book, pencil, and ruler. Presentation speechPresent the sentence: Whats this? Its. Present another sentence: And this? Its .PracticeGame1: Flashing wordsGame2: Flashing picturesGame3: Pair work1. A chant.Summary2. Homework.具体教学过程:教学环节教师活动/方法学生活动活动目的

5、1. Warm upGreeting and lead the students sing a songABC song.Sing the song.Let the students be interested in this class and review the 26 letters. 2. RevisionReview Unit 1 and free talk. The teacher presents a conversation by using PPT and free talk with a student. Then two students make a conversat

6、ion. Talk with the teacher based on the conversation.Review Unit1.3.Lead-inThe teacher says “This is my classroom. A big classroom. Whats this? Its a desk. Whats this? Its a chair. Whats this? Its a pencil”Go into the situation. Arouse the students interest.4. Presentation1. The teacher shows PPT an

7、d presents the words: table, desk, chair, book, pencil, and ruler. 2. Lead the first sentence teaching: Whats this? Its a cat. 3. Ask the students to speak out the new sentence after the example. 4. Lead the other sentence “And this?”Learn the vocabularies and targets.The students master the vocabul

8、aries and targets step by step. 5. Practice1. Play a game: sharp eyes. T: Now lets look at the screen. What word is it? The teacher presents some new words by using PPT such as desk, chair.2. Game2: Flashing picturesRule: To be the first to catch the picture and answer the question. (The teacher sho

9、ws some pictures and makes them disappear on the power point.)3. Game3: Pair work. The teacher makes a conversation with a student for example by using the object in the classroom.1 Say the numbers as quickly as they can.2. Try to answer as quickly as possible.3. The two students discuss and make th

10、e conversation by pointing the object in the classroom. Consolidate the vocabularies and the targets.6. Summary 1. A chant.Chant: “book pen desk chair”2. Homework.1) Copy the new words.2) Practice the target with your classmate.Say the chant together.To summarize the content what they have learnt. 六

11、、课前思考1、由于学生还处于英语初入门阶段,学生对老师的教学模式和指令不熟悉,在教学中可能会影响师生之间的互动。2、本课新授内容有六个单词、和一个句型,对于初学者难度比较大,学生在某些活动环节可能会反应慢一点或出现发音错误。 Unit 2 My classroom (The Second Period)一、教学目标1、知识目标(1)Review words: table, desk, chair, book, pencil, ruler.(2)New drills: Whats this? Its an. 2、能力目标(1)通过学习,使学生掌握用英语表达询问物品。(2)培养学生灵活变通,举一反

12、三的思维及能力。(3)提高学生把所学知识运用到生活中的能力。3、情感目标(1)通过学习培养学生的英语学习兴趣。(2)通过教学活动,培养他们大胆说英语、团结合作的精神。二、教学策略 1、根据新课标的理念,在新授环节运用情境教学和任务型教学模式,化枯燥乏味的练习为趣味性强的游戏,使学生对课堂充满兴趣。2、发挥教师在课堂的主导作用、学生在课堂上的主体作用,让学生积极动脑、主动学习,主动接受新知识。3、采用游戏、竞争等方法复习总结,调动学生的积极性,活动有效、新颖。4、教具准备:课件、实物、动画视频。三、教学流程图Warm up speechGreeting and sing a song.Revis

13、ion speechReview and free talk the sentences.Situation teaching-”My classroom”Lead-in speech.Review the words and the sentence. Presentation speechPresent another sentence: Whats this? Its an . Learn the story on the textbook.PracticeExercise1: Fill in the blank by using an/a.Exercise2: Make a new s

14、tory and act out.Exercise3: Choose the right sentence and write down.1. A chant.Summary2. Homework.具体教学过程:教学环节教师活动/方法学生活动活动目的1. Warm upGreeting and lead the students sing a songBook, pen, desk, chair.Sing the song.Let the students be interested in this class and review the last period. 2. RevisionReview Unit 1 and free talk. The teacher presents a conversation by using PPT and free talk with a student. Then two students make a conversation. Talk with the teacher based


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