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1、abandon v. 1)abandon sth/sb (to sb) 舍弃某物某人而被(别人)取得 2) abandon oneself to sth完全屈从於(某种情感或冲动)accommodate vt.1) accommodate sb with sth 帮忙 2) accommodate to sth 顺应,适应新情况accuse v. accuse sb (of sth) 指责某人有错 犯(某)罪或犯法 add vt.1) add sth to sth 增加,添加 2)add fuel to the fire /flames 火上浇油 3) add insult to injury

2、 既伤害 4) add to this 此外,还 5) add sth in 把加进去,包括 6)add up (多用于否定句)合乎情理,有道理 7) add up to sth 总共是,总计为adjust v. adjust (sth/oneself) (to sth) 使适合(新环境等); 适应admit vt. 1) admit to sth / to doing sth , admit to sb that 承认事实 2) admit to sth / to doing sth 承认过错,责任 3)admit sb /sth to /into sth 准许进入、加入advocate v

3、. advocate (of sth) (对一事业 方针 政策等的)支持者, 拥护者aim vi. 1) aim at doing sth力求达到,力求做到 2) be aimed at 目的是,旨在 3) aim sth at sb 针对,对象是argue vi. 1) argue the toss (对决定)徒然地反对,作无谓的争执 2) argue sb into/out of doing sth 说服某人做/不做某事 3) argue with sth 不同意(说法),不承认(表述)avoid vt. 1) avoid doing sth 避免做某事 2) avoid sb / sth

4、 like the plague 像避瘟疫似的躲避某人appeal v. 1) appeal to sb (for sth); for sth 恳求; 呼吁 2) appeal (to sb) (对某人)有吸引力; (使某人)感兴趣 3) appeal (to sth) (against sth) (向上级法院)上诉 4) appeal (to sb) (for/against sth) (板球赛中)提请(裁判员)宣布击球员出局或作出其它裁判approach vt. approach sb (about /for sth)/ sb (about doing sth) 接洽,建议,要求aveng

5、e v. avenge oneself on sb/sth向某人某事物报仇balance v. balance A against B 将此一计划等与彼一计划等作价值上的比较bar v.1) bar sb from sth/doing sth阻止某人用某物; 阻止某人做某事 2) bar sb in (sth)/out (of sth) 使某人无法出入於(建筑物等)bend vt.1) bend sbs ear (about sth) 向某人唠叨诉说(尤指自己的难处) 2) bend your mind / efforts to sth 致力于某事,专心致志于某事 3) bend the tr

6、uth 扭曲事实 4) on bended knees 下跪(请求) 5) bend sb to sth 迫使,说服 bleed v. 1) bleed for sth(为事业 祖国)负伤或牺性 2) bleed sb (for sth) 向某人勒索(钱财)blink v. blink sth away/back 眨眼控制泪水/挤掉脏东西 blow vt. 1) blow sbs brains out 枪击头部自杀/杀人 2) blow a fuse 大怒,暴跳如雷 3) blow the gaff on sb/sth (又指因大意)泄露秘密 4) blow hot and cold abou

7、t sth 拿不定主意,出尔反尔 5) blow your mind 使某人兴奋(或吃惊) 6) blow your own trumpet 自吹自擂 7) blow your top 大发脾气,愤怒 8) blow up in sbs face 事情失败,害了自己 9) blow the whistle on sb/sth 告发 10) blow sb away 枪杀某人 11) blow in/into sth 突然来到,突然进入 12) blow sb off 不赴约 13) blow out 被(风等)吹灭,熄灭 14)blow over 刮过去了,平静下来 15) blow up爆炸

8、 16) blow up at sb 对某人发火boil vt. 1) boil sth down 使煮浓,熬浓 2) boil sth down to sth 概括,归纳,压缩 3) boil down to sth 归结为,基本问题是 4) boil over 煮溢 5) boil up 进入危机关头,令人担忧 6) boil sth up 把(液体或食物)烧开 7) off the boil 不如以前 8) on the boil 十分活跃,如火如荼 bother vt. 1) bother with/ about sth 花费时间精力做某事 2) bother sb about/ wi

9、th sth 使某人烦恼 3) be bothered about sb /sth 认为(某人或某事)重要,关心(某人/事) 4) cant be bothered to do sth 表示不想花时间精力做某事 5) not bother yourself /your head with/ about sth 不操心 bury vt.1) bury sth in sth 使陷入 2) bury the hatchet/ your differences 消除隔阂 3) bury yourself in sth 专心致志于某事calculate v. 1) be calculated to do

10、 sth 打算或计划做某事 2) calculate on sth/doing sth 指望或依靠某事物 Caution v. caution (sb) against 告或劝告(某人)防止某事物 charm v. charm sth from/out of sb/sth使用迷人手段从某人某事物处得到某事物chase v.1) chase (after) sb/sth 追逐,追求 2) chase about, around向某方向急奔 3) chase sb up向某人追讨或索要(尤指钱或信息) 4) chase sth up追查或催促某事物chat v. 1) chat (away) to

11、/with sb, chat about sth/sb 闲谈,闲聊,聊天 2) chat sb up (受异性吸引而)亲昵的攀谈cheer v. 1) cheer sb on鼓舞或鼓励某人更加努力 2) cheer (sb) up(使某人)更高兴或更快活chew v. 1) chew sth (up) 嚼碎或咀嚼(食物) 2) chew sth over 细想某事物claim vt. claim sth back 索回,要回 combine v. combine (with sth); A and B/A with B(使物件)结合或混合形成一整体 commit v. 1) commit sb

12、/sth to sth将某人某物置于(某状态)或转交(某处) 处理 2) commit sb/oneself (to sth/to doing sth) 使某人自己不能不做某事或不做另事(尤指因有承诺) 3) commit oneself (on sth) 公开表明自己的意见(因而难以更改) 4) commit sb (for sth) 将(某人)送交受审compare vt.1) compare A and/with/to B 比较,对比 2) compare with/to sb/sth 与类似 3) compare notes with sb 与交换看法/意见complain vi.1) complain to sb about sth 抱怨,发牢骚 2) complain of sth 诉说(病情或疼痛)concentrate vi. concentrate on sth/doing sth 集中做某事condemn v. 1) condemn sb/sth (for/as sth) 谴责; 责备; 指摘2) condemn sth (as sth) 官方宣称(某事物)有缺陷或不宜使用3) condemn sb (to sth/to do sth)


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