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1、.东华大学2018年博士研究生入学考试英语(1001)试题Part I Vocabulary (10 points, 0.5 point each)Directions: There are 20 sentences in this section. There are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D under each of the following sentences. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Mark the correspon

2、ding letter on your Answer Sheet. 1. Many scientists remain_about the value of this researchprogram.Asceptical B. stationary C. spacious D. specific2. If you want to go to the concert, youll have to make a _, or there will be no tickets.A. conservation B. reservation C. preservation D. observation3.

3、 The mother was _ when her son confessed he had robbed a store.A. dismayed B. flattered C. fascinated D. disabled4. The _ judge accepted money to let the prisoner go unpunished.A. committed B. corrupt C. conserved D. confident5. It took them several weeks to _the wild horse.A. cultivate B. civilize

4、C. curb D. tame6. It is a common theme of many science fiction stories that the world may one day be _ by beings from the outer space.A. run over B. filled in C. taken over D. broken in7. It _ that the old woman she had been taking care of was indeed her own mother.A. turned over B. turned in C. tur

5、ned across D. turned out 8. The discovery of new oil fields in various parts of the country filled the government with _hope.A. eternal B. infinite C. ceaseless D. delicate9. We hope there will be a peaceful _ to the new system.A. transmission B. transition C. transaction D. transformation 10.It is

6、_ that women should be paid less than men for doing the samekind of work.A. abrupt B. absurd C. adverseD. addictive11. The young flower girl has been in town for only several months, but she seems to be _with everyone who comes to the store.A. admitted B. accepted C. admired D. acquainted12. When th

7、e wealthy man died his illegitimate son _half of his legacy.A. retreated B. displayed C. declared D. claimed13. I have said nothing like that. He intentionally _ my ideas to achieve his personal ends.A. revised B. distracted C. contradicted D. distorted14. Travelers are advised to use travelers chec

8、ks, which provide a secure _ to carrying all the money in cash.A. substitute B. alternative C. selection D. displacement15. Most of the nations in the world are working in a collaborative effort to _ hunger from the world.A. abandon B. diminish C. withdraw D. eliminate16. I just cant _ how he manage

9、d to finish his report so soon. He said he was only halfway through it yesterday!A. figure out B. work out C. look out D. draw out17. The mayor was asked to give a rough _ of the cost of the construction of the new bridge.A. assessment B. evaluation C. announcement D. estimate18. At last his firm wa

10、s _ up by a multinational corporation.A. swallowed B. devoured C. swigged D. gulped19. When he went to the airport for the ticket, Tom suddenly realized that his passport had _ for half a year.A. abolished B. expired C. amended D. constrained20. According to the report, the _ of the epidemic was fri

11、ghtening in that country.A. multitude B. altitude C. magnitude D. gratitudePart II Cloze Test (15 points, 1 point each) Directions: For each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on your Answer Sheet.Popular sc

12、ience books by pioneering scientists come in many varieties, but are almost always 21 waiting for. Such books would certainly be authoritative accounts of the subject matter. What is more important, 22, is that they give the reader a really unique 23. The genre includes straightforward expositions o

13、f a technical topic, an early example 24 the classic little book on relativity by Einstein himself. More 25 - and perhaps 26 greater value, in the long 27 - one has a 28 of essays on widely varying themes. These reflect, directly 29 indirectly, the motivations, the compulsions, the stance, the perso

14、nal scientific philosophy - 30 short, the credo - of a great scientist, giving the reader 31 insight into the working of a first-rate mind in a manner that even the best of biographies can only 32. Restricting oneself to examples 33 from physics and 34 areas, some wonderful examples of this class ar

15、e Wigners Symmetries and Reflections, Chandrasekhars Truth and Beauty, Feynmans The Character of Physical Law, and Dysons 35 the Universe.21.A. differentB. eagerC. worth D. gratitude22.A. howeverB. by the way C. unfortunatelyD. to be exact23.A. characterB. thought C. enjoymentD. perspective24.A. being B. has beingC. has been


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