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1、1、We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own; disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning. 1 我们通常从和我们意见统一的人那里学到的东西比从和我们意见相悖的人那里学到的东西多的多;意见分歧阻碍了学习。Although we can learn knowledge from people whose views we share, the knowledg

2、e is limited, since the sphere of knowledge of the people who share the same opinion are confined to same level of cognition with us. It will be quite different if we communicate with people whose views contradict to ours. Admitted that, it is little harder or even bitter to accept opposite views fo

3、r us due to our self-assertion is impaired caused by others challenge. 2、Competition is ultimately more beneficial than detrimental to society. 2 竞争对社会的好处大于坏处。Through competing, the one who is most eligible is put on the right place, and then will produce much more values than those who are not comp

4、etent as he or she. While, on the other hand, if a competition is fraught with adulteration and illegality, it will bring deterioration to the society rather than progress. A case in point is related to market economics.3.It is more important to allocate money for immediate, existing social problems

5、 than to spend it on long-term research that might help future generations. 3 我们应该把更多的钱用在当前的问题上,而不是用在可能有助于我们后代的长期的研究项目上。When we enjoy the fruits of industrialisation and democracy, we are, on the other side, confronted with social problems brought by as another consequence of this process.Firstly, i

6、mmediate, existing social problems that baffled us deeply need to be resolved as quickly as possible so to restore a sound society and conduce its healthy development. However, many present social problems cannot be resolved immediately as we hoped. Furthermore, neglecting long-term researches that

7、may help future generations, overemphasizing to focus on the present problems, may result in incomplete resolution to these social problems, which can merely be an expedience rather than a resolution. 4.No field of study can advance significantly unless outsiders bring their knowledge and experience

8、 to that field of study. 4 如果没有失败者介绍自己的经验和知识,没有哪个领域的研究会取得长足的进步。 %几乎没有任何领域能够取得具有重要意义的进步,除非结合其他行业的知识和经验到该领域中来% I agree with the assertion that significant advances in knowledge require expertise form various fields. A. No area of intellectual inquiry operates in a vacuum, that is, sciences in various

9、fields are inextricably related. B. Scientific breakthrough in one certain area may be great contribute to advancement in another or several other fields. C. New scientific fields often emerge in the interaction among different disciplines. D. Sciences of other areas are indispensable for a certain

10、creation in a field to be viable and perfect. Related example: 1) Radioactivity is the starting point for cancer treatment, for the dating techniques used on ancient objects, rocks and the universe, and for molecular biology and modem genetics; it is also the source of nuclear energy and the atomic

11、bomb. 2) In invention of telescope initiated in the magnifying tube, a great advancement in optics. Thus began the age of telescopic astronomy 3) Computernearly all the scientific areas 5.A nation should require all its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college rather t

12、han allow schools in different parts of the nation to determine which academic courses to offer. 5 一个国家应该要求所有的学生在上大学前都学习相同的课程,而不应该允许不同地区的学校擅自决定自己的教学领域。 Firstly, with the same national curriculum, it is convenient for educationist of different parts of the nation to scientifically arrange and prepare

13、 the classes of the curriculum. Secondly, thinking of the possible differences, it is unwise to allow schools rather than a nation to choose the courses for the students.A nation rather than the schools in different parts of the nation determine the national curriculum for the students, however, it

14、does mean that the local schools have no freedom to choose any course for local students.6.The most effective way to understand contemporary culture is to analyze the trends of its youth. 6 了解当代文化最有效的途径是分析它在形成初期的发展趋势。 %了解当代文化最有效途径是分析其年青人的趋势和潮流。%了解当代文化最有效的方式是分析其年轻人的文化趋势We always regard youth as the f

15、uture of the society. Although they are young, fresh and immature, they are also shrewd, full of passion and vitality.Actually, studying the trends of a countrys youth, may help to understand its contemporary culture, since that youth is the pioneer of a country, in this sense, they mirrors the deve

16、lopment of the country. Since youth is only a fraction of the society, studying them and their culture just provide us one perspective of the whole culture. In my view, compare with the youth, those conventions and traditions constitute the foundation of the contemporary culture. 7.The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it ha


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