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1、国内图书分类号:H030西南交通大学研究生学位论文二语学习者语言知识的显性与隐性状 态及其与二语学习/教学策略间的关系年级:二0 0五级姓名:李明申请学位级别:硕士专业:外国语言学与应用语言学指导教师:吕长竑教授二00八年五月Classified IndeH030Southwest Jiaotong UniversityThesis for Master DegreeThe L2 Learners Expitiand Implicit Knowledge and ItsRelation with L2 Learning/Teaching StrategiesGrade: 2005Candida

2、te: Li YueAcademic Degree Applied for: Master of ArtsMajor: Foreign Linguistics & Applied LinguisticsSupervisor: Prof. Lv ChanghongMay. 2008西南交通大学学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留 并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借 阅。本人授权西南交通大学可以将本论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进 行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复印手段保存和汇编本学位论文。本学位论文属于

3、1. 保密口,在 年解密后适用本授权书;2. 不保密口,使用本授权书。(请在以上方框内打“”)学位论文作者签名:指导老师签名:日期:日期:西南交通大学学位论文创新性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是在导师指导下独立进行研究 工作所得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其 他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出贡献的 个人和集体,均已在文中作了明确的说明。本人完全意识到本声明的法 律结果由本人承担。本学位论文的主要创新点如下:在研究方法上,通过改错测试来探索中国英语学习者的二语显性和 隐性知识的构成状态,并通过学习/教学策略调查问卷,来探寻学习/教学 策略与

4、学习者知识构成状态的关系。在研究结果上,本研究证实,学习者的知识隐性化程度并不高,在 很大程度上,仍然停留在显性知识层面上。在词汇、短语、语法这三部 分中,相对而言,词汇的隐性化程度最高,短语次之,语法最差。测试 所显示的结果更加符合弱转化论。而问卷结果表明,学习者的策略使用 对获得显性知识效果明显,但对知识隐性化帮助不大。最后,本文针对 研究中反映出的问题,提出若干学习中的建议,以期能对学习者的隐性 知识获得有所帮助。西南交通大学硕士毕业生学位论文第I页摘T要近十余年来,二语习得研究领域对显性、隐性知识进行了大量研究。学者们对显性和隐性知识之间的关系有不同的看法,主要有三种:不可 转化论,强

5、转化论,以及弱转化论。本文通过对改错测试结果的讨论,试图探索中国英语学习者的二语 显性和隐性知识的构成状态,以及这种知识构成状态与学习策略和教学 策略之间的关系。从而总结中国英语学习者在二语习得中存在的问题, 并提出解决办法。本文的研究假设是:中国英语学习者没能够有效地做到二语知识隐性化。主要的研究问题是:1)在词汇、短语、和语法这三部分中,学习 者哪部分掌握得最好;2)每一部分中,学习者的知识隐性化程度如何, 哪一部份隐性化最好;3)学习者在测试中所体现出的知识隐性化程度与 所采用的学习/教学策略有什么关系,什么策略有助于学习者知识隐性化。 改错测试与策略调查问卷是本研究中的主要方式。研究发

6、现,学习者的知识隐性化程度并不高,在很大程度上,仍然 停留在显性知识层面上。在词汇、短语、语法这三部分中,相对而言, 词汇的隐性化程度最高,短语次之,语法最差。测试所显示的结果更加 符合弱转化论。而问卷结果表明,学习者的策略使用对获得显性知识效 果明显,但对知识隐性化帮助不大。最后,本文针对研究中反映出的问 题,提出若干学习中的建议,以期能对学习者的隐性知识获得有所帮助。 关键词:显性知识;隐性知识;接口说;学习策略;教学策略 西南交通大学硕士毕业生学位论文第II页AbstractImplicit knowledge and explicit knowledge are an interdis

7、ciplinary research focus for applied linguistics and psycholinguistics abroad in second language acquisition (SLA). Different opinions are proposed to illustrate the relationship between implicit knowledge and explicit knowledge. There are three main positions: non-interface position, strong-interfa

8、ce position, and weak-interface position.This thesis tends to focus on the composition state of explicit and implicit knowledge of Chinese learners of English and the relation between learning and teaching strategies and the knowledge state of learners.The hypothesis is that Chinese L2 learners have

9、 not internalized the L2 knowledge effectively. The main research questions are as follows: 1) Among the three parts of L2 knowledge, namely, vocabulary, phrases and expressions and grammar, which part has L2 learners mastered the best in terms of explicit knowledge and implicit knowledge? 2) In eac

10、h part of L2 knowledge, to what degree have the L2 learners internalized the L2 knowledge? 3) According to the characteristics of each part of L2 knowledge and the present learning and teaching strategies used by learners and teachers, which learning and teaching strategies are helpful for learners

11、to internalize the L2 knowledge?This thesis adopts error correction test as the main testing form to explore the composition state of explicit and implicit knowledge of learners. And a questionnaire is designed to explore the relation between learning/teaching strategies and knowledge state.In concl

12、usion, the Chinese learners of English fail to internalize L2 knowledge effectively. Analyzed from the results of test and questionnaire, it is indicated that the internalizing of L2 knowledge is far from perfect. And the learning strategies the learners usually use are not very helpful in internali

13、zing of knowledge. And the result gives support to weak-interface position to some extent. At the end of the thesis, suggestions are proposed as well to improve the internalizing of knowledge.Key words: explicit knowledge, implicit knowledge, interface, learning/teaching strategy西南交通大学硕士毕业生学位论文第III页

14、ContentsChapter One Introduction11.1 SLA, Explicit Knowledge and Implicit Knowledge11.2 Purpose, Research Questions and Hypothesis31.3 Operationalized Definition of Explicit and Implicit Knowledge61.4 Structure of the Thesis6Chapter Two Literature Review82.1 Non-interface Position82.1.1 Krashens Mon

15、itor Theory82.1.2 Criticisms on Krashens Input Hypothesis122.2 Strong-interface Position172.2.1 McLaughlins Information-Processing Model172.2.2 Disadvantage of Strong-interface Position202.3 Weak-interface Position222.3.1 Rod Ellis Weak-interface Position222.3.2 Rod Ellis Distinguishing of Different

16、 Knowledge232.3.3 The Relation between Explicit Knowledgeand Implicit Knowledge in Weak-interface Position242.3.4 The Effect of Explicit Knowledge on Implicit Knowledge282.3.5 Comparison of the Three Positions29Chapter Three Research Design: Test and Questionnaire313.1 Reasons to Choose Error Correction Test313.2 Methodology


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