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1、2022年考博英语-厦门大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题Since its inception,Pakistan has strived desperately to_India,cultivating ties with any state willing to help it.问题1选项A.counteractB.counterfeitedC.counterchangeD.counterbalance【答案】A【解析】counteract对抗, 阻碍, 中和; counterfeit伪造, 假冒; counterchange交换, 调换; counterbalance

2、抵消, 平衡。句意:从一开始, 巴基斯坦就拼命对抗印度, 与任何愿意帮助它的国家建立联系。选项A符合句意。2. 单选题He fears this months increased violence may harm Kenyas vital tourist industry,much of which centers on _to see its exotic animals.问题1选项A.sahibB.shambleC.severityD.safaris【答案】D【解析】sahib先生, 阁下, 大人; shamble蹒跚, 摇晃的脚步; severity严肃,严重; safari旅行, 狩

3、猎远征, 旅行队。句意:他担心这个月暴力事件的增加可能会损害肯尼亚至关重要的旅游业, 肯尼亚的旅游业主要是以在旅行中观赏野生动物为主。选项D符合句意。3. 单选题It is ironic that the_insights of the great thinkers are voiced so often that they have become mere_.问题1选项A.original.clichesB.banal.beliefsC.dubious.habitsD.philosophical.questions【答案】A【解析】original.cliches原始的, 独创的 陈词滥调;

4、 banal.beliefs陈腐的 信仰; dubioushabits可疑的 习惯; philosophical.questions哲学的 问题。句意:具有讽刺意味的是, 伟大思想家的独到见解经常被人提出, 以至于成为陈词滥调。选项A符合句意。4. 单选题Nations,like individuals or sports teams,will not follow leaders they dont respect,whose goals are unclear,whose philosophy is not in_with accepted human values.问题1选项A.syno

5、nymB.syneC.synodD.sync【答案】D【解析】synonym同义字; syne自从; synod大会, 宗教会议; sync同时; 同步。句意:国家, 就像个人或运动队一样, 不会追随他们不受他们尊重, 目标不明确, 人生观也与公认的人类价值观不一致的领导者。选项D符合句意。5. 单选题Its often hard to see your mistakes as youre making them. When it comes to living arrangements, a humdinger is being made in this country right now

6、and few have noticed it yet.Yikes! The kids are moving back in! Thus goes the mantra of the baby boom generation,circa 2007. Analysts estimate that some 18 minion adults between the ages of 20 and 34 live with their parents. Thats roughly a third of that age group.But letting the kids move back in i

7、s not the societal error were talking about. Instead,the big mistake is the loudly voiced chagrin of the boomers. Most mistakenly decry the notion of the boomerang generation. In order to fully appreciate the depth of the error being made here,we all need to step back a bit and look at the bigger pi

8、cture. This epidemic of kids moving back home is first, not unprecedented, and second, its not a bad thing. The precedent for this trend can be found among the other 6. 2 billion non-Americans on the planet,many of whom happily live with their adult children,often in three-generation households.Then

9、 theres the growing number of non-Anglo Americans,including many recent immigrants,who see no problem in having adult kids contribute to the household. Finally,the agrarian history of this country before World War II allowed kids to live and work around the farm well into adulthood.Adult kids moving

10、 back home is merely the most noticeable symptom of a larger, fundamental transformation of American society. We are nationally beginning to recognize the costs of the independence the so-called greatest generation foisted on us. We cant blame them. They did have to grow up fast. Kids in their gener

11、ation went off to World War II and grew up on the bloody beaches of distant lands.After the war, the survivors had factories to build and the wealth to buy their white-picket-fence dream out West. They designed a social and fiscal system that has served their retirement years very well. But their hi

12、storically unique retirement system mistakenly celebrated independence and ignored the natural state of human beingsthat is,interdependence.Moreover,their system breaks down with the onslaught of their kids retirement. We can already see the pension systems,both private and public,beginning to disin

13、tegrate under the weight of the baby boomers.We are now just starting to understand the substantial fiscal and psychological costs of separating the generations into so-called single -family homes with the ideal of a mother,father and two kids. But times change and so do cultures.Regarding boomerang

14、 kids,most demographers focus on the immediate explanations for the changes,such as the growing immigrant population, housing shortages and high prices,and out-of-wedlock childbearing.Many psychologists have noted that baby-boomer parents enjoy closer relationships with their fewer children that all

15、ow extended cohabitation. A recent survey conducted for Del Webb (a division of Pulte Homes Inc. ) reports that only about one-quarter of baby boomers are happier once the kids move out.However,all these explanations are simply symptoms of the larger,more fundamental reuniting of Americans into households that include extended familiesadult kids, grandparents, grandchildren and other relativesrather than just nuclear families.The rate at which our American culture is adapting will accelerate as baby boomers begin


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