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1、 本科生毕业论文论文(设计)题目:On Business Etiquette in Cross-Cultural Communications学院、系:外语学院、商务英语系专业 (方向):商务英语年级、班:2012级(1)班学生姓名:丁聪指导教师:许菁 2016 年 4 月 18 日声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业论文是本人在导师的指导下取得的成果。对本论文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。因本毕业论文引起的法律结果完全由本人承担。本毕业论文成果归兰州财经大学所有。特此声明 毕业论文作者签名: 2016年4月18日On Business Etiquette in Cros

2、s-cultural CommunicationABSTRACTSince the whole world is globalized and connected, cross-cultural communication has been becoming increasingly significant in todays international business. When doing international business, we will face people with different cultural backgrounds, languages, and ways

3、 of getting business done. Thus there are a variety of things we should pay attention to such as the languages including the non-vocal languages, gestures, and etiquette. First, this paper introduces some related concepts about etiquette like the definition, functions and features. Next, it shares s

4、ome commonly-agreed etiquette in cross-cultural communications. Then,it compares the etiquette of eastern countries with western countries to find out the similarities and differences. Finally, it draws a conclusion based on the analysis given above. Key Words Business Etiquette; Cross-cultural Comm

5、unication; Comparison 摘要由于经济全球化的进程日益加快,各国之间联系日趋紧密,跨文化交际在如今的国际贸易中扮演着越来越重要的角色。当我们进行国际贸易时,我们会遇到具有不同文化背景,说着不同语言,以及使用不同方式进行贸易往来的人们。因此,在国际贸易中有许多我们需要注意的事项。例如语言(包括非言语交际),手势以及礼仪。本文首先介绍了一些和商务礼仪相关的概念,例如礼仪的定义,功能以及特点。接着,它分享了在跨文化交际这个大背景下一些被普遍接受和认可的商务礼仪。然后,它将东方国家和西方国家的商务礼仪进行了一个对比,从而找出它们之间的相同和不同之处。最后,基于以上的分析,给出了一个结

6、论。关键词 商务礼仪跨文化交际对比Contents1The Definition, Functions and Features of Business Etiquette(1)1.1The Definition(1)1.2The Functions(1)1.2.1Improvement and Discipline for Mankind(1)1.2.2Harmonization of Interpersonal Relationships(2)1.2.3Regulation of Social Order(2)1.3The Features(2)1.3.1Internationalism

7、and Commercialization (2)1.3.2Inheritance(2)1.3.3Intercommunity(3)1.3.4Timeliness(3)2The Etiquette in Cross-cultural Communications(3)2.1The Etiquette in Business Communication(3)2.1.1The Etiquette of Telephone or Cellphone (3)2.1.2The Etiquette of the Internet Communication(4)2.1.3The Etiquette of

8、Business Letters(5)2.2The Etiquette in Business Meeting(7)2.2.1The Etiquette of Business Negotiation(7)2.2.2The Etiquette of Business Exhibition(7)2.2.3The Etiquette of Business Annual Meeting(8)2.3The Etiquette in Business Dining(9)2.3.1The Etiquette of Business Working Meals(9)2.3.2The Etiquette o

9、f Business Banquet(9)3 The Comparison of Etiquette in Eastern and Westen Countries(10)3.1Etiquette in Japan (10)3.1.1Etiquette of Date(11)3.1.2Etiquette of Negotiation(11)3.1.3Etiquette of Entertainment(11)3.2Etiquette in China(12)3.2.1Etiquette of Date(12)3.2.2Etiquette of Negotiation(12)3.2.3Etiqu

10、ette of Entertainment(12)3.3Etiquette in America(12)3.3.1Etiquette of Date(12)3.3.2Etiquette of Negotiation (12)3.3.3Etiquette of Entertainment(13)3.4Etiquette in the UK(13)3.4.1Etiquette of Date(13)3.4.2Etiquette of Negotiation(13)3.4.3Etiquette of Entertainment(14)4Conclusion(14)References(16) On

11、Business Etiquette in Cross-cultural Communication With the increasing number of intercultural corporations and the internationalization of the economy, cross-cultural business communication continue to become more important. More and more governmental leaders, educators, and businessmen agree that

12、internationalizing the studies of cross-cultural communications is important to maintain the competitive positions of their own countries. While recognizing the significant differences that exist across cultures, its important to acknowledge the existence of individual differences within any given s

13、ociety. Just as it is naive to assume that all cultures are similar, its equally fallacious to fall into a trap called “cultural stereotyping.” To quote Lao Tzu, the famous Chinese philosopher who is considered to be the spiritual leader of Taosim, “The one becomes many.” Although people in a given

14、society may share certain common values and characteristics, there can be important differences in how these are applied and exhibited in specific situations. Since all international activity involves communication, businessmen need knowledge of cross-cultural communication to prepare them for upwar

15、d mobility and promotion. When doing international business, we will face people with different cultural backgrounds, languages, and ways of getting business done. It is very important for us to pay attention to such as the languages including the non-vocal languages, gestures, and etiquette. 1. The Definition, Function, Features of Business Etiquette In this part, some related concepts for busin


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