导游词 石家大院

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《导游词 石家大院》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《导游词 石家大院(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、石家大院石家大院1. 简介石家大院又叫杨柳青民俗博物馆,是中国清代汉族民居建筑的代表,位于天津市西面的杨柳青古镇、京杭大运河的河畔,曾是清末天津八大家之一石元士的住宅。石家祖籍山东,祖辈在清朝经漕运发家后定居天津杨柳青。石家分为4家后,第四家的尊美堂是保存最好的,成为今天的石家大院。它有140多年的历史,占地10000,含有18个院落278间房。其中的砖雕、木雕、石雕是独一无二的、令人印象深刻的。戏楼是中国民宅中最大的。因此,它有“华北第一宅”之称。Shi familys mansion is also called Yangliuqing folk museum. It is the rep

2、resentative of the Han nationality residence in Qing Dynasty of China. It is located in Yangliuqing ancient town which is in the riverside of The Grand Canal from Beijing to Hangzhou. The mansion used to be the residence of Shi Yuanshi who is one of Tianjin eight grand families in the end of Qing dy

3、nasty.The ancestor of Shi family came from Shandong province. He made his fortune through water transportation of grain to the capital and then settled down in Yangliuqing in Qing dynasty.It is about more than 200 years ago. Shi family divided into four parts, and the fourth part, Zunmeitang, is the

4、 best preserved and becomes todays Shi family mansion. It has a history of more than 140 years, covers 10000 square meters and contains 18 yards, 278 rooms. The carving of bricks, wood and stones are unique and impressive. The family theater is the biggest in the folk in china. Therefore, it is beli

5、eved to be the first mansion in north China.2. 大院模型石家大院由一条长长的甬道分为东西两部分建筑。甬道由南至北逐渐升高,寓意为“步步高升”。门前台阶为三级,又暗喻“连升三级”。东面建筑主要用于饮食起居,西面的建筑主要用于接待宾客和娱乐休闲。The mansion is divided into two parts by a long corridor. The corridor increases gradually from south to north, meaning to be promoted step by step. The thr

6、ee steps means to be promoted three levels continuously. The eastern buildings are mainly used for daily life, and the western buildings for the reception of guests and entertainment.3. 书房石家崇尚学而优则仕,石元士就曾官拜工部郎中。(相当于现在的厅级干部,借口父老弟幼而未到任)Shi family advocates learning and governance. Shi Yuanshi had serve

7、d as the Ministry of Works in feudal China.4. 花厅花厅相当于会客厅,用于商讨家族大事和接待宾客。石家分家时分为四家,第四家是石元士的尊美堂。现在所见的匾额“尊美堂”是光绪皇帝的老师所题。请看这八扇窗,四季花鸟都是精心制作(窗的两面是互相独立的,实际上是16扇窗)。大白菜和狗的雕塑寓意“人财两旺”。室内还有民间罕见的地暖系统,而仅见于皇宫紫禁城。煤在室外烧但热量通过烟道传导进来。Reception room was used to discuss family events and receive guests. Shi family was div

8、ided into four parts and the fourth part was Zunmeitang, which belonged to Shi Yuanshi. The stele you see now was written by the emperors teacher. Look at this eight-leaf screen. The birds and flowers of the four seasons are carved with great elaboration. (The designs on two sides of the screen are

9、identical, which actually form sixteen leaves). The sculpture of cabbage and dogs mean booming wealth. The heating system in this room is rarely been found in civilian houses, and the only place having the same system is the Forbidden City, the imperial palace. The coal is burnt outside the room and

10、 heat is channeled in through underground pipeline. 5. 虎坐门楼(第三垂花门) Tiger gate这是这座大院保存最好中式门楼。它像一个立坐的老虎但我没看出来。门墩石雕图案为“鹤环仙阁”“狮子滚绣球”,门楼上上砖雕“宝相花”“事事如意”“五福捧寿”。两边石窗寓意“万福连登”。This is the best keeping Chinese gate tower in this mansion. It likes a tiger but I didnt see the tiger. Stone carving: the patterns a

11、re “cranes around fairy pavilion” “lions play with embroider ball”. Bricks carving: patterns are “the treasure flower” “everything is satisfied” “five bats hold a longevity”. The “卍” means ten thousands and the stone lantern means ten thousand of happiness. 这是第三座垂花门,花开结籽。门柱两侧有葫芦万代,寓意子孙万代繁衍不断。石鼓上是九狮图

12、,抱柱上为八仙宝物,两侧为龙。Here is the third lotus gate and the lotus bloom and produce seeds. There are lots of calabashes around the pillars. It means many descendants. Stone carving: nine lions on the drums. Both sides have the treasures of the Eight Immortals in ancient China and dragons. 6. 戏楼 Family theat

13、er石家戏楼是中国北方民宅中最大的戏楼,有120个座位。中间的座位是给达官贵人们坐的,后面的才是为家里的女人们做的。独特的设计使得戏楼冬暖夏凉。它还能有效降噪,这么大的房子也不需要扩音设备。铁皮楼顶也很独特。楼顶的“寿”字形态细长,寓意长寿。This family theater is the biggest one in the folk residences in Northern China. The theater has all together 120 seats. The seats in the middle are for the officials and distingu

14、ished guests, and those on the stairs at the back are for female family members. The ingenious design of the theater ensures a cool summer and a warm winter. It can also effectively resist noise. Although the hall is big, sound amplifying equipments are not needed. The roof made of iron sheet is als

15、o unique, with a Chinese character nailed on it meaning long life.7. 花园 family garden花园模仿苏州园林。枣树已有200多年。墙上贴满了传统手工艺剪纸,用于节日的装饰。The garden was built in imitation of Suzhou gardens. Jujube has more than 200 years. The wall is covered with traditional handicraft paper cutting, used for the decoration of

16、the festival.8. 水局Water bureau水局是一种民间消防组织。有一次皇帝出行时遇到了火灾,因此组建的水局就叫“天安水局”,意思是皇帝能安全通过。Water bureau was a kind of fire fighting organization in folk. Once the emperor encountered fire when traveling,and then a water bureau was organized and named “TianAn Water Bureau”. It means the emperor passed through in safety. 9. 家堂、地契这里展示了家堂和地契,来自当地地主的后代。家堂是一张画有祖先牌位的图。格子上写了历代祖先的名字。地契是一张土地契约,写了面积、位置和价格。Here exhibits Jia Ta


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