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1、英汉翻译辅导英译汉试题总结 总共四或五句话 , 平均字数112 ,往往有30 个单词以上,甚至 40个50个单词的长句子和复杂句子。 翻译过程中,这些句子往往名词化倾向非常明显,要启用“ 静 态语势动态语势”的思路。丢分 1. 可能会有生词,或者一词多义时,选择词义错误。错一词,丢0.5分。 2. 句子结构太复杂而分析不清。 这一点最危险。如果整个句子理解错误,则可能丢掉整个句 子的分数。如果总分10分分散在5句话中,则会丢失2分。 但是不仅如此,往往一个句子理解错,剩下的句子也会出现 失误。则丢分更可怕。与语法有关的误译 1. 冠词在固定词组中的含义有所不同。 At a crossroads

2、 在一个十字路口 At the crossroads 在重要抉择关头 In front of the car 在车的前面 In the front of the car 在车的前座 In office 执政 In the office 在办公室冠词的作用 A red and a white flower 一朵红花和一朵白花 A red and white flower 一朵红白相间的花请翻译1 In his first year in office, he has given all men and creeds(主张),no matter how preposterous (荒谬),a re

3、spectful hearing.表达方式:give a hearing to sth.洗耳恭听参考答案 任职第一年,他认真倾听所有人的意见和不同的主张,不管 这些主张有多么荒谬。请翻译2 He took the chair at the board of directors.参考答案 在公司的董事会上他担任主席。请翻译3 This is a most interesting book.参考答案 这是一本非常有趣的书。请翻译4 A fluent speaker never lacks a word, but an accurate speaker never lacks the word.参考

4、答案 讲话流利的人从来不缺词汇;而讲话精确的人却从来不缺恰当的词。名词的误译一词多义 People- 集合名词 人民 Peoples- 复数各国人民,各族人民 Paper 纸张 不可数 An evening paper 一张晚报 Value: 价值 Values :价值观请翻译 The United Nations Organization was born at the end of theSecond World War our of the reaction of peoples determined to save succeeding generations from the sco

5、urge of war. 注意语序:要按照汉语的时间、逻辑顺序娓娓道来。参考答案 第二次世界大战末期各国人民决心拯救后代免于战争灾祸, 联合国组织因此诞生了。请翻译2 Slowly it dawns on man in general that science is something of interest and concern to all mankind.参考答案 人类逐渐明白了,科学不仅很有趣,而且是和全人类的利益 密切相关。爱因斯坦 The Einsteins, however, could not afford to pay for the advanced education

6、that young Albert needed. 问题: The Einsteins 是谁?是一个人吗? young Albert 是谁?参考答案 然而父母却无力负担年轻的爱因斯坦深造所需的费用。请翻译4 价值观 The United Nations has forged a framework guaranteeing the flourishing of man and respect for his values.参考答案 联合国制定了一个框架,来保证不同的人类社会都得以繁荣, 保证各种不同的价值观都得到尊重。请翻译5 Agreement on control and reductio

7、n of cost within the executives of the joint venture is impossible, as it has been for so many years.注意:agreement是个具体的协议呢,还是达成一致意见 呢? 这是一个名词化非常明显的句子。请启用“静态语势动态语 势”的转化思路。参考答案 正如多年来那样,合资公司管理层要在成本的控制和削减方 面达成一致是不可能的。请翻译6 No war has ever started with such a victory for one side at the very beginning of t

8、he hostilities.参考答案 从来没有一场战争在一开始就发现一方取得了如此重大的胜 利。请翻译7 His high school and college days marked the time when his intellectual interests were broadening and when he sought the company of books.参考答案 他的高中和大学阶段正是他知识趣味不断扩大,开始寻求以 书为友的时候。请翻译8 We attacked restrictive practices wherever they existed; we insti

9、tuted measures for the more rational deployment of labor; and we greatly improved the relationship between management and workers.参考答案 我们反对所有的限制性措施,采取措施来促进劳力的更合理 分配,极大地改善了劳资双方的关系。请翻译9 As a result of those economies, many of our most important new projects became possible. Economy: 经济,经济制度,节约参考答案 由于这

10、些节约措施,我们许多最重要的新工程才得以实施。请翻译10 Lincoln was a good speaker and student of political philosophy. 注意: student 启用“静态语势动态语势 ”的转化参考答案 林肯擅长演说,又刻苦学习政治哲学。代词的误译人称代词的特殊用法 We have 365 days in a year. You can never tell. A translator has to know everything of something and something of everything.参考答案 一年有365 天。 谁也

11、无法预料。 译员既要博闻强记,又要学问精深请翻译1 Where people once tried to influence natural events with magic and supernatural forces, they now had science to guide them.参考答案 以前人们试图用巫术和超自然的力量来影响自然事件,但现 在已有科学来指导他们。请翻译2 My point is that the frequent complaint of one generation about the one immediately following it is ine

12、vitable.参考答案 我的看法是,人们对下一代人的抱怨是不可避免的。请翻译3 Evening would come before you know it.参考答案 黄昏不知不觉就要来到。请翻译4 Someone with a history of doing more rather than less will go into old age more cognitively sound than someone who has not had an active mind.参考答案 习惯于多动脑筋的人,在进入老年之后要比一个从来不积极 动脑筋的人的认知能力更为健全。请翻译5 You ca

13、n almost put it down as a general rule that he often invite “honest criticism”, but seldom gets it, and usually doesnt follow it when he does.参考答案 你几乎可以把这个看成一个惯例:他经常请人提出 “直率的批 评”,不过通常没有人批评他,但是当真的有人这么做的时候, 他也不照着做就是了。请翻译6 Few countries supported such aggressive acts and therefore the military burden h

14、ad fallen on the aggressors alone. So would the agony of their new armed intervention in the affairs of other countries.参考答案 几乎没有什么国家支持这种侵略行径,因此军事负担就只落 在侵略者自己身上,如果他们再武装干涉别国事务,吃苦头 的也只会是侵略者自己。请翻译7 I would inevitably make mistakes at one time or another and operate on someone who did not need surgery o

15、r sit on someone who did. Sit on: 搁置 For weeks they did nothing about my case, they just sat onit.参考答案 说不定时候我会出错,这几乎是不可避免的。我会给不需要 手术的病人开刀,也可能会忽略需要动手术的病人。请翻译8 Health is about wealth, for this cannot give so much happiness as that.参考答案 健康比财富重要,因为财富不能像健康那样给人们带来幸福动词的误译及物还是不及物动词 Within the first few hours, he issued the orders to murder over the radio and television.参考答案 在几个小时之内,他通过无线电和电视下令进行屠杀。情态动词1 I could


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