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1、提醒:练习题给你们,告诉大家考试时注意时间,在一个半小时以后才可以交卷。考试时不要把这个练习题带在身边,特别是不要留在考试的教室里。练习题知识点: 联合国宪章第二条规定的联合国及其会员国应尊循的诸项原则 中,第一个原则是( )。在划界时,依据一般管辖原则,当界河因自然原因发生改造道时,如改变是缓慢的,则界线应()我国民航法颁布于()。第一次以法律形式提出人权概念和人权内容的法律文件是( )。国际法之所以是法律,是因为()从以下各项中,享有司法豁免权的有()一美国人在日本将一伊朗人杀死,后潜逃英国,()。南沙群岛属于我国领土的依据是()。所有国家的飞机和船舶可自由通过的区域是()。通常所称的“三

2、个反劫机公约”指()。根据外层空间条约和登记条约,发射国应就()向联合国秘书长报告登记。在人权问题上具有法律拘束力的国际文件有( )。近代国际仲裁的特点是( )。现代战争法上普遍接受的原则有( )。联合国宪章是当今世界上最大的国际组织联合国的组织文件,本质上属于双边国际条约。( ) 联合国国际法委员会的主要只能是从事国际法的编纂。( ) 名词解释(英语生用英语作答,俄语生用汉语作答。共3小题,第1、2题每题3分,第3小题为4分,总分为1分)1. 国际法的概念/The cocet of ternatnllaw:2.条约Treat3. 国家继承/Stat Succesin答:erntonal aw

3、 ued to b defeds the thatovrnste relons betenstae,onl at wersubjts of iteratona law. . Trea meas a iteratioal areement concluddetee State i wttn fom and gorned b intenatona law,whehr emodiein sng isruet or in o or more rled instuments adwaev its partcular deinatin. .ate succesion s deied as replemeo

4、fon state by anothe he esoniility orthe internatioal relations ofteriory, and thus alls to th jurisdiction of iternaional law.简答题(第1、3小题,英语生、俄语生都用汉语作答,第4、5小题英语生用英语回答,俄语生用汉语作答。每小题6分,共5小题,总分为0分)1.(6)简述不干涉内政原则的基本内容2.(6)简述国籍取得的几种情形3.()简述沿海国对领海的权利和义务。4. (6)国际法的渊源Soures ofIntenational a5.()国际的基本权利义务/Basic

5、 ihtsnd utes of sts答:4、Te cort, woe fuctin deidn accordace withinatioa law suhdites are submtted tit, allapply: (1分)()tertil conentions, wthegneal ptcular,estashirulesexprely ecognized b he contesing States; (1分)(b)interationa custom,as vidence oa gnral ace apt a aw;(c)th nralprinips of la reogiz yc

6、ilizd nation; (2分)(d) subct tepvisionsof art 9,udicl decisons and he techings f theost highly qualifd pliits of h varnation, a ubsidiry mes f h ermination f uleof la (2分)国际法院将适用的国际法渊源有:国际条约(2分)、国际习惯(分)、各国承认的一般法律原则(1分)、司法判例(1分)等。5、()Rigto nepeneArtce 1 Ever tat h the rght to inepenenceand hnce oexerc

7、ise fre, withut ictation by n other Stat,all ts legalpowes, includin the chi f itsownom of gvernment(2分)(2)Right f ealityArticle veyState hs te ght t eqality i la it veryotr State.()平等的代表权和投票权(2)平等的缔约权(3)平等的豁免权()平等的尊荣权()平等的位次权(分)()ghf se-defene (分)Article 1 Every Sate hs he riht of inidu rolletive -

8、dene ainst ared aack()Right o jurisdiction (分)论述题(英语生用英语作答,俄语生用汉语作答。每小题10分,共1小题,总分为1分)1(10)国际法与国内法的关系/Th relionship ewen the iernoal law anddoesiclawThminqsi ishthernterationa aw and nicipal law are at of a universa lal rder or hethr theyformtwoistnt sts ofaw Hstrical, there ben w schols of tough(分)

9、 Mism cnsiders ntrnaionallaw and muicipal la t be part of unvral eal order Sine they erat in the sae sphere iluce andare concernd ith the sae bct maer,eycoe it conflict. ere conflct ds rise, is inntional lw thteals. (2分) Duaimconides intertional law nd unicipal law tcstituttwo part lega orderswhich

10、exist ideendenyof nnother.Confit tween thewo sem may rise adte manr nwhh the colict ireolve dpends pon thforum in whic it rises In nterntiona tribunals, is interntnal law hich wl evil,hemniial ourts wll apply imnica la (分)Som witers have suged hatthe mnism/lmdihotomy isunhelpfl ad insad argue tat, s

11、inc intenaional la ndmncpal aw consite eprtelegal odesgoverndiffeent suetmatters, no real conflit canrie nd aparent colicts ae ealt withbthe conlictof lw uls of he paicla for.State ctce is chrtri bythe dopo o eiherh transformation orincorporai docie, or comntin ofhe two. (2分)rnsfomtion rers to te ex

12、pres sfic aopion o a uof iernational law by te uiipal la ym. ransforai wil usual be arri uby te nactmentf aunicipal statue.Thtansformatio dctrine oides thatnorul o ternaon law ilecome prt f municial law ussit is specificallyincuded.Icorativoid he ned for new leslation, ince tenote the v that ules of nenationl lwareautomatcay beopat muiipa law usthey are pecficaly exclued.Tos ttes which haveriten ostitutins will oten masecifc referenc to te mner in hh itrillawistoetatd by th municipal curts(2分)


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