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1、2022年考博英语-山西大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题The second definition, though accurate, is equally as( )and useless as the first one, from a practical point of view.问题1选项A.penitentB.constitutedC.repellentD.pedantic【答案】D【解析】考查词义辨析。A选项penitent“后悔的,愧疚的”;B选项constituted“组成;建立”;C选项repellent“令人厌恶的;防的”;D选项pedantic“

2、迂腐的,学究气的”。句意:第二个定义虽然准确,但从实用性看,也和第一个定义一样( ),毫不实用。definition不至于repellent“令人厌恶的”,但是有可能pedantic“学究气的”,这里可以翻译成纸上谈兵的,符合生活实际。因此D选项正确。2. 单选题A new website from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) shows that 10% of the country is now a “food desert”. The Food Desert Locator is an online map highlighting t

3、housands of areas where, the USDA says, low-income families have little or no access to healthy fresh food. First identified in Scotland in the 1990s, food deserts have come to symbolize urban decay. They suggest images of endless fast-food restaurants and convenience stores serving fatty, sugary ju

4、nk food to overweight customers who have never tasted organic vegetables.Accordingly, Michelle Obama announced a $400m Healthy Food Financing Initiative last year with the aim of eliminating food deserts nationwide by 2017. Official figures for the number of people living in food deserts already sho

5、w a decline, from 23.5m in 2009 to 13.5m at the launch of the website. Although this might on the face of it suggest that the initiative is off to a superb start, sadly it does not in fact represent a single additional banana bought or soda shunned. This is because in America, the definition of a fo

6、od desert is any census area where at least 20% of inhabitants are below the poverty line and 33% live more than a mile from a supermarket. By simply extending the cut-off in rural areas to ten miles, the USDA managed to rescue 10m people from desert life.Some academics would go further, calling the

7、 appearance of many food deserts nothing but a mirage. Research by the Centre for Public Health Nutrition at the University of Washington found that only 15% of people shopped for food within their own census area. Critics also note that focusing on supermarkets means that the USDA ignores tens of t

8、housands of larger and smaller retailers, farmers markets and roadside greengrocers, many of which are excellent sources of fresh food. Together, they account for more than half of the countrys trillion-dollar retail food market.A visit to Renton, a depressed suburb of Seattle, demonstrates the prob

9、lem. The town sits in the middle of a USDA food desert stretching miles in every direction. Yet it is home to a roadside stand serving organic fruit and vegetables, a health-food shop packed with nutritious grains and a superstore that researchers found attracts flocks of shoppers from well outside

10、the desert.1.According to the USDA, food deserts( ).2.Healthy Food Financing Initiative is intended to( ).3.The author seems to think that the drop from 23.5 million to 13.5 million( ).4.The scholars in paragraph 3 believe that the USDA definition of a food desert is( ).5.Renton is mentioned in the

11、passage to( ).问题1选项A.are directly related to urban povertyB.are the direct cause of overweightC.tend to be found in poor rural areasD.refer to the places with a food shortage问题2选项A.address the growing weight problemB.ensure food safety across the nationC.increase access to healthier foodD.change the

12、 American way of living问题3选项A.isnt based on latest informationB.doesnt make much differenceC.represents a real progressD.is at least a good beginning问题4选项A.outdatedB.creativeC.justifiableD.problematic问题5选项A.tell us to put food deserts in perspectiveB.point out the solutions to food desertsC.raise pu

13、blic awareness about food desertsD.highlight the problems of food deserts【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:B第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.语义推测题。根据第一段第三句food deserts have come to symbolize urban decay(食物沙漠已经成为城市衰败的象征),可知食物沙漠与城市贫困直接相关,故A选项“与城市贫困直接相关”正确。B选项“是超重的直接原因”:根据第一段最后一句overweight customers who have never tasted organic veget

14、ables(从未吃过有机蔬菜的超重顾客),可知文章没有提到超重和食物沙漠的因果关系。C选项“往往出现在贫困的农村地区”和D选项“指食物短缺的地方”:根据第一段第二句low-income families have little or no access to healthy fresh food(低收入家庭很少或根本无法获得健康新鲜的食物)文章没有提到农村,也不是食物短缺。因此A选项正确。2.语义推测题。根据第二段第一句Accordingly, Michelle Obama announced a $400m Healthy Food Financing Initiative last yea

15、r with the aim of eliminating food deserts nationwide by 2017.(因此,米歇尔奥巴马(Michelle Obama)去年宣布了一项4亿美元的健康食品融资计划,目标是到2017年在全国范围内消除食品沙漠。),可知其目的是让更多人吃到健康食品,故C选项“提高健康食品的份量”正确。A选项“解决日益增长的体重问题”不是目的。B选项“确保全国食品安全”文章没有提到食品安全。D选项“改变美国人的生活方式”涉及很多方面,不能仅仅通过某个方面的措施改变。因此C选项正确。3.语义推测题。根据第二段第三句Although this might on the face of it suggest that the initiative is off to a superb start, sadly it does not in fact represent a single additional banana bought or soda shunned.(虽然从表面上看,这可能意味着该倡议有了一个出色的开端,但令人遗憾的是,它实际上并没有多买一根香蕉或避免喝苏打水。),也许意味着有一个很好的开始,代表作者不持乐观态度,与D选项“至少是一个好的开始”的乐观态度不符,D选项错误;但遗憾的是,这并没有让人多买什么东西,作者认为这没多大


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