小学英语四年级下册第一二单元测试卷(闽教版)(DOC 4页)

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1、小学英语四年级下册第一二单元测试卷(闽教版) 班级 姓名 座号 一、正确抄写下列单词,并在括号里写出中文意思。week ( ) raise ( ) flag ( ) meeting ( ) every ( ) national ( ) have a class meeting in the playground What do you often do on Monday?二、.看图填词把句子补充完整,并根据句子意思与相符的图连线。 (clean play go have)星期六 We _to the library on Saturday. 星期四 We _ our classroom on

2、 Thursday. 星期五 We _basketball on Wednesday. 星期三 We _a class meeting on Friday. 三、看一看,模仿写一写。 例:standstanding 1)run 2) dance 3) go _ 4) play_ 5) sing_ 6) swim_ 7)see 8)close 3) have _ 四、读一读,选择适当的单词填空。 1. We a class meeting。(have/has) 2. Today is .Tomorrow(明天)is Thursday.(Tuesday/Wednesday) 3. Please c

3、ome to school at 7:00 Monday.(in/ on) 4. They have in the morning.(sport/sports) 5. Lily plays piano in the classroom.(the/a) 6. She to school on foot. (go, goes) 7. I cleaning the desk now. (am, is) 8.We play football Tuesday. (on, in) 9.Please the TV. (close, turn off) 10. He is the violin in the

4、music room. (playing, plays) 五、选出下列不同类的单词,将序号写在括号里。( ) 1) A. hen B. hand C. head( ) 2)A. girl B. dog C. boy( ) 3)A.close B. desk C. chair( ) 4)A. fan B. jacket C. light( ) 5)A. sing B. running C. riding六、选词填空。am; is ; arePartA 1. I _ cleaning the classroom. 2. Lily _ cleaning the classroom. 3. You _

5、 cleaning the classroom.PartBplay ; playing1. We _ basketball on Tuesday .2. We are _ basketball now .3. Lets _ basketball.七、.选择与中文意思相符的句子。( )1. 请关掉电灯。A. Please turn off the light. B. Please turn on the light.( ) 2.请关门。A. Please open the door. B. Please close the door.( ) 3. 萨莉正在擦桌子。A. Sally is clea

6、ning the desks. B. Sally is cleaning the chairs.( ) 4. 让我们去上学。A. Lets go home. B. Lets go to school.( ) 5.王涛正在操场上打篮球。AWang Tao is playing basketball in the playground.B. Wang Tao is playing football in the playground.八、阅读下面对话,判断句子,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。 My name is Tom. Im a student. My school is not very

7、big, but very beautiful(漂亮). Look, this is my classroom. Its very bright. There is a computer on the teachers desk. There are 46 students(学生) in my class. 22 are girls and 24 are boys. My school has two libraries. The big one is for the students. The small one is for the teachers(老师). Theres a big p

8、layground in the school. I like to play football there. I like my school very much. ( )1. Toms school is very big and beautiful. ( )2. Toms classroom is very bright. ( )3. Theres a computer in the classroom. ( )4.There are twenty-four girls in Toms class. ( )5. The big library is for the teachers. ( )6. Tom can play football. ( )7. Tom likes his school.


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