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1、路拌法施工技术交底完整(完整版资料,可直接使用可编辑,推荐下载)施工单位安徽省开源路桥有限责任公司交底内容:1 材料要求:土、灰除满足规范要求外,在施工中控制要点为:(1) 石灰应符合川级以上标准,石灰在使用前 10天充分消解;(2) 消石灰存放时间宜控制在2个月以内;(3) 一个作业段内采用土质相同的土 (击实标准和灰剂量相同),以便对压实度进行准确控制. 2准备下承层:(1) 石灰土施工前,应对上路床顶严格验收,验收内容包括压实度、宽度、标高、横坡度、平(2) 按要求设置路面施工控制桩。3. 备土、铺灰:(1) 备土:按照松铺厚度将土摊铺均匀一致,有利于机械化施工。铺土后,先用推土机大致

2、平,清余补缺,保证厚度一致,表面平整。(2) 备灰、铺灰:备灰前,用压路机对铺开的松土碾压1 2遍,保证备灰时不产生大的车 调头。备灰前根据灰剂量、不同含水量情况下的石灰松方干容重及石灰土最大干容重计算每平事先在灰条位置标出两条灰线,以确保灰条顺直。铺灰前在灰土的边沿打出格子标线,然后用 标线范围内.4。拌和:采用专用的稳定土拌和机进行路拌法施工,铧犁作为附助设备配合翻拌。(1) 土的含水量小,应首先用铧犁翻拌一遍,使石灰置于中,下层,然后洒水补充水份,并用布均匀.考虑拌和,整平过程中的水份损失,含水量适当大些(根据气候及拌和整平时间长短确 铧犁进行翻拌凉晒。(2) 水份合适后,用平地机粗平一

3、遍,然后用灰土拌和机拌和第一遍.拌和时要指派专人跟机进行 验一处,检查拌和是否到底.对于拌和不到底的段落,及时提醒拌和机司机返回重新拌和。(3) 桥头两端在备土时应留出2米空间,将土摊入附近,拌和时先横向拌和两个单程,再进处灰土拌和均匀.第二遍拌和前,宜用平地机粗平一遍,然后进行第二遍拌和。若土的塑指高, 和遍数,并注意下一次拌和前要对已拌和过的灰土进行粗平和压实,然后拌和,以达到拌和均 实的密度愈大,对土块的破碎效果愈好,采用此法可达到事半功倍的目的,否则即使再多增加时拌和机各行程间的搭接宽度不小于 10CM。5. 整平:用平地机,结合少量人工整平(1) 灰土拌和符合要求后,用平地机粗平一遍

4、,消除拌和产生的土坎、波浪、沟槽等,使表面(2) 用振动压路机或轮胎压路机稳压 1 2遍。(3) 利用控制桩用水准仪或挂线放样,石灰粉作出标记 ,样点分布密度视平地机司机水平确定(4) 平地机由外侧起向内侧进行刮平.(5) 重复(3) (4)步骤直至标高和平整度满足要求为止。灰土接头、桥头、边沿等平地机无 人工完成清理、平整工作。(6) 整平时多余的灰土不准废弃于边坡上。(7) 要点提示最后一遍整平前,宜用洒水车喷洒一遍水,以补充表层水份,有利于表层碾压成型,最后一遍作业,切忌薄层找补,备土、备灰要适当考虑富余量,整平时宁刮勿补。6. 碾压碾压采用振动式压路机和15-18T三轮静态压路机联合完

5、成。整平完成后,先用振动压路机由路两侧向路中心碾压。 碾压时后轮应重叠1/2轮宽,一般碾压 头两遍以采用1.5-1。7公里/小时,以后用2。02。5公里/小时,至无明显轮迹,总之,碾压时 重,由慢到快”的原则。要点提示:碾压必须连续完成,中途不得停顿,压路机应足量,以减少碾压成型时间,合理配备 三轮压路机23台,碾压过程中应行走顺直,低速行驶,桥头处10米范围内横向碾压。7. 检验(1)试验员应盯在施工现场,完成碾压遍数后,立即取样检验压实度(要及时拿出试验结果 直到满足压实要求为止。(2)成型后的两日内完成平整度、标高、横坡度、宽度、厚度检验,检验不合格要求采取措(3) 要点提示:弹簧、轮迹

6、明显、表面松散、起皮严重、土块超标等有外观缺陷的不准验收的,高出部分用平地机刮除,低下的部分不准贴补,压实度、强度必须全部满足要求,否则应返8. 接头处理碾压完毕的石灰土的端头应立即将拌和不均,或标高误差大,或平整度不好的部分挂线重直 整齐,下一作业段与之衔接处,铺土及拌和应空出2米,待整平时再按松铺厚度整平。桥头处亦按上述方法处理,铺土及拌和应空出 2米,先横拌2遍再纵拌,待整平时再按松铺厚9。养生不能及时覆盖上层结构层的灰土 ,养生期不少于7天,采用洒水养生法,养生期间要保持灰土 封闭交通,除洒水车外禁止一切车辆通行。灰土完成后经验收合格,即可进行下道工序施工。交底人:被交底人:Works

7、 Programme for Gravel Cement Stabilization Base ProgrammeI. Main construction methodThe base for the section of OGINGA ODINGA Road(KURA Project ) shall be 150mm cement treated natural gravel material layer with cement content 2。 5.The natural gravel material shall be hauled to the field with 15T tip

8、pers , spread by the graders, ble nded by the pulmixer and compacted by the rollersII 。 Construction of trial sectionThe 100m fullwidth trial section is scheduled to construct between km0+800 - km0+900 in advance before the overall commencement of base layer.1r The purpose of construction for trial

9、sectionThe purpose of trial section is to verify the following aspects:a) the proposed construction program and method are feasible or not;b) the deployment and matching of construction equipment and personnel are reasonable or not;c) the relationship between the rolling passesof roller, rolling met

10、hods and compaction density;d) to confirm the loose coefficient and loose depth of material spreadin;ge) to verify the range of tolerance between construction mix proportion and designed mix proportionThe trial section shall provide construction guidance and data for the overall construction.2. The

11、data required to be collected during construction of trial sectionThe trial section must be undertaken under the direction of Engineerr The following details should be recorded:the types of equipment and equipment quantit;ymixing time for stabilization layer; rolling passes and method for roller loo

12、se paving thickness, level and moisture content of mixture before compacted;actual thickness, level, moisture content and density of mixture after compacted;3. Testing items for the trial roadThe natural gravel material and cement shall be tested as per the Technical Specification before the commenc

13、ement of trial roadr The mixture and structural layer shall be carried out tests in laboratory as per the requirements of Technical Specification during the construction process and after construction finishedr Only if the above tests data reach the requiremen,ts the trial road can be approved. Afte

14、r getting the approval from the Enginee,r the testing data will be the basis for our overall construction, and the trial section can be one part of the road, otherwise the Contractor shall find out the reasons and undertake the construction again.III. Preparation Works before Construction1. Construc

15、tion setting outa) Centrelines, the edge of shoulder and the edge of carriageway (total 5 points) of top level of base layer shall be calculated as per the interval of 20m, and then submitting the information to Engineer for approval.b) The centre and side lines shall be set out on site as per the i

16、nterval of 20,m and the permanent wood controlling pegs (5 5cm) shall also be erected 50cm outside of the side pegs. The levels for the stabilization layer shall be controlled with string method.2。TestingThe gravel material and cement shall be tested completely before the commencement of trial road。 The mix proportio


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