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1、Kellogg Consulting ClubHow tto ssuccceedd too thhe PPerssonaal IInteerviiewSo, hheree yoou aare, reeadiing thiis ddocuumennt aand tryyingg too fiigurre oout howw too laand youur ddreaam jjob. WWedd liike to hellp bby ttelllingg yoou wwhatt wee beelieeve to be thee keey aareaas oof pprepparaatioon ff

2、or a ssucccesssfull innterrvieew. Firstt annd fforeemosst, remmembber thaat aa sttanddardd coonsuultiing inttervvieww haas ffourr paartss: 1) A perrsonnal “fiit” parrt ffor 15 to 20 minnutees2) A Casse ppartt foor 220 mminuutess3) Questtionns tthatt yoou wwoulld llikee too assk yyourr innterrvieewer

3、r foor 55 miinuttes.4) Wrap Up.More oftten thaan nnot, peeoplle pprepparee thhemsselvves onlly ffor thee caase parrt, leaavinng tthe perrsonnal “fiit” parrt uunatttenndedd. Bellievve uus, if youu doo noot ssuccceedd inn yoour perrsonnal inttervvieww, tthe casse wwilll noot ccounnt!Thereeforre, thiis

4、 ddocuumennt wwilll bee foocussed on thee peersoonall siide of thee innterrvieew pproccesss, aand howw too suucceeed on thaat ddiffficuult parrt oof tthe reccruiitinng pproccesss.Introoducctorry ccommmenttsAs yoou ggo tthrooughh thhe pproccesss, yyou willl rreceeivee tooughh quuesttionns tthatt prro

5、bee noot oonlyy yoour inttenttionns aand inttelllectt, bbut alsso yyourr pssychhe aand perrsonnaliity. YYourr deelivveryy iss ass immporrtannt aas wwhatt yoou ssay. TThe onlly wway to shoow ppoisse aand graace whiile ansswerringg thhesee tooughh quuesttionns iis ppraccticce aand praactiice.a) Know y

6、ouurseelf:You nneedd too crreatte aa sttoryylinne ffor youurseelf. DDesccribbe hhow youur llifee haas ddeveelopped succh tthatt a jobb wiith firrm XX iss thhe nnextt loogiccal steep iin rreacchinng yyourr gooalss. Be ablle tto wwalkk thhrouugh thee deetaiils of youur rresuume andd fiill in thee deet

7、aiils. FFor insstannce, whhy ddid youu maake thee moovess yoou hhavee? Whaat hhavee beeen thee moost siggnifficaan ddeciisioons youu haave madde? Whheree weere thee chhalllengges andd whheree weere thee trriummphss? TThiss iss allso youur cchannce to sett yooursselff appartt. Givve tthe inttervvieww

8、er sommethhingg too reememmberr yoou bby - teell an inttereestiing stoory, taalk aboout a uuniqque skiill or tallentt, eetc. OOne wayy too doo thhis is to inccorpporaate worrds thaat wwilll prrovooke curriossityy inn yoour ressumee.The CCMC offferss maany sesssioons to hellp yyou pollishh yoour stoo

9、ryllinee. Takke aadvaantaage of theem.b) Know thee fiirm:What doees tthe firrm ppridde iitseelf on? WWhatt maakess thhem uniiquee? If a ffirmm prridees iitseelf on beiing a tthouughtt leeadeer, shoow yyou havve bbeenn a thooughht lleadder or whyy beeingg a parrt oof aa fiirmss thhat leaads thee innd

10、usstryy iss immporrtannt tto yyou. YYou musst aalsoo knnow thee baasiccs aabouut aa coompaany succh aas wwherre ttheyy haave offficees aand howw thhey aree sttruccturred. IIf yyou aree unncleear aboout anyy off thhesee arreass, aask! Youu doo, hhoweeverr, wwantt too shhow somme iinittiall unnderrsta

11、andiing andd thhen askk foor cclarrifiicattionn. Use CComppanyy prreseentaatioons to askk thhe cconssulttantts ssmarrt qquesstioons. IIf yyou aree innterrestted in a ffirmm, ccalll thhe rrecrruittingg maanagger or a cconssulttantt yoou hhavee sppokeen wwithh annd gget morre iinfoormaatioon aabouut t

12、the worrk aand cullturre.Dontt bee shhy aabouut aaskiing queestiionss, mmostt peeoplle aare honnoreed wwhenn thhey aree asskedd abboutt thheirr oppiniionss annd eexpeerieencees.c) Listeen wwelll:This is VERRY iimpoortaant. IInsiightts aand cluues aree alll aarouund youu. Eveen bbefoore youur iinteer

13、viiew begginss, yyou shoouldd trry tto ppickk upp anny iinfoormaatioon yyou cann. Go to preesenntattionns aand takke nnotees. Whhat aree thhe bbuzzzworrds theey uuse to desscriibe theemseelvees aand thee peeoplle ttheyy hiire? RRemeembeer aa feew hhighhligghtss frrom thee coompaany preesenntattionn.

14、 Durringg thhe iinteerviiew, paay aatteentiion to youur iinteerviieweer. Whhat makkes theem llookk innterrestted? WWhatt doo thhey askk yoou tto eelabboraate on? IIf yyou aree weeak in onee arrea, liisteen ffor a cchannce to shoow yyourr skkillls iin aanottherr waay.Prepaarattionn too thhe pperssona

15、al iinteerviiewIn orrderr too prrepaare youurseelf forr thhe pperssonaal iinteerviiew, yoou nneedd too annsweer tthe folllowwingg quuesttionns:1) Who aare thee fiirmss loookiing forr?2) What shoouldd I do befforee thhe iinteerviiewss?3) What shoouldd I be awaare of durringg thhe iinteerviiew?4) What queestiionss wiill I bbe aaskeed dduriing thee innterrvieew?1) WWho aree thhe ffirmms llookkingg foor?Theree ar


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