精讲精练新概念讲义Lesson 36 A chance in a million(教师版)

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《精讲精练新概念讲义Lesson 36 A chance in a million(教师版)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《精讲精练新概念讲义Lesson 36 A chance in a million(教师版)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、精讲精练新概念讲义Lesso 36 A cane n a milin(教师版)一、 词汇单选题.(湖北卷)22. Finaly, m thans go tomy tuor, ohsofred a lot fsgetnsandcomet nmy pr ad_verpageof m dft.(cmmn n在题干中浮现). aprove . quod C polisedD. Folde2(湖北省黄冈中学高三11月月考) Some edcators thachilren soulderwardedfor thi eat perforance. A assuB aoptedC avoatedconvd

2、3【山西太原五中4月月考】 - Im going taris ne week. -Wat a _.SaI. A.pity.oincidence . accident . hance.(09辽宁省沈阳二中高三二模)Ia such a(n) whn Pa and ie et each othein Macao.Echthouhtthattother assill n HoKgAfa Bincidet C.coiidee Ddstnt5【浙江杭州重点高中原创模拟】_the conseqencs of th chmicallak, te specaliss hant vnialcnlusion efo

3、e hbtainaccurate satstA With rea to B. As sut C. nspite of D.In aditin to6.【浙江】 hethgroup iusson nearingits n,akeue to _ it withipratpis.A.conud B. le C avoid D.hold7【山东省菏泽重点高中高三下学期4月模拟】Lucy has _ al o the goas she se for heelf n hih chol andsread for new hallege at iversity.cuired. finishedC. conlu

4、edD. chieved二、语法单选注:本文语法重点:1、 sggest不同词意的不同用法:建议时suget ts/sh(houl)do 暗示时根据事实语境选择时态Mrs Bussan cmment onthe orkmans losrebne to e husand andeven sugeste thathe might soter. 类似单词尚有iist :坚持规定和强调时用法区别同上。2、陈述句中谓语动词前加o 表达语调加强,强调该动作的确发生过.circumsncesdosometies core t bring bout cincdns 3、目前分词引导非谓语成分做主句的随着状语F

5、anz porscn on the dea,ponngou thths brhe d been killed i cton uring th wr. 难度 1.(08石家庄高中毕业班复习教学质量检测三) D yo ik to by t prductan dvertienton ? Norally.I hink its bter to lok bfoe e leap. AavsesB.suggstsCnnoc D.praises.【陕西】2. y mom uggs that e et ut fr chage this weekd Ahoul B.iht . co D. l3.(皖南八校高三年级第

6、二次联考)Do ome here on Monday, we, as plned, illtakeart n gatherin of I preventonolunteers.A.thn B.nd Cterfore Dor .【新课标I卷】35Te sulght white and bliing, had-eded shadows o t round.A.trowigB. bing thrwC to throw. bethwn5.【重庆】30When was itl, my mother sed ot by yb, mestore til fll aseeA. aving l B. telin

7、 C.tld D. to tel难度 .04福建How d you _wego o Beijing for oroliay. hk ed e ly ere. t much moreomfortal.A. in B ant C. uppose D. ugest7.(北大附中高三高考模拟)My sgesion is tha y uhmeat.A wouln tkeB. shall nottakeC notav D. wt v8.0四川If youhae job, orself o a finaly youll ucee.A. o dev . don devote .evting . no evig

8、9.【陕西卷】1._ ialng queue, w waited fr hestret oeno b New iPad .Stann B. and C Stood San难度10.(09山东省青岛市高三教学统一质量检测)M uce sugestsI abroad. Iwould rather you at hme. .o; stay Bnt; stayeC.go;stayeD.we; sy11.(08青岛市高三教学第一次统一质量检测) The leaer,th ule unfar or wmen,suggesed i. A.fining;annedB.to fin;banned.un;tbe

9、bannedD.finding;be banned(湖南雅礼中学第一次月考)- s sorry for rkng helat,om. - It dot mte._ careul next tme.BeingB.D beC.o.T be13.【上海春招,3】Mie foud iing ca in th street outsidehs huse, newl lend a polished.A. lookd B lok C. lokig Dt be lokin三、重点词汇重点单词: preue pt nspire ent cquaint eune ssmN. novelist cnidnce ms

10、ran donfall crcumstance resmblan or inhaian dj. cdulus imrobabl obscure naive unacepbe incredibledv.willy ckedly 重点词组: chnce in a ilio rgsthto a concusin brng bout sth conpire to do cmen on sth ourcor o sbsth aqanted with注:下划线标注单词为单选题考察词汇,需要重点解说 四、重点句子但是,在现实生活中,有时的确会浮现某些巧合,这些巧合除了19世纪故事家外谁也不会相信。Yet,

11、inre lif, cirumstacdo smetims cpire t bng abut concdences whichyone ut nieten ceurolis would ind incrdible.2.巴斯曼夫人说那工人与她丈夫相貌很像,甚至猜想她也许就是她丈夫的兄弟。Mrssman cmmeneon herkmas clse emblanceto he hba an even suggetetathih b his brther. 3. 弗朗兹对此不屑一顾,指出她兄弟已经在战争中阵亡了。 azpoudcrn on h i,ontg ou h h be ad been killed in cton duin th war.


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