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1、不定代词的用法1. some,any(1) some多用于肯定句,修饰复数可数名词和n加油不可数名词,作“一些”解。它还可修饰单数可数名n加油词,作“某一”解。如:H-5 avian influn加油enza first broke out in somen加油 Asian countries.H-5型禽流感首先在亚洲爆n加油发。Some people are early rn加油isers. 有些人起得很早。(2) any通常用于否定句、疑问句n加油或条件句,修饰单数或复数可数名词以及不可数名词。If tn加油here are any new magan加油zines in the libr

2、ary, take son加油me for me.图书馆如果来了新杂志,替我借几n加油本。Are there any stamps in the drawer?n加油 抽屉里有邮票吗?Is there anyn加油 money with you? 你身上n加油带钱了吗?(3) any还可以用于肯定句,作“任n加油何的”解。You can come here any tin加油me. 你什么时候来都行。You can get it n加油at any shop. 你可以在任何一家商店买到它。2. either,n加油both,all(1) either表示n加油“两者中的任何一个”。Either

3、 of n加油the brothers is selfish. 两兄n加油弟都非常自私。Either will n加油do. 两个都行。(2) both“两个都”,修饰可数名词,统指两者。Ton加油m and Jack both made some n加油progress. 汤姆和杰克两个都有所进步。Bon加油th of them should make concesn加油sions. 他们双方都应做出让步。(3) all“全部,所n加油有的”,修饰可数名词和不可数名词,指两个n加油以上的人或物。All the students contrin加油buted to the fund.所有的学生

4、都为基金会捐了款。An加油ll of the money has beenn加油 spent. 钱都花完了。We are all for you. 我们n加油都支持你。Say all you know and sayn加油 it without reserve. 知无不言,言无不尽。3n加油. no,neither,none(1) no“不”,可修饰单数和复n加油数可数名词以及不可数名词。Time and tide wan加油it for no man. 时不我待。Then加油re are no clouds in then加油 sky. 天上没有云。I have no money for s

5、ucn加油h things. 我没钱买这些东西。(2) neither“n加油两者中哪个都不”,其所指范围是两个人或物n加油。Neither answer is correct.n加油 两个答案都不对。Neither of the two countrien加油s is satisfied with the rn加油esult of the talk.两个国家都不满意会谈的结n加油果。(3) none“没有一个人或东西”,它n加油既可指可数名词(其所指范围是两个以上的人或n加油物),又可指不可数名词。All of thn加油e trees were cut down, and none was

6、 wen加油re. left.所有的树都被砍了,一棵也不剩。n加油None of the students fn加油ailed the examination. n加油没有一个学生考试不及格。None of this money in加油s his. 这笔钱没有一点儿是他的。4. few, an加油 few,little, a little(1) few的意思是“没有n加油几个”; a few的意思是“少数”, “几个”; 修饰可数n加油名词; a few表示肯定意义, few表示否定意义n加油。The problem is so difficult that fen加油w people ca

7、n solve it.这个问题太难了,几n加油乎没人能做出来。Only a few people can solve thin加油s problem. 只有几个人能解决这个问题n加油。Few of them want to go. 他们中几乎没有人想去。A n加油few of them want to go. 他们中有几个人想去。(n加油2) little“没有多少”,a little“少量”,修饰不可数名n加油词;a little表示肯定意义,little表n加油示否定意义。如:There is little ran加油infall this spring. 今年春季雨水很少。Althoug

8、n加油h it did not rain for the whole mn加油onth, there is a little wn加油ater in the pond.虽然整整一个n加油月没下雨了,但池塘里还有一点水。5. many, much, most(n加油1) many用于修饰可数名词。Many of then加油 problems have been solvn加油ed. 大部分问题已经解决了。Many thn加油ink that the situation加油n will change soon. 很多人认为局势n加油会很快改变。(2) much用于修饰不n加油可数名词。Much

9、of the money has been spentn加油. 这笔钱的大部分已经被花掉了。They havn加油e finished much of the work. 他们已经完成了大部n加油分的工作。6. another,other,then加油 other,others,the others(1) anothern加油指同类中多个东西中的“另一个” (即one more)。This watch n加油doesnt work, I must get anothn加油er one. 这块表坏了,我该另买一块了。He wentn加油 back to work too soon,and was

10、 laid up n加油for another three months.他n加油回去上班过早,结果又病倒三个月。但要注意: other与物主限定词连n加油用也可指余下的另一个或全部。如:Use yn加油our other hand. 用你的另一只手。Mary is older tn加油han me but my other sisters arn加油e younger.玛丽比我大,其余的都是我妹妹。(2) n加油other单独使用时指其他的、另外的人或物。There must be n加油some other reason for him refusing n加油to help. 他不予帮助

11、一定另有原因。I saw Tn加油om with some other fellow sn加油tudents. 我看见汤姆和其他一些同学在一起。(3)n加油 the otherone/ones.指同类中余下的另一个或另一些。Iln加油l have to use our dun加油plicate key. I lost the on加油ther one.我不得不用我们的备用钥匙了,我把那一n加油把丢了。Where are the on加油ther students? 其他学生去哪儿了?One of n加油the murderers was caught, but thn加油e other is

12、still at large.n加油一个凶手被抓住了,另一个却依然逍遥法外。(4)n加油 others是other的复数形式,指其他的、n加油另外的人或物。We should not think only of on加油ur children, there are others to n加油be cared for also.我们不应该只想到自己的孩子,还有别的孩子n加油也需要照顾。Others may object to n加油this plan. 别人可能会反对这个计划。(5)n加油 the others表示同类中余下的全部。The n加油search party was divided

13、intn加油o two groups. Some went to the rign加油ht, the others went to the left.n加油 搜寻小组一分为二,一部分人向右,另一部分向左。Jennn加油y is cleverer than any of. the others inn加油 her class.珍妮比班上的其他(任何)人都聪n加油明。7. 复合不定代词someone somebon加油dy, something, anyoneanybody, anything,n加油 no onenobody, nothing, everyonn加油e everybody, ev

14、erything(1) someone, son加油mebody某人和 something某物Someone is askin加油ng to see you. 有人要见你。Someone suggesn加油ts putting off the meeting. 有人建议推迟会议n加油。Theres something wrong with the machn加油ine. 机器出了毛病。Something strange han加油ppened last night. 昨晚发生了件奇怪的事。(2) anyonn加油e, anybody任何人和 anything任何事情Anybodn加油y can

15、 do this work. Itn加油s very simple. 这事太简n加油单了,人人都能做。Did you meen加油t anyone on your way home? 你回家的路上碰到什n加油么人了吗?He faltered:Is anythingn加油 wrong? 他支支唔唔地说:“有什么错吗?”He did not san加油y anything after that. 这以后他再也没说什么。(3n加油) no one, nobody没有人.和 nothing(n加油没有东西)。Im not somebodyn加油. Im nobody. 我不是重要人物,我是个无名小n加油卒。No one wants to do that. 没人愿做那种事。n加油Nobody is absent. 没有人缺席。n加油Thats nothing. 那没有什么。He said hn加油e knew nothing aboutn加油 it. 他说他对那事一无所知。(4) everyone, even加油rybody(每个人)和 everything(每样东西,一切事物)。Shn加油e said good-bye to everyone. 她和每个人告别。n加油Everybodys business is nobody


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