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1、英语期末考试知识点整理词汇篇The number one advantage is that online learning is more convenient.方便的Another advantage is that students do not feel intimidated by teachers who lack patience or by students with higher skill levels.恐惧的Students can take time to think through answers before making a reply.仔细考虑Learning

2、a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences of my life.值得做的,有意义的Although at times learning a language was frustrating, it was well worth the effort.令人沮丧的I eagerly answered all of the questions I could.急迫地I was at the top of my class for two years.名列前茅I was eager t

3、o continue studying English .渴望做The communication medium was a computer, a phone line ,and a modem.调制调解器I soon got access to the necessary equipment.享有,拥有I participated in the virtual classroom 5 to 7 days a week.参加Online learning requires a lot of time, commitment and discipline to keep up with the

4、 flow of the course 投入;纪律;保持,跟上脚步I worked hard to meet the minimum standards set by the course and to complete assignments on time.最低的;作业,任务I made many ,sometimes embarrassing ,mistakes.令人尴尬的Once in a while I cried out of frustration , and sometimes I felt like giving up.出于原因;想要.I had finally reaped

5、 the benefits of all of my hard work.获得益处Learning another language gave me insights into another culture.使深刻理解Now that I speak a foreign language , instead of staring into space when English is being spoken.而不是;脑子一片空白I am able to reach out to others and bridge the gap between my language and culture

6、 and theirs.接触,联系Junior middle school较低级的,晚辈Senior middle school较高级的,长辈The virtual classroom plays an important role on todays learning community.起到重要作用Job opportunities for students are expanding rapidly and more people of all ages are becoming aware of online learning that allows them to study at

7、home.扩大;开始意识到Online students, however ,require unique qualities of successful online students.极好的,独有的Be open-minded about sharing life and work.思维开阔,看得开This forum for communication removes the visual barriers that hinder some students from expressing themselves.论坛;障碍;阻碍It is critical(vital) that stu

8、dents feel comfortable expressing themselves in writing.重要的Students share ideas ,perspectives and discussions on the subject being studied .观点Be willing to speak up , if problems arise.出现This means students must be absolutely explicit with their comments and requests.完全地;清楚的Students reinforce their

9、own knowledge about the subject.巩固Take the program seriously 认真对待Online students need to commit 4 to 5 hours a week to each course.投入It is absolutely necessary for students to assimilate information 吸收Providing meaningful and quality input into the virtual classroom is an essential part of online le

10、arning .有必要的Online learning is normally sequential and requires commitment on the students part.连续的;就某人而言Remind of 提醒某人某事Just as many excellent ,instructors may not be effective online facilitators 促进者Peer同龄人Instructor 教师,指导者Do you ever have difficulty in talking to your parents?做某事有困难Young people a

11、nd their parents usually fail in their attempts to communicate to each other.失败;目的Music blasted forth发出响亮声音;向外burst into her room闯入Why do you have to listen to such horrible stuff? 糟糕的;东西Then she grabbed the soap and washed thoroughly.抓住;彻底地Ate a piece of toast.烤面包;干杯Its disgusting 恶心的Stop bugging m

12、e 打扰,烦恼Some have tattoos and pierced ears.纹身;穿孔的bolted out of the house 奔,窜My stomach is full of knots.心结Hearing those tuneless , offensive lyrics repeatedly makes my blood boil.令人不快的Different music appeals to different generations.吸引Get rid of 摆脱Bad music have a negative influence on me 对什么有消极影响She

13、 want to be there as an anchor for her 靠山,依靠In any case 无论如何Atmosphere is crucial to learning a foreign language.关键性的They also involve the writers personal interpretation of the facts.理解The term “generation gap” was coined in the 1960s.创造Across the generation ,there was great consistency in the resp

14、onses.一致性many studies on the youth also refute the concept of a generation gap.反驳These studies show that young people tend to value their peers evaluations.倾向于;评价General trends cant always be applied to individual cases.适用于;个体An attitude of respect and trust can be contagious. 有感染力的Questioning can s

15、ound like interrogation.审问,盘问Instead , adopt an attitude of curiosity rather than control. 好奇心;而不是He or she can listen more openly instead of planning rebellion.反抗,反对We have chores to do before we leave the house.家庭杂物The two companies came into conflict.冲突You can easily destroy your credibility by g

16、etting angry.可信性You are ruining your life.毁坏Drinking out of the milk carton 塑料盒Showing self-acceptance and tolerance for imperfection is very encouraging to teenagers.自我接受;容忍;不完美Teenagers often can awaken parents to positive sides of themselves they have forgotten or neglected.使某人意识到某事;忽视Approach 接近;方法Hurtful 伤感情的Argument 争论


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