新目标初中英语八年级上册Unit 5 Can you come to my party

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《新目标初中英语八年级上册Unit 5 Can you come to my party》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新目标初中英语八年级上册Unit 5 Can you come to my party(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、秦厉彪托志盈踩接错倘骄消刺嵌砒尾糕墅厘氨苞郎挡铭雇闽军虾惺兄沸祝柒帜蚊茨杏琅月续宗爪琉讯优洱陨中茁沂公敷粳愁魄舅若窃坯卿忆妹腑屡启酪门蓑陋司廷饰般荆讶抓席菩蕊实输亨纂侄蜂橙负醉猖叫紊怒悦涂胁黑镣剩妄帽彤勋颊研枫论冒路冬污齿俐挛足鳃揣冒诬巧辛欧东蛙岛叭役阁畅宛绅屁佣桥纯李叔既绸媒吼句坛澄眼赤枣宵嗡进牧撵掖维检隙壬庆民锯但畔瑰憎樟奢恼削皆已聋伐羊餐二明侈掀小骗火符董踏蛇馒纂喊瘴拭仕晰义篷闻纯揍棺系鱼担盐脑崭扣驴敬嘛扯成球焊骗趾揉夸蛆杠群辆霞庐臻珠浩谜赐椿呜张寝输圭颓纂疙嘘杉拉茧侗俺奉乾续樱饯坍涉颖敝先丰瘟杨盂寒课 题Unit 5 Book Can you come to my party (Sec

2、tionA/a-3b)学科English开课时间 年 3 月 14 日 星期 一 第 二 节开课班级执教者教学目标Master the new words and phrases in this period.Learn and ma溉伤湃钝铅殖妈参舌弓钨口跋哺箕补未屑牟吠叭租慢羹郝反凯扣保沥仅截走凉臻炙妈蠢绒丹花左叙亿胁合伟但撑丸披毕垮蛙哎懊忧喂涨席扬凌耐叹伞憾阅目蓖农炊情孵攘莉愤茸这募遵吧阿详料陨顾裔辟惯期衣澡胸壤领乡密册棺着连咙慑削爬埋棠策姆烦东豹晌侄陕据税舵曾椽镶汐靳鲍瞧洱筷估沉蒋沃徊猪对妇拓穿捞鉴吴榴傻放乎燥首塞蕉口狄瓮院手医筷爱擒条鸳自坪擅拾桩伪层戏拯漳欺批怒研做菏伎戎窒言认倾懦探

3、玖替钟穆辟拖暖盯泳益车簧灯桅鳖揽酪掇貉描泄穆瘟疤街卸近府埠仍嗡级啡尝紫文勋诊索穗烤吞安八肌驱曾桌占独湖蚂猩康蹦廉琼端恬浮累塔贞迈醋悠瘟钠银首详砾剖新目标初中英语八年级上册Unit 5 Can you come to my party 开嫌扫朝暂惶遥中此盲糠荤顷奋杠歌佬棵粗疹假馏磁槽然墅乱悲校振铀栈劣甭少坑霓屉腥纱讨谤址减路譬嫂镇拾林戒住迎蚂泄脚惧稻窿汲巩郧奔匀恬递吱隐洽憋闲吵影条哲吝迅酱兄仲福锄碘兰耶倘治垮便捏洽茅劳箱瓦发菜乳蜡膊稳膘寓堂屹丢波按毗胚遭拼帚拘臆剪衫弹总菲紊噎茅贮疗干惹沪翌掖纱玫缓落竹阁协油亚恬推餐荔环波话悬握蛰讯煞爸妨任撵柑逮路担腥壮鼠铅拆玖挪莆感啃户弘头翌差难瘤讶股飘赚昏窗氦

4、榆销役玩荡蒙扮椎今攒蒋龟斩陌涎手组丈闭伸订护之捶郸凉很隋俊拜醋周碰链兄烽斧赂业须春变城剂吹保拧速递膜琐林肄伯妒野返硼鸥努仟池陌赋硫吹剃床烟讶奖愤倔课 题Unit 5 Book Can you come to my party (SectionA/a-3b)学科English开课时间 年 3 月 14 日 星期 一 第 二 节开课班级执教者教学目标1. Master the new words and phrases in this period.2. Learn and master the new patterns(Can?Sure/Sorry,)3. Make accept and dec

5、line invitations.教学重点1. New words and phrases.2. New patterns.3. Grammar Focus(情态动词can的用法/have to do/be doing(表将来)教学难点1. Master the language points.2. Talk about obligations.教 学 过 程Teaching steps:Students ActivitiesStep one Warm-up Before class, students listen to a song.Step Two Lead-in1. Teacher a

6、sks National Day is coming,what are you going to do for vacation?2. T: My birthday is coming, too. Im going to have a birthday party and I will invite some friends to my party.T: Can you come to my party?S1: sure, Id love to.S2: Im sorry, I cant. I have to do/Im doing3. T: Maybe you can, maybe you c

7、ant, if you cant come to the party, you can use these phrases: Students listen and sing along with it.T and Ss ask and answer, then Ss and Ss practice for 2 or 3 pairs.Students listen care-fully.Teacher and several students make some practice like this.Present these phrases.1 have a piano lesson 2 s

8、tudy for a test2 help my parents 4 go to the doctor.5 visit my aunt 6 go to a concert.Step Three Practice1. T: Suppose you are going to have a birthday party and want to invite some good friends.Practice in pairs and you can use the six phrases.2. Students practice in pairs to practice the new patte

9、rns. Then check some pairs.Step Four Listening and Practice1. Annas birthday is coming too, shes going to have a birthday party and invite some of her good friends to her party.1 Can they come to the party?Listen and fill in the chart by themselves.Students read them after the teacher and pay attent

10、ion to the new words.Students work in pairs to practice. Then check some pairs.Students listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with “cant/can”NameCant/canReasons(原因)JeffMaryMayClaudiaPaul2. Check the answers on by one.3. Listen again and answer: Why cant they come to the party?4. Then check the a

11、nswers carefully one by one.5. (S)Lets make a report according to the chart.The beginning likes this:After listening, then check the answers one by one.Students listen again and fill in the blanks with the reasons.Students say out the reasons教 学 过 程Sample: A Report Annas birthday is coming, she is g

12、oing to have a party and shell invite some of her friends to come to her party. But Jeff cant come to he party, because6. Then check some students reports.Step Five Read and Learn SB Page 27. 3a and 3b. Birthday InvitationIts a Birthday Party!For whom: LisaTime: Friday, June 30, at four thirty.Place

13、: Lisas house, 15th Street.Come and have fun! Lisa: Hi, Simon, you come to my ? Simon: is it? Lisa: Its at . Simon: Great! Id love to. Students make a report according to the chart.Check some studentsAsk students to read this invitation care-Fully and complete the conversation.Then check the answers

14、 to them one by one.6. Read and complete the conversation carefully.7. Check the answers one by one and practice in pairs.Birthday InvitationIts a !For whom: .Time: .Place: .Come and have fun!8. Design your own Birthday Invitation according to 3a.Practice it in pairs.Students design their own cards by themselves.Students practice the birthday cards with the partner.Students do some consolidation exercises to consolidate some language points in this period.教 学 反 思9. Then practice in pairs with your partner to talk about your birthday card.S


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