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1、英文简历写作建议英文简历写作建议建议1. Select the best format. 选择最佳格式While most resumes are written in a history chronological format, often a better technique is to evenly balance between skill-set description, achievements, and employment.多数 简历 是按照时间顺序写的,可是通常更好地做法是掌握好”;技能描述”;、”;业绩”;和”;工作情况”;之间的平衡。建议 2. Make certain

2、 your document is error free. 确保简历文字准确无误Since you are familiar with your own writing, you will see what you were thinking and not what is actually on the page. Do not rely on yourself to proofread your work and do not rely on spell-check. Find a friend who has strong grammar skills to check your wor

3、k.因为人们熟悉自己的文字,所以”;看到的”;是自己所想的,而不是实际写在纸上的。不要自己来检查,不要靠拼写工具检查。请一位语法很强的朋友来检查你制作好的简历。建议 3. Find a balance between wordiness and lack of detail. “;简”;和”;繁”;的平衡Employers need to see details about your work history and experience, but they dont need to know everything. The fact that you were den leader in y

4、our Cub Scout troop is irrelevant. Keep information germane to the goal of attaining an interview. Eliminate information that is not related and will not have a direct impact on winning the interview.雇主们需要了解你的工作背景、经验,可并不需要了解一切。你在童子军做教练员就是无关的信息。要让简历内容和能帮你争取到 面试 机会。删掉无关的、对赢得 面试 不会有直接影响的信息。建议 4. Do not

5、 use personal pronouns. 不要用人称代词I, me, my, mine, and our should not be on a resume. Resumes are written in first person (implied). Example: For your prior job description, instead of writing: I hired, trained and supervised a team of assistant managers and sales associates you would instead state tha

6、t you Hired, trained and supervised a team of assistant managers and sales associates. Fragment sentences are perfectly acceptable on a resume and actually preferred.”;我”;,”;我的”;,”;我们的”;不应该出现在简历中。简历都是以(隐藏的)第一人称来书写的。例如:描述上一份工作时,不要写成”;我曾参与 招聘 、培训、管理经理助理及销售助手”;,而是”; 招聘 、培训、管理经理助手及销售助手”;。简历上出现”;片段句”;完全可

7、以,而且在实际中会更受青睐。建议 5. Use numerical symbols for numbers. 以阿拉伯数字代替文字While we are taught in school to spell out numbers less than ten, in resume writing, numerical symbols serve as eye stops and are a much better method. Instead of writing Developed a dynamic team of eight consultants. it would be much

8、more advantageous to state Developed a dynamic team of 8 consultants.虽然上学时老师教我们”;十”;以下的数字都要大写,阿拉伯数字却可以吸引人们的目光、是更好的数字表示方法。不要写成”;建设了一只包括八名顾问,充满活力的团队”;,写成”;建设了一只包括8 名顾问,充满活力的团队”;会更能获得优势。建议 6. Think accomplishments rather than job duties. 注重”;业绩”;而不是”;职责”;What makes you stand out from the crowd How did

9、you come up with a way to do things better, more efficiently, or for less cost What won honors for you Information such as this is vital, will grab attention, and put your resume at the top of the list.让你出众的是什么怎样才能把事情做地更好、更有效率,成本更小你因为什么赢得过荣誉 这些是很重要的信息,会吸引目光,会让你的简历获得优先考虑。建议 7. Keep it positive. 传递积极态

10、度Reasons for leaving a job and setbacks do not have a place on a resume. Employers are seeking people who can contribute and have successfully performed in the past. Concentrate on communicating these issues and avoid any detracting information.离职的原因和过去的挫折都不该出现在简历上。雇主们要找的是过去表现成功、能做出贡献的人。集中精力传递这些信息、回避任何转移注意力的信息。Remember, many first-time job interviews are conducted via telephone rather than in person. Make sure you are prepared for that telephone call when it arrives. And make sure you have a resume that will make the phone ring!


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