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1、nit 4 Wha wuld ou 一、完形填空根据短文内容,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选择最佳答案。(A)Dear Kowledgble,My bst fien, Mei, hs a roblm.Tre s ally imoat Engs sech 1 for our whol cit ne month. Ourcasmtes wan h to rprsetthe clas in the shool cotst. Eeryone 2 she il in. I baltru. e s very ,and ca seak Elis relly wel. Ifact, she 4 cmesopin

2、 the coeams. The 5 is tht hei verysh Shedont tt let hr frieds 6 , but e s terriied of speingin fron ofoher 7 She is mybst friend, ssh can tle that she shy. 8 she cant tell everyne tha.I do t hink they would bliee r. I cant think f any good adviceto give her.Buo aways ome up good oluton to peoples pr

3、obems. Wado u think I shold tell ei Whado ytink shod 10 terstofte studen ( )1.AcommetBcoursCpetitin( )2.A.sureB.afraiCworried.nerous( ).A.oggB.cleverCeasygoinDcaz( )4A.hlyB.seldomC.neverD.lws( )A.qustionoblemCsoltionesoutn( )AdwB.upCupeDdll( )7.A.clasmaBfriends.pepeteacers( )8.ASB.AndC.OrDut( )9Aon.

4、ihuCwihby( )10Atel.sugestDtea(B)“Jae, please et me borrow a dllar,” Jeny asked astey stoodi the scho lnch. “ havoneiny jket, t I ot wat t 1 anoe my lae”“K,” gred Jane.Jan wited al day or Jenny to 2 bak thdola e orrowed, bu enny eeme to be 3 “Shs ust ooten,” thuht Jane.“ontant 4 her angry. ”Sill,oey

5、in t o. Soe lssmats, li Jenn, wer geting fivedllarsa week. Weeks we b. At st Jangot upnough courag to ellhebout e “Oh,Jane, Ifgot !” Jenny sai,“ l 6 thedolar tomrw.”Th net day Jnny seemed to ave forgottenaan. Dun theoon ho ane sawher 7 ses foMar a Ann.Jenny aw Jne looking at h. 8 h sad somethig in a

6、 lo ie to the oter tw girls. Jane felt 9 and skd he ece if se oulgobk tthe lasroom. In tssoom, ane sw to nw pnilsinJnny s esk An 10 cme tohr“eny s not kid ately, ay, she raly ows m 1 , hhas enough moy to buymore.olla doesnt 2 antin tohe, but t mean a lt t me( ).AsayB.waitCleavD.ta( ).AreturnB.enCsow

7、.py( ).AbuyBappyfreeDsad( )4.leBmaC.eepn( )5A.meyB.lucC.placeD.clssate( )6.rememberBbing.ivDpass( )7.ArrwngB.makingC.slliD.buying( )8.EvenBAgaCTen.Ista( )9.A.loeBadChuryDcky( )1A.endnswerCdeaexcuse( )1.A.esesB.ExptC.rtDUnles( )1A.eepBgve.asho二、阅读理解(A)I wa sixteen, n agethat most peple se s tooyouoro

8、verseasrael, but srnl wsed texlorean lenabut other culures nwayso life. Whe eared abo a organiaion alled IntrnalCultural Adventu(ICA),I called an talke wtt pgram itor, DavidPusi,abot my ntrt in ep( 尼泊尔)ad the - weekNpl utu Experience Proam. todhi hat would alko mypaents an see ifIcoud go ntspogram n

9、d do soevoluntee wrk inNepl or tummr.I rrved in eaon ey ht aftenoon at last I as realyfsciatd. Iained a eppreciation ad some undersandingohekingdomqucy. on heNpaleepople tbefrindly n oen to sharig ecultre withvstors. hee washa day whesomeoe didini einother useor shp todrik “chiaa,” the kyte which is

10、ocmn in Nepl.Ather itresin artof the prog was ehig duing eolunter service timeI taEnglshto elmenay scol ds n Ktmanu(he apial epa). Althogh hd noide hw I wa going to teac English o kds wh sok aothr lnuage, it trned out obe ascces, partl ase e kds already knw soe English. Itoldthm hngsabout y ountry a

11、din return tey told thin abou Nepal.I wa od for all of sI I cold d i again, I wou earn orabut ahn mhos(方法)and bring sme resources(eras)o teahng wth ( )ewrterfond the people neplwere_.AfaB.lazyCriedlDerile( )2.“hiaa” a kind of_.Afui uiceBilkyteaCvgtableDnodles( )3.ro the tt, we nw the wrt larnd aout_ eal.cutuesBcoongCElisD.buidings( )4Which of the flog tteeis tueacording to the ext.h kids that the wrie aughtadeltte pogres.B.T witr tgt that livignNepala ifficul.CTh rit


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