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1、二年级关于朋友的英语作文 O person heI am sad alys cmor me, hen I mhap wlau the, when meet with dfficltes, alys elp , ever ti amapdby difilies, e always hleme, e is my best fried - YanYang She idnt knowi myfourh grad,hen shc ou cass, oll, sort ir, thghse was a boy, lok, no,sheore api blouse, by wot werin oat.Yan

2、gYa he as behid m, webh becam finds. Wboth hv esame oby, that s, sport, runnig, paing basketbll, andwhenwe pysical etipaybsketbal, his skil are agle, played bal t ouo eac ohr, basketball ball lik rn fe uin aaket,sha not he kui is he most seveeof hoop we gils Aer the econ clas n th afrnon wlis runnig

3、 i thpaygroud,ut evey tie run butshe, ru heet donto s face Hehelpfules hd lte admir,reembe oce, the wo of us go out o play,there i a ids skatbardel n feloken kee, haasochafed sin, he ws ring in pan, agYan aw, n ury ofclling herpet, nd then ccd p thapr towes andlefta t f wate,pou th water ino te pape

4、rtwls,very cefuy th a damp towel gently we h lod, i wondpae fed himand comrt him with the wtr. ispnts cm, Yag g aso get ul head big swt,pniHis prens o aker,ut YngYang ddamodst: ot eon it, this isha I sould d.Isreal elful! She my est rien - Yan Y! 有一人在我伤心的时候总在抚慰我,在我欢乐的时候我们一起欢笑,在我遇到困难时,总是在协助我,每次我被难题困住

5、是,她总会出手协助我,他确实是我闺蜜杨洋 她是我四年级才认识的,她来我们班时,长得高高地,短头发,我以为她是个男生,一看,不是,她穿了一件粉色上衣,男生是不会穿粉色的上衣的。杨洋他就在我后面,我们俩变成了朋友。 我们俩有着同样的爱好,那确实是运动,跑步,打篮球,我们体育课的时候打篮球,他身手敏捷,打球时互不相让,篮球球象飞龙一样飞进筐里,她不愧是我们女生最厉害的投篮高手。上完下午第二节课我们都要在操场是跑步,但是我每次都跑不过她,跑完脸上的汗顺着往下流。她的乐于助人不得不让我佩服,记得有一次,我们俩出去玩,有一个小朋友玩滑板跌倒了,膝盖跌坏了、手也擦破皮了,疼得他哇哇大叫,杨洋见了,慌慌张张的给她父母打,然后又迅速的拿起了纸巾和还剩一点的水,把水倒到纸巾上,特别小心的用湿纸巾把他受伤的地点的血迹悄悄地擦掉,然后一边抚慰他一边拿水喂他。他的父母来了,杨洋也搞得满头大汗、气喘吁吁。他父母给她道谢,可杨洋却谦虚的说:不用谢,这是我应该做的。真是乐于助人啊! 她确实是我的闺蜜-杨洋!


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