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1、 译林版小学英语六年级上册 Unit 8 Chinese New Year江苏省镇江市京口区实验小学 凌燕Teaching materials:Sound time & Cartoon time of Unit 8 Chinese New YearTeaching aims and learning objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students would be able to:1. understand and enjoy the cartoon story.2. understand the new words yummy, rich

2、, plan, tomorrow, hooray in the story.3. act the story with some imagination.4. know the different pronunciations of letters oo in the words and try to learn the new words.5. know the culture of Chinese New Years Eve.Focus of the lesson:1. Understanding and enjoying the cartoon story.Predicted areas

3、 of difficulty:1. Knowing the different pronunciations of letters oo in the words.2. Acting the story with some imagination.Teaching aids:CAI, pictures, learning sheetsTeaching procedures:Step Culture time 1. Enjoy the video or pictures of Chinese New Year. 2. Guess the topic of this lesson: Chinese

4、 New Years Eve.3. Review the childrens plans for Chinese New Years Eve.4. Play a game about The Monster Nian. 【设计意图】承接上一课时复习be going to句型,渗透除夕夜的英文来历和习俗, 丰富学生的本土文化内涵。Step Sound time1. Review the pronunciationu: of letters oo and try to find out what the cook is going to do on Chinese New Years Eve in

5、 the rhyme.2. Find out the same pronunciation of letters oo in the words of the rhyme.3. Discuss in groups and think of more words with the same sound. 4. Read the rhyme in Sound time.5. Try to read the new words according to the pronunciation of letters oo.【设计意图】通过小组合作学习活动,帮助学生理解并自主归纳字母oo组合发音规则,进而根

6、据发音规则尝试读新词,渗透单词拼读学习策略。Step Cartoon time1. Think about Bobbys feeling about Chinese New Years Eve and find the related words and sentences by watching the video.2. Enjoy the story with friends.3. Imagine what Bobby and Tina are going to buy with their red packets.4. Choose a scene and give a show.【设计

7、意图】让孩子在享受阅读的过程中理解卡通故事并用正确的语音语调表现人物角色,同时进行适当联想并添加潜台词,丰富孩子的想象力。Step Homework1. Read the parts of Sound time and the cartoon story after the tape and act the whole story with partners. 2. Finish Part D and E in P54 of Exercise book and complete Su Hais e-mail in Checkout time. 3. Try to know some information about Thanksgiving Day and Christmas on the Internet. Step Blackboard design Unit8Chinese New Yearyummy hoorayBobby rich What a nice cake!【设计意图】板书帮助学生更容易掌握本课时学习内容的重难点。家庭作业设计复习、巩固本课时主要学习内容,并在单幅图表演的基础上进行整篇故事表演,符合学生认知规律。查找感恩节和圣诞节的活动词组并自主完成反馈板块苏海的电子邮件,为下节课culture time和checkout time的教学做好准备。


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