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1、济南外国语学校高中部高一英语模块结业考试笔试试题考试说明:本笔试试卷共分为两卷,满分100分。请将第I卷选择题涂在笔试答题卡上,第II卷主观题答案写在第二卷的相应答题处。第I卷(满分55分)I. 单项选择 (共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)1. After dinner he gave Mr Richard _ ride to _ Great Wall.A. the; a B. a; the C. 不填; a D.不填; the2. Green organizations are trying to save rain forests that have been _ by farmers.

2、A. createdB. ruinedC. threatenedD. protected3. The roads have _ because of peoples dependence on cars. A. jammedB. been jammingC. to jamD. been jammed4. Martin was_ to win the 100-meter race, but he fell to the ground and missed the chance. A. likelyB. possibleC. probableD. maybe5. The father as wel

3、l as his daughters _ skating on the freezing river every Sunday afternoon.A. goB. goesC. is goingD. are going6. Would you prefer to attend a private tutor?Id rather _ for a class than _ a tutor. A. sign up; haveB. to sign up; haveC. sign up; to haveD. to sign up; to have7. Sorry, we dont allow _ in

4、the lecture room. A. to smokeB. smokeC. smokingD. to smoking8. Pat decided to _ eating fast food to lose some weight and keep fit. A. look forward toB. break up withC. come up withD. cut down on9. People like to make friends with _ shares their interests. A. whomB. whomeverC. whoeverD. who10. When I

5、 arrived at home, my husband was lying on the floor, _ the kids with toys. A. entertainsB. entertainingC. entertainedD. to entertain11. Do you know where I can get someone _ my skirt? You can have your skirt _ at Main Street Cleaners.A. to shorten; shortenB. to shorten; shortenedC. shortened; shorte

6、nedD. shortened; to shorten12. How can I improve my memory? _ A. Why dont play concentration games?B. One thing you could do is play concentration games.C. What about to play concentration games?D. It might be a good idea playing concentration games.13. Are you going to Toms birthday party?_. I migh

7、t have to work.A. It dependsB. Thank youC. Sound greatD. Dont mention it14. Listen! I heard the birds _ around us. Yeah, what beautiful music! A. sangB. singC. to singD. singing15. With few people _ pigs, the price of pork _. A. rising; risesB. raising; raisesC. rising; raisedD. raising; risesII.完形填

8、空(共20小题;每小题1分,共20分)Ive always loved pigeons(鸽子). Some years ago I managed to persuade my wife to let me buy a few and start 16 them myself. They cost a lot of money and so it spoilt(破坏) our 17 a bit, but my wife never actually stopped me so I 18 carried on. I learnt so much about them that I could 1

9、9 a good racer anywhere and I bought some beauties. My pigeons won some top races, and I even began to make a bit of 20 . You see, people are prepared to pay big prices if they get to know that your pigeons are 21 big prizes. My wife had been changing her 22 to the pigeons over the last year or two

10、anyway. She was quite 23 of all the prizes wed won. Then there was the travelling, which she liked. You see some one has to take the pigeons a 24 way off and set them free. Some of the 25 were really nice. I never travelled. I used to like to wait at home and see them come in. Theyve got this wonder

11、ful sense of 26 , which can bring them back home so quickly. Theyd flown hundreds of miles sometimes 27 storms or against strong winds. And there theyd come, tiny white birds against the great 28 . Then Id watch them 29 round and come down onto the landing shelf. Id look at my watch and think, “My g

12、oodness, thats a good 30 . ”And Id take off the little leg ring and push it through the machine to 31 what time hed arrived. Then my wife would 32 up and say, “Has he arrived yet?” Then we would work out if wed won 33 .Then last year we had a 34 ! All of them got some sort of flu and 35 . It was ter

13、rible. I had to burn them all. We lost a fortune, of course.16. A. racing B. feeding C. tending D. flying17. A. dream B. work C. marriage D. hobby18. A. just B. even C. almost D. hardly19. A. notice B. learn C. imagine D. recognize20. A. living B. fun C. money D. change21. A. losing B. winning C. gi

14、ving D. making22. A. subject B. decision C. relation D. attitude23. A. proud B. fond C. careful D. sure24. A. different B. 1ong C. short D. far25. A. distances B. activities C. trips D. movements26. A. direction B. sight C. hearing D. touch27. A. over B. across C. with D. through28. A. heaven B. mountain C. cloud D. sky29. A. turn B. dance C. circle D. whistle30. A. fly B. time


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