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1、2022年考博英语-安徽大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题( )outside in the street, the man was sent to hospital at once.问题1选项A.To be found dyingB.Finding deadC.Found lying and dying fastD.Found lying and almost died【答案】C【解析】考查分词辨析。A选项To be found dying“被发现奄奄一息”;动词不定式表将来,本句所用一般过去式,故排除A选项。B选项Finding dead“发现死者”;主语是the man和f

2、ind之间的关系为被动关系,故排除B选项。D选项Found lying and almost died有语病,die是瞬间动词,也不能用almost修饰,可以用die的连续性动词dying“奄奄一息的”。句意:人们发现了这个男人躺在大街上奄奄一息的时候,立即将他送往医院。故选C。2. 单选题Would you please( )on your second point?问题1选项A.indicateB.elaborateC.precedeD.count【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项indicate“表明;指出”;B选项elaborate“精心制作;详细阐述”;C选项precede“领先

3、;高于”;D选项count“认为;算数”。句意:能不能对你的第二个要点进行?对第二个要点还没有领会理解,需要进一步做解释。因此B选项符合题意。3. 单选题“Shall I tell Ann how to improve her painting?”“Yes,but( )of suggestions may discourage her.”问题1选项A.a list too longB.too long a listC.a too long listD.a list of too long【答案】B【解析】考查语法结构。因为空格后面紧跟的of suggestions“的建议”,所以名词list要

4、放在词组最后,即list of suggestions,因此可以排除A,D选项。too + adj.作定语修饰名词,而放在名词前语序为:too + adj. +(限定词)+noun。或者将其放在名词后语序是:(限定词)+noun + too+adj,所以C选项的语序不对,可排除。句意:我要告诉安如何改进她的画吗?可以,但是太多的建议可能会让她气馁。因此B选项符合题意。4. 单选题The pollution question as well as several other issues is going to be discussed, when the congress is in( )ag

5、ain next spring.问题1选项A.assemblyB.sessionC.conferenceD.conventional【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项assembly“集会;集合”;B选项session“会议;(法庭的)开庭;(议会等的)开会”;C选项conference“会议;协商”;D选项conventional“符合习俗的;惯例的”。句意:污染问题,还有其他几个问题,将于明年春季代表再次召开时讨论。根据前面的介词in可知空格内应填入一个名词,做the congress“代表大会”的表语。由此可排除D选项。conference为正式用词,一般指大型会议,各国之间的协商、

6、会谈等。assembly多指一个通常有许多人参加、计划好的,为某一特殊目的而召集的会议。session一般指议会等召开的正式会议,也可指法庭之休庭期,会议之会期。根据关键词again“再一次”,说明现在的会议已经结束,需要等到下一个会期再进行讨论,in session“会议期”。因此B选项符合题意。5. 翻译题A recent advertisement for Google Chrome showed a series of important events in a childs life, each one belonging to a different part the Intern

7、etthe first steps on YouTube; birthday e-mails; Face book photos of teenage parties. The message was clear: a life can now be fully expressed through the Internet.This, of course, has a significant effect on how we remember things. Online, major events and experiences can be read aboutand with video

8、, watchedagain and again. Computers and the Internet, rather than offering something new, combine all our technological means of artificial memorytext, sound and imageto create a synthesis that can recall memories more intensely than anything before.【答案】谷歌浏览器的最新广告展示了一个孩子生活中的一系列重大事件,每件事都关乎互联网的方方面面You

9、Tube上,孩子学会走路后迈出第一步的视频;邮件中的电子生日贺卡,Facebook上年轻人聚会的照片。这一切所传达出的信息显而易见:生活完全可以在互联网上全部展现。毫无疑问,这对我们的记忆方式产生了重大的影响。重要的事件与经历都能在网上以图文或视频的形式反复看到。电脑与互联网并非提供给我们新鲜的事物,而是融合了文字、声音、图像等人工记忆的所有技术手段,共同创造出一种前所未有的,更加强烈地唤起我们记忆的综合体。6. 翻译题Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments

10、 into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET.The really critical implication of the discovery still lies with the door that geneticists have opened on the environmental influences of our behavior, our personalities and our health, and for the critical blow it strikes the

11、 idea of biological determinism.41. For the past decade, the public has witnessed a rising epidemic of tales of discoveries of genes that dispose humanity to homosexuality, to alcoholism, to political persuasion, to running ability, and to artistic taste.But even before yesterdays revelations by Ven

12、ter, scientists had stopped believing in the gay gene. Yet belief in its existence still persists among the public. 42. The assault on biological determinism that geneticists have now triggered will be timely, and human nature is a lot more complex and intriguing than determinists have given it cred

13、it for.It has become increasingly fashionable for individuals particularly in the United States to blame actions and crimes on the influence of their genes. Several US defendants accused of violent crimes have argued that they were innocent victims of their genes. 43. In other words, genetic predest

14、ination could soon have been used to excuse murder or robberyif it had not been for this discovery that we lack the genes to thus dispose us!Kevin Davies is the author of “The Sequence”, a story of the human genome race. He said. 44. “There has been a recent study on perfect pitch, the ability to kn

15、ow the absolute pitch of a musical note, that strongly suggests that is acquired through the inheritance of a single gene.” “That may sound like a clear-cut piece of biological determinism. However, there is a crucial corollary you have to be exposed to early musical training for the ability to materialize. In other words, even in seemingly simple inherited abilities, nurture has a role to play.”And then there is the case quoted by Venter. Take the example of colon (结肠)cancer. People say there is a gene that predisposes us to the disease. And certainly it


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