高中英语外研版必修3同步练习:module 5 第1课时introductionreading含答案【精校版】

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1、外研版精品英语资料(精校版)Module 5 第一课时.根据汉语提示写出单词1Everyone should enjoy_(平等)in employment,whatever family backgrounds they are from.2In some ways,a healthy mind is even more_(重要的)than a healthy body.3The organization_(建立)by the famous actress has helped countless children who lost their parents.4Many old peopl

2、e still have the_(信念)that boys are better than girls.5It is debatable whether an official can use his_(职位)for his personal interest.6Ways must be found to avoid the effect of_(压力),bad diets and overwork on our health.7She_(辞职)from the directorship and left the firm.8He_(命令)us to leave at once,but no

3、body followed it.9I cant thank you enough for your_(善良)10The general_(原则)is that education should be available to all children up to the age of 16.答案:1.equality2.important3.founded4.belief5position6.stress7.resigned8.ordered9.kindness10.principle.根据括号内所给的提示翻译下列句子1中国生产的自行车比日本生产的便宜。(those)_2他花了3年多的时间专

4、门画老北京的胡同。(spend)_3如果你照医生的建议去做,一切都会好的。(follow ones advice)_4比尔出生于加拿大,但是在美国长大。(bring up)_5电话在我们的日常生活中是很重要的。(importance)_答案:1Bicycles made in China are cheaper than those made in Japan.2He spent more than three years specially(in)drawing the Hutongs of the old Beijing.3Everything will go right if you f

5、ollow the doctors advice.4Bill was born in Canada but was brought up in America.5Telephone is of great importance in our daily life.根据括号内的汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词1Its our duty to_(照顾)the children who are weaker than ourselves.2People look down upon Tim,because he_his sick mother_(对不好)3We all know that an hou

6、r_(与相等)sixty minutes.4She travelled_(从一地到另一地),collecting information about local culture.5I think everyone should_(对友好)animals and not hurt them.6The way he speaks is very_(与相似)that of my previous teacher,Mr.Smith.答案:1.look after2.treats;badly3.is equal to4.from place to place5.be kind/friendly to6.

7、similar to.根据课文内容填空,每空一词Confucius was a famous 1._whose influence has been the greatest.He 2._the importance of kindness,duty and 3._in society.Mencius was a thinker whose 4._were very similar to those of Confucius.Mencius was 5._up by his mother.He was given an important 6._in the government of a s

8、tate.However,he 7._when he saw that the ruler wasnt following his advice.He believed that people were more important than 8._.Mozi was another teacher who was very 9._.He became famous for his unusual clothes and behaviour.Mozi believed that all men were 10._.答案:1.philosopher2.stressed3.order4.teach

9、ings5.brought6.position7.resigned8.rulers9.influential10equal.语法填空1Can I help you?Id like to buy a present for my best friend,_at proper price but of great use.答案:one考查代词用法。句意:需要帮忙吗?我想为我最好的好朋友买一件礼物,一件价格合适但又好用的礼物。one在句中作a present的同位语,相当于a present。2John is the boy_legs were badly hurt in the accident.

10、答案:whose句意:约翰就是那个在这次事故中腿部严重受伤的男孩。考查定语从句,先行词是the boy,定语从句中缺少定语修饰legs,所以要用whose。3My son has a good habit of keeping a diary every day;_a result,he is good at writing.答案:as句意:我儿子养成了每天写日记的好习惯,因此他擅长写作。as a result表示“结果,因此”,分析题干可知后半句是前半句的结果,因此用as。4The girl expressed her satisfaction with the exam result,_(

11、add)that she will work harder for a better performance.答案:adding考查非谓语动词。句意:女孩对考试结果感到满意,她补充说,她将会更加努力学习,以取得更好的成绩。adding在句中充当伴随状语,表示与前面的expressed同时发生的动作。5I saw Mary dancing at Kates birthday party and on that_(场合)she was really excellent.答案:occasion考查名词。句意:在凯特的生日晚会上我看到玛丽在跳舞,在那样的场合,她确实非常出色。occasion时机,场合

12、。6Why did you _?I have been offered a better position at IBM.答案:resign考查动词辨析。句意:你为什么辞职?IBM为我提供了一个更好的职位。7Fitness is important in sport,but of at least_importance are skills.答案:equal考查语境条件下形容词词义。句意:在体育运动中,身体状态是重要的,但是技巧至少也同等重要。equal相等的,同样的,(be)of equal importance意为“同样重要”。注意此句中but后面的分句为倒装句,of importance

13、等于important作表语,作者实际上是拿skills和fitness做对比,强调二者同等重要。根据语境判断,此处用equal最为合适。8Our English teacher always_the importance of reading aloud.答案:stresses句意:我们英语老师总是强调大声朗读的重要性。stress用作动词,意为“强调”。9Nearly all educators believe that a challenging situation can often bring_the best qualities of a person.答案:out考查动词短语。句意:几乎所有的教育工作者都相信挑战性的环境经常可以将一个人的最好的品质展现出来。bring out使显现,阐明。10The reason_many college graduates fail to find proper jobs is_they have enough book knowledge but


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