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1、Unit1: Slow and steady wins the race 年级:Grade Six 单元: Unit 1 时间: 2015.3.1 设计者:_教学目标(知识、技能和情感目标)1、“四会”掌握单词和词组:steady, win, (won),try, carry, such, in such a hurry, silly, hare, mean(meant), tortoise, proud, carefless-careful, patient, remanber, sad, hard, harder, 2、掌握句型: didnt want.You are like What

2、do you mean?You know Dont.3、能用正确的语音语调朗读课文。4、通过本节课的学习,提高学生的学习兴趣和参与课堂活动的积极性,养成良好的学习习惯。5、培养学生做事情不要一时贪快,要在稳中求胜。6、在龟兔赛跑中,乌龟的自以为是表现出来的不友善,也正是导致他失败的一个原因。诚信、友善对待他人,才能和他人达成“和谐”的成长环境!教学重难点1.重点:本课单词和课文的朗读2.难点:本课的句子较长,因此课文的朗读成为了难点,对中下生来讲,更需要帮助。教学准备金太阳 PPT 图片 教学过程第一课时一、warming up1、歌曲:课本P6 one two three four five

3、 新学期的第一节课用轻松愉快的音乐活跃气氛2、明确学习目标二、Presentation1、PPT示几个故事情景,让生讨论What are these stories about?;TP PP2.lead in the story ,the tortoise and the hare then teach the new words in the title3.what a video and discuss what can we learn from the story?Teach them to use the sentence Dont ,Be 4、lets talk. Look at

4、the picture and say: who are they? What are they doing? What is Jiamin doing?5.lets read and judge7.read the dialogue again and learn the new words8.read in group /together/ roles三、归纳巩固consolidation 1. Lets read.(1)让学生打开课本,把刚才的对话与原文对照,划出不同处。(2)课文录音,留意停顿及连读并用符号标示出来。(3)模仿录音熟读课文,特别是划线及标示部分要多读。2、学习与归纳新单

5、词归类学习,小组比赛记忆四、发展 Development1.Lets recite.2.Lets practise.根据图和句子理解重点短语和句子Try to do sth/ try ones best to do sthSb want to do sthIn a hurry/ hurry to do sthSure +从句If you want to you should 五、小结1、提问方式以学生讲自己这节课的收获。2、把自己喜欢的单词或者句子读给大家听。六、作业。1、朗读课文,读单词。2、抄写活动手册P71 U1教学过程第二课时一、热身、复习Revision1、歌曲:课本P6 2、明确学

6、习目标二、呈现Presentation1、try to retell the dialogue2.look and say (review some verb phrases, play a game Mime and guess3.look at the picture and give some advise, 4.let talk about the storiesExercise: listen and number then talk about the pictures5.look read and match 三、发展 Development1.T show the pictur

7、e of a story 2.look and title the story 3. tell the story with some simple sentences4. try to write四、小结1、tell your favourite story to your partner2、把自己听写出现错误的单词改正后抄写一行。六、布置作业1、背诵课文。2、听写活动手册P71 U1单词3、预习P4P5内容。教学反思教学过程第三课时一、warming up1.read the text and answer the question: Why are you in such in a hu

8、rry? You are like that silly hare. What does the writer meaning?2、明确学习目标:fun with language.二、PresentationPart 1:1、PPT展示短语,猜测短语的含义,并要求他们做出短语的动作。2.老师示范一个短语的动作,如果学生在表演过程中做得很好,不妨让学生合作:一个学生说出动词短语,一个做出动作。3一个学生说动作,另外的学生做动作。4、一个学生做动作,其他学生说句子:is in a hurry.等。Part 2:1.Show the pupils task 2 page 4.2.Talk abou

9、t the pictures with pupils. All the pupils will know the stories but maybe they cant say out the names of the stories. Teacher can help them and correct their answers.write down the names.3.Listen to the tape and names the pictures.4.Check their answers.Part 3:1.Show the pupils task 3 page 5. give t

10、hem time to do the reading and matching. When the pupils have finished, check the answers with them.2.5minutes to read the story with their friends.3.Read it together.Part 4:1.Invite pupils to look at the picture s and tell me what animals they can see. Explain fox and crow.2. Give time for the pupi

11、ls to prepare the story mentally. Then invite them to work in pairs and tell each other the story.3. Act out the story.三、make a sum: how to read a story and to name the title of the story.四、Development:read two stories on “homework on the Net”.Homework: write down the stories on page 5 on their book

12、. 教学反思:教学过程第四课时一、复习Revision:show the phrases on page 4,the pupils try to make some sentences.二、呈现PresentationPart 1:1、try to retell the stories on page 5.2.invite pupils to tell me what they can see.3.my help to the pupils: the bear is talking to the little cat. The little cat is fishing. But the be

13、ar tells her to do something. What will happen?4.give the pupils time to read the story on their own.5.when the pupils have finished ,ask them to tell me what happened in the end.Part 2:Compare these sentences. Pay attention to the verb form.1)likes eating fish.(simple present tense)2)look! are play

14、ing in my garden.(present continuous tense)3)They are going to have a picnic tomorrow.(future tense)4)yesterday she caught a lot of fish.(past tense)Make a sum: simple present tense: usually, often, sometimes, seldom, every present continuous tense: look!/listen/ now future tense: tomorrow,nextPast tense: yesterday, once, one day 三、发展 DevelopmentDo the exercise on page 2 in 四、小结:the difference between the different tense.六、布置作业1、区别各个时态的不同动词表达方式,留意时间词的判断!2、没有背诵课文的同学本周内背完。教学反思


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