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1、2022年考博英语-北京大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题New research suggests gossip could actually lower_and help people overcome the frustration of seeing someone doing something wrong and getting away with it.问题1选项A.pressB.blessC.cressD.stress【答案】D【解析】考查形近名词辨析。lower在句中表示动词用法,后面空格处应填名词。press “压;新闻”;bless无名词用法;cress“

2、水芹”;stress“压力”。句意:新的研究表明,流言实际上可能会降低并帮助人们克服看到有人做错事却没受惩罚的挫败感。因此选项D符合题意。2. 单选题_ active in commerce or the professions, most of the wealthy were not self-made, but had inherited family fortunes.问题1选项A.Except forB.DespiteC.AsD.Though【答案】D【解析】考查词语辨析。except for“除之外”;despite“尽管”,介词属性;as“如同”;though“尽管”。句意:大多

3、数富人活跃在商业或职业领域,并非白手起家,而是继承了家族财富。B选项意义相通,despite不能用于形容词前,选项D符合题意。3. 单选题Before turning to writing, I spent eight years as a lawyer about how life would be with a prominent father blazing my trail.问题1选项A.fantasizingB.fascinatingC.facilitatingD.finalizing【答案】A【解析】考查词语辨析。句中用的是spend time doing。fantasize“幻想

4、;做白日梦”;fascinate“使着迷;使神魂颠倒”;facilitate“促进;帮助”;finalize“完成;使结束”。句意:从事写作之前,我当了八年律师,幻想着有位声名显赫的父亲能够指引我方向,想象那样的生活是什么样子的。选项A符合题意。4. 单选题Why does storytelling endure across time and cultures? Perhaps the answer lies in our evolutionary roots. A study of the way that people respond to Victorian literature hi

5、nts that novels act as a social glue, reinforcing the types of behaviour that benefit society.Literature “could continually condition society so that we fight against base impulses and work in a cooperative way, says Jonathan Gottschall of Washington and Jefferson College, Pennsylvania. He and co-au

6、thor Joseph Carroll at the University of Missouri, St. Louis, study how Darwins theories of evolution apply to literature. Along with John Johnson, an evolutionary psychologist at Pennsylvania State University in DuBois, the researchers asked 500 people to fill in a questionnaire about 200 classic V

7、ictorian novels. The respondents were asked to define characters as protagonists or antagonists and then to describe their personality and motives, such as whether they were conscientious or power hungry.The team found that the characters fell into groups that mirrored the egalitarian dynamics of a

8、society in which individual dominance is suppressed for the greater good Evolutionary Psychology, vol 4, p 716). Protagonists, such as Elizabeth Bennett in Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice, for example, scored highly on conscientiousness and nurturing, while antagonists like Bram Stokers Count Dracu

9、la scored highly on status-seeking and social dominance. In the novels, dominant behaviour is “powerfully stigmatized, says Gottschall “Bad guys and girls are just dominance machines; they are obsessed with getting ahead, they rarely have pro-social behaviours.”While few in todays world live in hunt

10、er-gatherer societies, “the political dynamic at work in these novels, the basic opposition between communitarianism and dominance behaviour, is a universal theme”, says Carroll. Christopher Boehm, a cultural anthropologist whose work Carroll acknowledges was an important influence on the study, agr

11、ees. “Modem democracies, with their formal checks and balances, are carrying forward an egalitarian ideal”.A few characters were judged to be both good and bad, such as Heathcliff in Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights or Austens Mr. Darcy. “They reveal the pressure being exercised on maintaining the to

12、tal social order,” says Carroll.Boehm and Carroll believe novels have the same effect as the cautionary tales told in older societies. “Novels have a function that continues to contribute to the quality and structure of group life,” says Boehm. “Maybe storytellingfrom TV to folk tales actually serve

13、s some specific evolutionary adaptation,” says Gottschall. Theyre not just products of evolutionary adaptation.1.According to the study mentioned in the passage, which one of the following best defines the function of literature in human society?2.What were the respondents in the research asked to d

14、o?3.What is said about the bad guys and girls in novels?4.In the political dynamic of literature, to what is dominant behavior set opposed?问题1选项A.It helps with the evolutionary progress.B.It helps advocate peoples base impulse and conscientiousness.C.It reinforces the types of behavior the benefit a

15、 cooperative society.D.It suppresses base impulses and sets regulations for society.问题2选项A.To identify protagonists and antagonists in some novels and describe them.B.To group characters in novels who mirror the egalitarian dynamic of a society.C.To give scores to literary character in regard to social dominance.D.To tell the bad guys from the good ones in some novels.问题3选项A.They are protagonists that are powerfully stigmatized.B.They are always afraid of getting ahead of others.C.They rarely have behaviors t


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