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1、云山中学2010-2011学年度上学期九年级第二次月考英 语 试 卷一、听力测试(25分)A)听下面十段对话,每段对话后有一小题。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分)( )4。What does the boy want to do this afternoon ? A to buy shoes. B. To practice driving. C. To meet friends.( )5. What would the boy do if he found someone copying his answer in tile tes

2、t? A. He would tell the teacher. B. He would stop him doing so. C. He would allow him to copy.( )6. Why doesnt Mary talk to Mike? A Because she doesnt know Mike B Because Mike doesnt want to talk to her. C. Because Mike always copies others homework.( )7. What are they going to do next? A. Watch a m

3、ovie. B. Go back home. C. Buy tickets. ( )8. What is the woman going to do first? A. Put out the fire. B. Call 119. C. Help the people. ( )9. Whats the relationship between the two speaker? A. Classmates. B. Mother and son. C Teacher and student ( )10 How much is the jacket?A 120 dollars B 80 dollar

4、s C 60 dollarsB) 听下面三段对话,听完第一段对话后回答第1113小题,听完第二段对话后回答1416小题,听完第三段对话后回答第1720小题。听每段对话前有40秒钟的时间阅读各小题。每段对话读两遍。(每题1分)Conversation 1( )11. What does Mike usually do in the evenings of weekdays? A. He usually watches TV. B. He usually does his homework. C. He usually reads storybooks. ( )12. Where does Sar

5、ah do her homework? A. At school B: At home. C, In the library. ( )13. How long does Mike usually watch TV? A. For two hour. B. For an hour. C, For half an hour.Convention 2( )14. How does Jerry feel? A, Happy. B. Upset C, Tired.( )15. What does Jerry want to buy? A. A blue skirt. B. A yellow dress.

6、 C. A red sweater.( )16. What kind of clothes does Jerrys mother allow her to buy? A. Clothes out of style. B. Clothes in style. C. Cheap clothes.Monologue( )17. Whom is the speaker going to Australia with? A. His parents. B. His friends C His classmates.( )18. When will they leave? A. On July 18th.

7、 B. On July 8th. C. On August 10th.( )19. How much does file speaks s trip cost? A. 2,000 yuan. B. 20,000 yuan. C. 22,000 yuan.( )20 What is the speakers dream? A Going to English-speaking countries B Traveling around the world C Having English classes with foreign students.C) 听下面一段短文,然后根据短文内容回答2125

8、题。听短文前你有50秒钟的时间阅读各小题。短文读两遍。(每小题1分)When she was youngnowHomeOn a farmIn 21_ in the cityFood Grew most food on the farmBuys food in the 22_Clothes23 _ made all her clothesShe makes most of her clothesCommunicationsWrote letters to her 24_25_ to her grandchildren二. 单项填空(15分)( )26. How do you study _ a

9、test? - I study _ making flashcards A by, for B for for C for , by D by , by( )27 Miss Yang is a good teacher .She taught_ English last term.A our B we C us D ours( )28 Dont make so much _ ! I cant hear the telephone.A sound B shout C voice D noise ( )29 Hello! Would you like to go the party with me

10、 tonight? Im sorry I cant . Mother wont _ me to go out in the evening .A let B allow C offer D ask( )30 What did you look like ten years ago?- I _ have long hair.A was used to B used to C was used for d use to ( )31 Dont _ too late , or you will reel tired in class- I wont , Mum . Good night!A wake

11、up B get up C stand up D stay up( )32 I wanted to do my homework last night , but ended up _ to the cinema.A go B to go C going D went( )33 He preferred to sit rather than _A sleep B sleeping C sleeps D to sleeping( )34 Whose magazine is that ?-It _ belong to David . I saw him reading it just now.A

12、need B can C would D must( )35 You look tired . _ working indoors you should be out for a walk.A Because of B Instead of C Thanks to D As for ( )36 Dons put off todays work till tomorrow. I mean, todays work _ today .A may do B must do C may be done D must be done( )37-Will you please give me some a

13、dvice on _ English at home?-Well , do a lot of reading and listen to English tapes .A how to learn B watt to learn C when to learn D where to learn( )38 This song _ often _ by children.A is , singing B was ; singing C has sung D is , sung ( )39 You wont catch up with your classmates _ you work hard.A unless B if C because D though( )40I dont think music is so useful as art.-_. I prefer music.A I agree with you B I really cant agree with you C Its my favorite D Ive got a good idea 三. 完形填空(25分) M


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