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1、5A Unit 9 知识点归纳【词汇】shape 形状teach 教;教书fly 飞;放(风筝、飞机模型)us 用作宾语我们sun 太阳 moon 月亮star 星星 year 年know 知道;懂paper 纸art 艺术 about 关于square 正方形;方形物rectangle 长方形circle 圆;圆圈diamond 菱形;菱形的triangle 三角形;三角形的 then 然后Happy New Year! 祝你新年快乐!grandparents 祖父母;外祖父母forget 忘记grandpa 爷爷;外公only 只;仅仅【词组】到黑板上来come to the blackb

2、oard 买一张贺卡给我buy a card for me忘记写forget to write 一节美术课an Art lesson教英语teach English 和她一起玩play with her做一个风筝make a kite 在纸上on the paper在我后面的女孩the girl behind me 把你的新包给我看看show me your new bag 怎么画一个风筝how to draw a kite 上一节语文课have a Chinese lesson多少个长方形how many rectangles 五颗星five stars看月亮look at the moon

3、 教我们英语teach us English画一座房子draw a house 给我一些纸give me some paper什么形状what shape 制作一张卡片make a card句子:1. What shape is the ? (这个是什么形状的?) Its a/ an (它是)2. Show us how to (向我们展示怎样)3. Why dont we make one? (为什么我们不做一个?)4. Lets buy a for (让我们买一个给)5. I dont know how to (我不知道怎样)6. Dont forget to (别忘了)7. Happy

4、New Year! (新年快乐)8. Draw first.(先画)9. Miss Li is teaching her students about shapes. (李小姐正在教她的学生们形状。)10. Come to the blackboard and show us how to do it.(到黑板上向我们展示怎样做)【重难点解析】1. Miss Li is teaching her students about shapes. 李老师正在教她的学生们(认识)形状。 (1) teach是teacher的动词,意为“教”。第三人称单数为teaches,现在分词为teaching。 T

5、each后面若跟人称代词,注意要用其宾格形式。如: Miss Li teaches us English. 李老师教我们英语。 My father is teaching me to sing. 我父亲在教我唱歌。 (2) about意为“关于,大约”。短语teachabout意为“教关于”。about也可以与其他单词组成一些短语。如:talk about 谈论关于,read about读关于.,how about关于怎样。如: We are talking about our parents. 我们在谈论我们的父母。 How about that blue dress? 那件蓝色的连衣裙怎样

6、?2. The students are learning how to draw them. 学生们在学习怎么画它们。 how to do sth. 是“如何做某事”的意思,这是一种特殊的动词不定式短语,其结构为“疑问词+动词不定式”,疑问词后面to+动词原形构成动词不定式。如: I dont know what to do. 我不知道该怎么办。 He can tell me where to go. 他能告诉我到哪里去。3. What shape is the kite, Mike? 迈克,风筝是什么形状的? Its a square. 是正方形的。 这是询问物品形状的特殊疑问句形式及其回

7、答。其对应的复数形式的句式应为: What shapes are the kites? They are squares.4. How many circles can you see? 你能看到几个圈? I can see five circles. 我能看到五个圈。 How many 是用来询问“多少”的疑问词,它强调的是数量,后面要跟可数名词的复数。How much也有询问“多少”之意,但它常用于询问价钱。Can是情态动词,后面的动词用原形。如: How many pears can you see? 你能看见多少个梨子? I can see four pears. 我能看到四个梨子。

8、How much are the pears? 这些梨子多少钱? Three yuan. 三元。5. Come to the blackboard and show us how to do it. 到黑板前面来展示给我们看怎么做的。 show sb. how to do sth. 是“教某人怎么做某事”的意思。动词show后面应该用人称带的宾格形式,而to后面要用动词原形。 Let me show you how to cook. 让我教你如何做饭。 Come here and show us how to sing the song. 过来教我们如何唱这首歌。6. Lets buy a N

9、ew Year card for our grandparents. 让我们给祖父母买一张新年贺卡。 buy for是“为某人买某物,买某物给某人”之意,for后面如果跟的是人称代词,则用宾格形式。如: I want to buy some flowers for my mum. 我想给妈妈买些花。 Lets buy some fruit for him. 让我们买些水果给他吧。7. Dont forget to write “Dear grandma and grandpa”. 不要忘了写上“亲爱的祖父和祖母”。 forget是“忘记”的意思,“忘记做某事”用“forget to do st

10、h.”结构,to后面要用动词原形。Forget后面如果直接跟人称代词,要用其宾格形式。如: Dont forget her. 不要忘记她。 Dont forget to close the door. 别忘了关门。【课堂练习】一、单词辩音 读音相同的用“T”表示,不相同的用“F”表示。( )1. classcake( )2. hatwhat( )3. putup( )4. sofastove( )5. helpvest( )6. horse world( )7. nearbear( )8. bikelike二、英汉词组互译1. 一节艺术课_2. 教我们英语_3. 放风筝 _ 4. 画一颗星星

11、_5. 一张新年贺卡 _6. show us how to draw them _7. look at the blackboard_ 8. make a card _9. forget to write _ 10. Happy New Year! _三、单项选择( )1. Mr Green is _ an English song. A. teaching usB. teaching ourC. teaches us( )2. The children are learning how _ a cat. A. drawingB. to drawC. draws( )3. _ is this

12、window? Its a square. A. What shapeB. What shapesC. Whats shape( )4. What does the boy _? He _ a bag. A. have; haveB. has; hasC. have; has( )5. _? There are five circles.A. How many circles can you seeB. How many stars are thereC. How many circles are there( )6. Come _ the blackboard and show us how

13、 _ do it. A. to; toB. at; toC. to; at( )7. Lets _ some cakes _ our brother, Tom. A. buying; toB. buy; forC. buy; to( )8. Why dont we make a card for our grandparents? _. A. Yes, I amB. Good ideaC. Me, too( )9. Draw a dog and some flowers _ the paper _. A. in; firstB. on; firstC. on; one( )10. Dont forget _ “Dear Grandma and Grandpa”.


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