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1、2022年考博英语-大连理工大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题It is through learning that the individual( ) many habitual ways of reacting tosituations.问题1选项A.retainsB.gainsC.achievesD.acquires【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。retain “保持”;gain “获得”,指通过努力获得自己想要的东西;achieve “收获,获得”,指凭借长期的努力实现自己的目标;acquire “获得”,指通过努力逐步获得才能、知识、习惯等。通过分析,选项D

2、符合题意。2. 单选题She is a very ( )student. Shes always talking about traveling to outer space.问题1选项A.imaginaryB.imaginativeC.imaginableD.imagining【答案】B【解析】考察形似形容词词义辨析。imaginary “虚构的,假想的”;imaginative “富于想象的,有创造力的”;imaginable “可能的,可想象的”;imagining 是 image的动名词形式。句意:她是一个富有想象力的学生。她总是谈论关于在外太空漫游的事。选项B符合题意。3. 翻译题I

3、t is simple enough to say that since books have classes- fiction, biography, poetry-we should separate them and take from each what is right that each should give us. Yet few people ask from books what books can give us. Most commonly we come to books with blurred and divided minds, asking of fictio

4、n that it shall be true, of poetry that it shall be false, of biography that it shall be flattering, of history that it shall enforce our own prejudices. If we could banish all such preconceptions when we read, that would be an admirable beginning. Do not dictate to your author; try to become him. B

5、e his fellow-worker and accomplice. If you hang back, and reserve, and criticize at first, you are preventing yourself from getting the fullest possible value from what you read. But if you open your mind as widely as possible, then signs and hints of almost imperceptible fineness, from the twist, a

6、nd turn of the first sentences, will bring you into the presence of a human being unlike any other. Steep yourself in this, acquaint yourself with this, and soon you will find that your author is giving you, or attempting to give you, something far more definite.【答案】既然书有小说、传记、诗歌之分,我们就应该把它们分类,从中吸收它们应

7、该给予的知识。这说起来很容易。然而很少有人要求书本应该给予的知识。我们总是囫囵吞枣般去看书,要求小说必须真实,要求诗歌必须虚构,要求传记谄媚,要求历史书能加强自己的偏见。如果我们读书之前能抛开这些偏见,将会是一个好的开始。不要去强加你的想法给作者,而是要去理解他,成为他的伙伴。如果你将自己置身事外,并且从一开始就批判他,你就无法从书中获得最大的价值。但是如果你敞开心扉,那么书中精细入微的寓言和暗示便会让你从开头那些晦涩的句子中绕出来,把你带到一个独特的人物面前。把自己沉浸在里面去钻研,你很快会发现,作者正向你阐述的或者是试图向你阐述的东西是一些比原来要明确得多的东西。4. 单选题Over th

8、e last fifteen years, running has become a popular ( )for 30 millionparticipants of all ages.问题1选项A.fantasyB.pastimeC.symposiumD.penalty【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。fantasy “幻想”;pastime “消遣,娱乐”;symposium “座谈会;penalty “惩罚”。句意:在过去的三十年里,跑步对于3000万名各个年龄层的参与者来说成为了一种非常受欢迎的消遣方式。选项B符合题意。5. 翻译题Possession for its own sak

9、e or in competition with the rest of the neighborhood would have been Thoreaus idea of the low levels. The active discipline of heightening ones perception of what is enduring in nature would have been his idea of the high. What he saved from the low was time and effort he could spend on the high. T

10、horeau certainly disapproved of starvation, but he would put into feeding himself only as much effort as would keep him functioning for more important efforts. Effort is the gist of it. There is no happiness except as we take on life-engaging difficulties. Short of the impossible,as Yeats put it, th

11、e satisfaction we get from a lifetime depends on how high we choose our difficulties. Robert Frost was thinking in something like the same terms when he spoke of “The pleasure of taking pains”.The mortal flaw in the advertised version of happiness is in the fact that it purports to be effortless.We

12、demand difficulty even in our games. We demand it because without difficulty there can be no game. A game is a way of making something hard for the fun of it. The rules of the game are an arbitrary imposition of difficulty. When someone ruins the fun, he always does so by refusing to play by the rol

13、es. It is easier to win at chess if you are free, at your pleasure, to change the wholly arbitrary roles, but the fun is in winning within the rules. No difficulty, no fun.【答案】努力是关键。只有当我们坦然面对人生中的困苦,才有幸福可言。正如叶芝所言,除去某些不可能的情形,我们于人生中所获取的满足取决于我们在多高的境界中选择我们所愿意面对的艰难困苦。罗伯特弗罗斯特谈到“以苦为乐”时,应该也是这种想法。广告中宣传的幸福观的致命

14、缺点便是它试图宣传幸福唾手可得。我们即使玩游戏也会有困难。我们之所以需要它,是因为没有困难便没有游戏可言。游戏便是让其中的乐趣没有那么容易得到。游戏的规则便是将苦难武断地强加于人。当有人破坏了这些乐趣,也意味着他总是会拒绝遵守游戏规则。下棋时,如果你随心所欲地去更改规则,这样很容易赢。但是游戏的乐趣就在于能够在遵守规则的前提下赢。如果没有困难,也就没有乐趣可言。6. 单选题The wings of the bird still( )after it had been shot down.问题1选项A.slappedB.scratchedC.flappedD.fluctuated【答案】C【解析

15、】考查动词词义辨析。slap “拍击”;scratch “抓,搔”;flap “拍动翅膀”;fluctuate “波动”。句意:鸟儿在被打中之后仍然在拍动翅膀。选项C符合题意。7. 单选题The political future of the president is now hanging by a ( ).问题1选项A.threadB.cordC.stringD.rope【答案】A【解析】考查固定搭配。hang by a thread “千钧一发”。句意:总统的政治未来现在正处在千钧一发的时刻。选项A符合题意。8. 单选题Movie directors use music to( ) the action on the screen.问题1选项A.contaminateB.complimentC.contemplateD.complement【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。contaminate “污染”;compliment “恭维”;contemplate “沉思,注视”; complement “补充”。句意:电影导演用音乐来补充荧幕上的动作。选项


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