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1、 欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助!学校代码:10255学 号:中图法分类号:C93京东公司电子商务发展战略研究Research on E-commerce Development Strategy of Jingdong Company 学科专业:工商管理(MBA)作者姓名:孙峰指导教师: 姚洪心教授答辩日期: 20140514 感谢阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助!东华大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:我恪守学术道德,崇尚严谨学风。所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已明确注明和引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写

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5、公司内外部环境的实际,借助各种理论与工具,设计制定了京东公司电子商务发展的十个战略。第六部分对京东公司战略实施与控制作了讨论并对实施效果进行了评价。关键词 电子商务 4P模型 战略 B2C 自建物流 网络金融 AbstractThe rapid development of the internet has greatly changed the way people lives and works. You can easily go shopping online stay at home, and then wait for the product which will be deliv

6、ered by the distribution servers. Variety numbers of goods is almost no upper limit, up to millions and billions or bigger.A new internet-based E-commerce is surging, profoundly changed the traditional business of the various models. Main steam of online E-commerce are B2B and C2C in the early,But t

7、he B2C (also known as online retail) model have a tremendous development in recent years. Jingdong company is a online retail with legendary pace. It far exceeds the average pace of development in the industry from its inception. Now Jingdong has become the Chinas second network marketing company.In

8、 2013 sales volume is over one hundred billion scale. All kinds of theory and practice show that: the correct business development strategy and the implementation of the strategy is the key to success for the enterprise on survive and development. There are certain significance to research and analy

9、ze such a successful companys development strategy for thinking about the future business trend or adapting to future changes in business. The paper have a comprehensive analysis about Jingdong companys E-commerce strategy using Case Analysis Method and Comparative Analysis Approach with theories an

10、d tools in Economics,Marketing,Strategics.Then designed ten strategies for the company.In the end introduced the control measures for implementation of strategy and evaluated the results of implementation.The paper have six parts: The first chapter is an introduction. Introduces the research backgro

11、und and significance,Summarized the achievements of domestic and foreign research, Demonstrated the current statement of E-commerce research. Finally, the structure and the innovation of the paper are described. The second part describes the strategic theory related to E-commerce and Professional re

12、search and analysis tools about strategy are introduced. The third part have a comprehensive analysis and summary about the external environment which Jingdong faces in macro environment, industry and competitors.The fourth part conductes a comprehensive analysis and summary on Jingdongs internal re

13、sources and core competencies conditions.The fifth part designed ten strategies on E-commerce development of Jindong company througe theories and tools,based the facts of external and internal environment . The sixth part introduced control measures for strategy implementation and evaluated the resu

14、lts of strategy implementation.KeywordsE-commerce 4P Model Strategy B2C Self-built logistics The Internet Finance 不要删除行尾的分节符,此行不会被打印目录目录摘要IAbstractIII第一章 绪论11.1京东公司简介与论文结构11.1.1京东公司简介11.1.2论文结构与创新点11.2研究背景与研究现状21.2.1研究背景21.2.2国内外研究现状4第二章 主要研究理论与工具82.1主要相关理论82.1.1信息经济理论82.1.2市场营销理论92.1.3公司战略理论112.2公司

15、战略分析工具142.2.1 PEST分析142.2.2 SWOT分析15第三章 京东公司外部环境分析173.1宏观环境分析173.1.1政治法律环境173.1.2经济环境183.1.3社会文化环境193.1.4技术环境193.2行业分析203.2.1行业趋势203.2.2产业链分析223.3竞争对手分析253.3.1竞争对手简介(亚马逊、阿里巴巴、苏宁)253.3.2竞争对手比较263.4外部环境分析总结283.4.1机会283.4.2威胁29第四章 京东公司内部环境分析314.1资源状况分析314.1.1人力资源状况314.1.2财务资源状况314.1.3物流系统资源状况344.1.4信息系统资源状况354.2核心能力分析354.2.1网络营销能力354.2.2供应商整合能力364.2.3物流服务能力364.3.内部环境分析总结374.3.1优势374.3.2劣势37第五章 京东公司电子商务发展


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