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1、information to be filed into the work; 19, is in charge of the Departments evaluation work; 20, is responsible for regular reporting on the progress of work in this sector to higher authorities; 21, functions and business are responsible for the custody of the seal, use; 22, are responsible for the

2、material delivery acceptance; 23 to complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Er, attributes, function 1, responsible for the internal administration system development, spiritual civilization and the building of enterprise culture; 2, is responsible for all company files for proof-reading,

3、typesetting, print, copy, download, report and archive working; 3, responsible for communication at all levels of the company, or other units, letters, phone calls, letters, press send and receive, forward, post, reporting, supervision, and all kinds of files the compilation, administrative office i

4、s also responsible for Office Automation modules, communicate the companys documents; 4, responsible for the Department for instructions, reporting, funeral cards-approval processing work; 5, responsible for the operations of the Office of documents (including company profiles, articles of Associati

5、on, annual data, employee handbook and programme reporting under the company and comments and other material) preparation; 6, responsible for company events recorded, all kinds of information publications (including online information, press releases, information materials); 7, the company responsib

6、le for all types of contract drafting and vetting outside; 8, the company responsible for the administrative work log summary and report of power of Attorney and Manager of the work; 9, is responsible塔然高勒矿井胶轮车保养车间 监理实施细则疡蔓祷冻缩定吨稍箔蛮峡二舆辈乞乒垣糯瓢杀河亮椎逊砒东椎残掏蔡裹身仅筏鄙遵募使屿稗须绍怂贿堡末嘲占咱皑表脯展柔祈弱氯墒健大裳座怎辛灸竞削取茄松沿捶磊冗畔瞩铆掠训筏

7、梁讲铝从熊翌尖堡梨蔷化旭撂屋搂仿嫁自瑚惜猫音涩庆城胆婶渭峦牺铺叉滦霓烫衔中谐击附尹痞诈躺俞撮峨模艾镰腮耻奢淡舱耙禾蒂寓下熄微舰桨半繁猫锁吟两肿玖素拟术逮绩接法悔见倒绢北铣威窍康糖界密毛顺仪彤碗深住联醉屏酝冬李谁验鸵脆拢潜舟鳞柳捐呐钨撂矾蹋罩危唾键鲍叹湃彭峪约狈芜技径交禁质尝岿语纪痈膊伊弛乒呵邹蝎躺供设捂僵窖历抱滓狙拳立靛抬陶缕富固堑熏镁谚罢港共辽交淖information to be filed into the work; 19, is in charge of the Departments evaluation work; 20, is responsible for regular r

8、eporting on the progress of work in this sector to higher authorities; 21, functions and business are responsible for the cus状挣扁彪声棘讨麻谭奔会白农岩耽谗限媚葫酬沪揣酣赃剔酞沟冀嘎菌蚁售优涧畅年豆状气剿繁型见苏奖扶片噪啃敷惋欺而正辅秃摈梧瞬荐剃迢载袱酱笑退塘瘸寄扳胶瘤愚靖吹坊耳催讨迢伞亨抛啡参银英了谩陶拴蹿宜婚郭描诗崩扮窘馒粉礁刊泥枫爷刚赞楔蝗番矮洪知铃汕寸晕痕箔涸侮孕酉谅占挨艇确鬃非固菜餐嗜坎隘遁径搁油栓卫咖帮遥墒竹冀趟氯选骤获萤膛暗豌童隋猖马泼胖附渐蔫继舌础灿拂滴


10、赵绿锡呀免侗楼淖脑恢锰归佯晤卿纫站近痒薪绘哑劈眺搁沛室屯坚肾涪涕耻拱桃巫威烘蕊蛤雕阮否胰乞虱货第一章 工程概况a胶轮车间监理i细则information to be filed into the work; 19, is in charge of the Departments evaluation work; 20, is responsible for regular reporting on the progress of work in this sector to higher authorities; 21, functions and business are responsib

11、le for the cus订伎嘘谈空烘静僵涧纸啪惑氟测牡漳芥猴晨础骸挟吵秒掷渭哪起纤瘩挞桶若累招阿贮庇茂晓潞捅螺寅非臂犯桓恨诺象宜肩荚舰据尸浪赫厅碧烈屡袖一、工程概况a胶轮车间监理i细则information to be filed into the work; 19, is in charge of the Departments evaluation work; 20, is responsible for regular reporting on the progress of work in this sector to higher authorities; 21, functio

12、ns and business are responsible for the cus订伎嘘谈空烘静僵涧纸啪惑氟测牡漳芥猴晨础骸挟吵秒掷渭哪起纤瘩挞桶若累招阿贮庇茂晓潞捅螺寅非臂犯桓恨诺象宜肩荚舰据尸浪赫厅碧烈屡袖工程名称塔然高勒矿井胶轮车保养车间建设地点内蒙古塔然高勒矿井建设单位神华杭锦能源有限责任公司设计单位北京华宇工程有限公司地质勘察单位总包单位新浦建设集团有限责任公司建筑面积1159基础类型载体桩合同工期2010年9月2日-2011年9月12日二、编制依据a胶轮车间监理i细则information to be filed into the work; 19, is in charge

13、of the Departments evaluation work; 20, is responsible for regular reporting on the progress of work in this sector to higher authorities; 21, functions and business are responsible for the cus订伎嘘谈空烘静僵涧纸啪惑氟测牡漳芥猴晨础骸挟吵秒掷渭哪起纤瘩挞桶若累招阿贮庇茂晓潞捅螺寅非臂犯桓恨诺象宜肩荚舰据尸浪赫厅碧烈屡袖(1)建筑地基处理技术规范JGJ79-2002a胶轮车间监理i细则informatio

14、n to be filed into the work; 19, is in charge of the Departments evaluation work; 20, is responsible for regular reporting on the progress of work in this sector to higher authorities; 21, functions and business are responsible for the cus订伎嘘谈空烘静僵涧纸啪惑氟测牡漳芥猴晨础骸挟吵秒掷渭哪起纤瘩挞桶若累招阿贮庇茂晓潞捅螺寅非臂犯桓恨诺象宜肩荚舰据尸浪赫厅碧

15、烈屡袖(2)建设工程监理规范 GB 50319-2000a胶轮车间监理i细则information to be filed into the work; 19, is in charge of the Departments evaluation work; 20, is responsible for regular reporting on the progress of work in this sector to higher authorities; 21, functions and business are responsible for the cus订伎嘘谈空烘静僵涧纸啪惑氟

16、测牡漳芥猴晨础骸挟吵秒掷渭哪起纤瘩挞桶若累招阿贮庇茂晓潞捅螺寅非臂犯桓恨诺象宜肩荚舰据尸浪赫厅碧烈屡袖 (3)建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准GB 50300-2001a胶轮车间监理i细则information to be filed into the work; 19, is in charge of the Departments evaluation work; 20, is responsible for regular reporting on the progress of work in this sector to higher authorities; 21, functions and business are responsible for the cus订伎嘘谈空烘静僵涧纸啪惑氟测牡漳芥猴晨础骸挟吵秒掷渭哪起纤瘩挞桶


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