PEP四年级英语下册Unit5_The sixth period(第六课时)教案与反思

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《PEP四年级英语下册Unit5_The sixth period(第六课时)教案与反思》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《PEP四年级英语下册Unit5_The sixth period(第六课时)教案与反思(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、The sixth period ( 第六课时)原创不容易,为有更多动力,请【关注、关注、关注】,谢谢! 师者,所以传道,授业,解惑也。韩愈原创不容易,为有更多动力,请【关注、关注、关注】,谢谢! 古之学者必严其师,师严然后道尊。欧阳修原创不容易,为有更多动力,请【关注、关注、关注】,谢谢! 玉壶存冰心 ,朱笔写师魂。冰心冰心Part B Read and write & Let s check & Let s sing 教学内容与目标课时教学内容课时教学目标能够通过图片等读懂短文,看图选择肯定或否定回答Read and write 能够按照意群和正确的语音、语调朗读短文能够在有意义的语境中抄

2、写单元核心句型,并根据实际情况仿写句子Lets checkLets sing 教学重点能够根据图片信息预测听力考查点,有意识地去听录音并完成判断任务 能够在教师的引导下仔细看图并完成单词与图片的连线任务能够借助图片、PPT 了解歌词意思,并学会清晰、准确地演唱能够通过图片等读懂短文,并按要求完成练习。 教学难点能够通过观察图片理解例句,并能够在有意义的语境中仿写核心句型。 教学准备1.预习状元大课堂中本课时的相关内容。2. PPT 课件、课文录音、视频、卡片等。 教学过程Step 1: Pre-reading 1. Greetings.2. Revision.Teaching purpose用

3、单词卡片复习相关衣 物类的单词,通过活动“看 一看,说一说”复习相关单 词和句型,激活学生已有知 识,为后面的学习做好铺垫。Use the word cards to help students review the words of the clothes.3. Look and say.Show a picture on the PPT. Students look at it and say the words.S1: Whose pants are those?S2: Theyre Sarahs.S1: What colour are they?S2: Theyre blue.Step

4、 2: While-reading1. Look at the picture.Present the picture of Sarah. (课件出示:Read nd circle 中 Sarah 的夏令营图片)T: Sarahs summer camp i over. This is a photo of her and her friends. Wh are they? What are they wearing?Encourage students to answer the questions and check the answers.2. Listen and understand

5、.Play the recording of the frst sentence. (课件出示:Read and circle 中第一句的音频)T:Oh, its time to pack the clothes.Do the actio to help students understand the word “pack”. Teach the word.Teaching purpose初看动画,请学生圈出 相应的衣物,为后面的阅读 任务的完成降低难度,对学 生进行阅读策略的培养。 3. Watch and circle. Show the pictures f many clothes o

6、n the PPT. Ask students to lok at the picures and circle the clothes Sarah ill pack. 课件出示:各类衣物的图片)Play the cartoon. (出示课件)Student watch the cartoon and circle the right pctures. 4 Read, circle and underline. (1 Students ead the text. Try to circle A or Bby themseles in the books.(2) Students underli

7、ne the sentences about the descriptions of the clothes.5. Check the answers.6. Read the text.Sudents read the text after the recording. Ten practice the text by themselves. (出示课件)7. Point and say.Students point to the pictures. Ask and answer in pairs. Step 3: Post-reading1. Look and write. (1) Ask

8、students to look at the pictures of “Look and write”. Lead students to answer the questions: Who is he/she?/What are these?/What is this?T: Whoseare/is?S1: These are Johns shoes.S2: This is Chen Jies dress.(2) Demonstrate blackboard writing.Write down the sentences on the blackboard.T: The first let

9、ter of the sentence should be capitalized. There are spaces between the words.(3) Imitate the sentences.Teaching purpose学生自主阅读完成选择 任务,并画出相应的描写衣 物的句子,引导学生将抽象 的问题具体化,培养学生的 阅读能力。Teaching purpose引导学生在有意义的语 境中仿写句子,并提醒学生 注意首字母大写以及单词与 单词之间要空格,对学生的 书写进行正确的指导。 Ask students to draw their pants and write a sen

10、tence in the book.2. Lets check. (1) Listen and tick or cross.Students look at the pictures of “Listen and tick or cross” by themselves.The teacher plays the recording. (出示课件)Students listen and tick or cross the four pictures.Check the answers. (课件出示:答案及听力材料)(2) Look and match.Show the picture of “

11、Look and match” to students. T: This is a clothes shop. What do you see?Ss: I see some hatsStudents look at the picture and talk about the clothes. Then try to match the words with the pictures.Check the answers.Students read the words one by one.3. Lets sing. (1) Look at the picture of “Lets sing”.

12、Lead students to answer the question: What clothes do you see?Use the picture to teach the word “jeans”.(2) Watch and understand. (课件出示:Lets sing 的视频) Help students understand the phrase “putaway”.The teacher shows a picture of the sun.(出示课件)T: Whats the weather like now? What can she wear? Ss: Its

13、sunny. She can wear shorts.T: Yes. And put the jeans away.(3) Learn to sing.(4) Lets sing together.Teaching purpose请学生先观看图片再听 录音,在学生进行听力练习 之前,预留时间请学生对所 听内容进行预测和推断,对 学生进行有效的听力技巧指 导。Teaching purpose帮助学生理解歌词,并 学唱歌曲,激发学生的学习 兴趣。 板书设计 作业设计1. Write three more sentences about your clothes.2. Practice the so

14、ng.3. Do the exercises. (见“”系列丛书或对应课时作业 ) 教学反思1. 突出学生学习的主体地位,教师的教学以引导为主,尽可能给学生足够的时间和空间,让 他们自己去发现、去理解、去学习。2. 引导学生画出文本中描写衣物的句子再来回答问题,对学生进行阅读策略的培养。3. 引导学生充分利用书上的图片进行会话练习,大量增加学生的语言实践机会,培养学生的 综合语言运用能力。4. 充分利用多媒体进行示范教学,并引导学生养成按意群读句子的习惯。 Teaching Contents & Teaching AimsRead and writeBe able to understand the text by observing the pictures and circle A or B according to the text.Be able to read the text with correct pronunciation and intonation according to sense group andpausing.Be able to copy the key sentence structures in a meaningful context


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