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1、 小学英语对话课教学模式模式含义本模式旨在初步培养学生运用语言进行交际的能力。通过理解文本情景、走入文本情景、走出文本情景、走入生活的学习模式,为培养学生在实际中灵活运用语言交际能力提供展示与操练的平台。引领学生走进英语对话的乐园,使他们在对话中不断丰富知识,发展思维,提升能力。适用围三-六年级对话课教学通用模式视听入手,整体感知创设情景,意义操练模拟情景,机械操练梳理知识,明白事理自学质疑操作要领一、梳理知识,明白事理 达成目标:以旧引新,通过梳理、回顾所学句型,让学生初步感知新旧知识点的关联,为新授容做好铺垫。具体操作:通过卡片、肢体语言、chant、歌谣、故事、模拟情景等途径创设相应的语




5、他们在运用语言的过程中体会到用英语交际、用英语做事情的快乐,做到学用结合,学以致用。通过设计有梯度的任务型活动,使学生去感悟、体验、化和运用语言。贴近学生身边的英语话题进行意义操练,要尽量根据学生的真实生活来设计活动,将课堂中的对话容延伸至实际生活,贴近学生真实生活的活动最容易使学生产生身临其境的感受,也最能引发学生的学习兴趣和调动学生参与课堂活动的积极性与主动性,实现学生深层次的英语思维。在此过程中,实现学生语言技能的形成、语言素养的提升。教学设计:PEP英语(五年级上册)Unit 6 ALets talk一、教学容-Theres a nature park in the city.-Is

6、there a river in the park?-Yes, there is.-Is there a farm?-No, there isnt.二、教学目标与要求1、能听懂、会说“Is there . ? Yes, there is/ No, there isnt.”并能在真实情景中进行运用。2、使学生进一步了解家乡,激发学生热爱家乡的情感。三、教学重难点1、重点:掌握句型:Is there a.? Yes, there is/ No, there isnt.。并能听说认读句子:Theres a nature park in the city.2、难点:能够运用所学句型进行谈论,在创设的情

7、景中灵活的运用语言。 四、课前准备1、A tape recorder and CAI2、A schoolbag, a clothes bag, a toy bag and a fruit bag.3、A picture of a zoo and a picture of a room.五、教学过程Step 1: Warming up and revision1. Group the students into boys and girls. Show boys park and girls park on the board. T: Children, today well have a ma

8、tch between boys team and girls team. If you do good job, you can get a beautiful picture and you can put it in your park. Lets look: which park is more beautiful? Come on, boys! Come on, Girls!(设计意图:设计独特的评价方法,从一开始就让学生对本节课产生浓厚的兴趣,带着好奇心走近本节课的教学,起到了润物细无声的作用。)2. Free talk 课件出示第一幅图片。T: Look! This is a p

9、ark. Its a nature park. 板书:nature How to read?Ss: Nature.教师在课题处板书:nature 让学生试读,然后教师领读。T: What can you see in the nature park?S1: There is a river in the nature park.S2: There is a mountain in the nature park.S3: There is a forest in the nature park.课件出示第二幅图片。T: What can you see in this nature park?S

10、1: There is a lake in this nature park.S2: There is a path in this nature park.Get the students read together.(设计意图:通过简短的对话复习,不仅营造了浓郁的英语学习氛围,进一步激发了学生学习英语的兴趣,而且以旧引新,为教学新课做好了铺垫。)Step 2: Presentation and practice1. Learn: city. T: We live in Jiaonan. Jiaonan is a city. Jiaonan is a small city. Can you

11、make a sentence with city?S1: Qingdao is a city.S2: Beijing is a big city.S3: Kunming is a beautiful city.S4: Qingdao is a great city.(设计意图:引导学生在句子中学单词,且应用于现实生活,运用授之以渔的方法,教给学生单词学习的策略。)2. Talk about our hometown. T: Do you like Jiaonan?Ss: Yes, we do. We like it very much.T: Is there a park in Jiaona

12、n? Ss: Yes.T: Whats the name?S1: Its ShuangzhuPark. T: Have you ever been there? S2: Yes, Ive been there.T: Is there a lake in the park? S3: Yes.引导学生用 Yes, there is来回答。T: 当你询问某处是否有某一个事物时,You can say: Is there a. Write the sentence on the board.T: Read the sentence after me.T: Is there a path in Shua

13、ngzhuPark?S1: Yes, there is.T: Is there a forest in ShuangzhuPark?S2: Yes, there is.T: Is there a mountain in ShuangzhuPark?S3: No, there isnt.T: You are super! You can choose a picture and put it in your park. 板书:Is there a mountain in the park? No, there isnt.T: Read the sentences after me.(设计意图:从

14、学生最熟悉的家乡景点切入,既让学生倍感亲切,有话可说,又从心底激发起学生热爱家乡的美好情感。)3. Lets tryT: Listen to the tape. Pay attention to the key words. Listen and circle.Check the answer.4. Read the dialog after the tape.T: Zhang Peng has been to a nature park. There is a nature park in Zhang Pengs city. Whats in the nature park? Lets li

15、sten to the tape. T: Is there a farm in the park?S1: No, there isnt.T: Listen and repeat.Get boys read, then get girls read.(设计意图:有目的的跟读录音,有利于学生更好的模仿纯正的语音语调,更有助于培养学生的语感,养成良好的听读习惯。)Step 3: Consolidation 1. Read and write. T: I like taking a trip. I have been to a beautiful nature park. 课件出示图片。 T: Look at the picture, read the dialog, then fill in the blanks. A: look! This is my holiday picture. B: Is it a nature park? A: Yes, it is. B: Is


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