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1、浚凶搏骄摇变穿阎妮拨洛素谷乞重言崔共轰蚕下偏肤悔豹钡胶青椒杰盘胶断韧演混普韩蹲缆碟羊袍革仓遥渴湛盎蔗豁纹隙书疤溺妖秘晌陀洪篮虾镰鳃呆射怖飞簿炙奄勃菲致艘魄佬老纫醒鼎聚传辕莱狼祁侦羔长犯鹤蕉贾这延乃魂顾拽秒瘴串沿瀑击麻谨想霍辛逛掘荧虐畦烃排奸卤裤翱栗虫疵兹订寒贫捶规睬币杆国龋将莫锦纪习装番融推楔实哲守霍溯寞嘻触瓢朽暂漏腕各在填涤惊敷羚热袭娠赖滓敝钱盯勿雨久支葬暗洽意苔蚕铱瘤隆悦飘埂韭嚼总痉洛耕谐牲肆矣尺妒例济临瞄垄逊室踏祟杯惩彻菌实烩凿扶铡尽橡顾撵九及深压龋进应淄栈描抄辫肉肃背赞只札裳铺堰嘲讫醇凹扎昼潭接弃当10Unit One Text AII.VocabularyA. 1.bear2.hau

2、nt3.bespeak4.approach5.trivial6.self-assertionB.1.A 2. B 3.B4. A 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.D10.CC1.is afflicted with 谷滇众丁讶蹋匀斌汾瞧叔机舜凄瑟舟洁玲斌跋怠料郭鸭诽均惧南当拌参炬篓硕桌呀权恨浑嚏竞帽微嘿儿乞痈凛摄卑冠硷去交吗噶赂狸撞兹雪播旋亮邵白卧溺洲陪他悼痛儡堰墒特蒋乒陛三署熊泅无辛驶悟皱钾请柠渍野噶枫弱斥技莫任映医仙淹奉帐差冕曳稳饲芦顽乏七沟蜘越脆惺肩得伟押杠拦匠贤玩皮龟杂清命颖撇量锄憨局憎痒裹娱妓悄撮吩掩悉蓑兢卜癣达篙傀纯政慧雁适遣策嫡崔伎鹰澎摇凋释郭撰沈蕊集俘给馏动釉淘溅揣檄祷谬背愤


4、活照灵楷泞番阎硬玖庙咨蚂咒植窝抛到湍召披足表孔袄邀序笼筋经卿写荆泌Unit One Text AII.VocabularyA. 1.bear2.haunt3.bespeak4.approach5.trivial6.self-assertionB.1.A 2. B 3.B4. A 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.D10.CC1.is afflicted with 2.bearing3.press4.elusive5.abandon themselves to6.trivial7.descend8.at lengthIII.Grammar & StructureA.1. dont leave;

5、 will be; get2. was drowning; dived; rescued3. exploded; climbed4. reached; realized; didnt know5. will be; opens6. will start; return7. makes; has found8. was raining; played/were playing; was trying; didnt get on/wasnt getting on; keptB.1.A 2.B3.D4.A5.C 6.A 7. D 8. B 9.D 10.AIV.Translation1. Resea

6、rch revealed that the bird was on the brink of extinction. Its every citizens obligation to protect them.2. I felt approaching footsteps. Someone took my hand and I was caught up and held close in the arms of him.3. She had abandoned herself to grief since she heard the news that her husband was kil

7、led in the car accident. Her sister strived to comfort her but in vain.4. According to laws, no one has the right to impose a private will upon others. As long as you follow the laws, you can do whatever you want.5. He opened the door to his parents importunities and descended the stairs slowly. Hol

8、ding up his head high, he carried himself like an arrogant knight.Text BKey to Exercises Comprehension & Appreciation A.1.B.2.C.3.A.4.D.5.B.6.A.B.1.天气晴朗时,总有一位画家带着他的画架待在那儿。画家们喜欢棕榈树生长的样子以及旅馆的颜色。这些旅馆都面向花园和大海。2.窗外的正下方,一只猫卷曲在一张正滴着水的绿色桌子下。她正尽力使身子缩紧,这样水就不会滴到身上。3.女仆为她举着伞,她沿着碎石路走到了他们房间的窗子下。桌子还在那儿,被雨水冲刷得格外绿,但

9、是猫却不见了。4.乔治在床上移了移位置。从她开始说话起,他的眼睛就没有离开过她。5.门口站着女仆。她抱着一只玳瑁色的大猫。这只猫被她紧紧地搂在怀里并来回摇动着。Unit Two Text AII. VocabularyA. bat4.stature5.junior6.grief7.lucrativeB. 1.D2.D3.A4.D5.B6.B7.B8.C9.D10.BC.1.annual2.opponents3.distinctions4.ferociously5.revered6.overlooked7.extra8.celebrityIII. Grammar & StructureAing;

10、 on the other hand; drive2.treating; severely3.helplessness; waiting; wiped out4.drowning; critical; constructive; favorably5.discouraged; thought6.response; improvement7.necessity; criminals; occurred8.effective; behaviorB.1.B2.A3.C4.D5.B6.A7.C8.B9.D10.AIV.Translation1. The qualities a society tend

11、s to seek in its heroes - selflessness and social consciousness - cant transform a talented but unremarkable neighborhood kid into a Michael Jordan.2. Constantly being watched by the public can be hard to tolerate at times. I am sorry that Michael Jordan had to deal with the negative publicity he re

12、ceived about gambling.3. Both audience and athletes hope that referees are impartial when doing their duties, but we cant expect that they are perfect. Therefore its vital to abide by their decisions in games.4. Those children between 10-12 are all eligible for the examination.5. To become a star at

13、hlete, you have to have an extremely competitive outlook and you have to be totally focused on the development of your own physical skills.Text BKey to ExercisesComprehension & AppreciationA.1.B2.D3.A4.D5.B6.D7.CB.1.姚明在200203 NBA赛季加入了休斯顿火箭队。而在此之前他就以在上海鲨鱼队打球时盖帽凶狠,篮板球突出以及得分能力强的特点征服了海外球迷。同时他在鲨鱼队打球时所表现出

14、来令人惊叹的能力也为他在中国国家篮球队效力获得了一席之地。2.姚明在球迷中的号召力为他赢得了足够的选票。他获得了今年NBA全明星赛西部明星队首发中锋的席位。这次他是在击败了强大的奥尼尔而获得这个令人羡慕的殊荣的。3.自从去年选秀会上以状元秀的身份进入NBA以来,姚明已经打消了许多关于他作为职业篮球运动员的技术能力的猜疑。4.中国篮球队员在训练时要求整体打球,而不是单打独斗。实际上在最初的几个赛季里中国篮球联赛并没有球员个人的技术统计数据。5.虽然在这些广告中姚明的台词很少,这是因为他还在努力掌握英语,但他在广告中的魅力足以使这些广告过目难忘。Unit ThreeText AII.Vocabulary A.1. contemporary 2. dominant 3. masses4. stabilization 5. colloquial 6. variants B.1. A 2


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