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1、2022年高中英语必修模块6Unit2Whatishappinesstoyou教学设计2套一、 教学课型:综合技能课 Task 板块是牛津高中英语中的一个新内容,要求学生在课堂内进行各种开放式任务型活动。设计的主要目的是引导学生子完成任务的过程中使用英语,并以任务的形式,培养学生听、说、读、写的综合技能。二、 教学内容分析 本单元的task 板块内容由三个步骤(Steps)也即任务组成。每个步骤都给学生提供了真实的情景,并设计了目标明确的任务。步骤一要求学生识别消极性的情绪语言,通过阅读和有步骤的听力训练迅速抓住要点,找出问题。步骤二要求学生在找出了问题后,通过小组讨论,相互合作等活动来处理问

2、题。步骤三要求学生综合前两个步骤的结果,完成本单元也是本板块的最后任务,以书面形式写一封建议信。三、 教学目标1. 引导学生在读和听的过程中,迅速找出朋友Ma Jie的问题,培养学生通过听、读等方式来获取信息的能力。2. 要求学生利用技能训练中的方式,通过两人对话,小组讨论等方式,帮助Ma Jie 解决问题,培养学生用英语传递信息与口头表达能力。同时鼓励学生学会合作,发展与人沟通的能力。3. 用书面形式写建议信,培养学生的写作能力。4. 培养学生自主、合作的学习能力以及乐于助人的人文素质。四、教学重难点 1. 如何在听和读的过程中迅速准确的获取信息; 2如何运用化整为零的方法来解决问题。五、教

3、学方法 本课拟采用任务型教学为主的教学方法,借助多媒体辅助教学手段。在教学过程中以学生为中心,采用学生独立思考、两人或多人合作相结合的活动方式。六、板书设计: Unit 2 Task Negative languages What do you think of Ma Jies problem?words : Problem: Problem: Source of information: Idioms: People involved: Attempts to solve problem: Results of attempts: Things one wishes to happen: 七

4、、教学过程(90分钟)根据教参要求和教学实际,本板块不可能在45分钟内很完整的进行听说读写的多重任务,所以分为两课时。第一课时Step 1 Lead-in (5分钟) Present some pictures on the screen and ask the Ss Q: What words do you think can describe the person(s)s feelings in the pictures? Are these words negative or positive? What other negative emotional language can you

5、 think of ?Ask the students to give their answers and write on the Bb. Then ask them to read the skill building 1 to get more information.设计说明这样导入既能激发学生的好奇心,又能营造宽松活跃课堂气氛,同时又能让学生学会识别negative emotional language。Step 2 Identifying problems Task 1 Reading (5分钟)Read the letter from Ma Jie and underline t

6、he negative emotional language Ma Jie used to describe his problems;find out Ma Jies problem. Task 2 Listening (15分钟)(1) Listen to the tape and find out more about Ma Jies problems. plete the notes 。At schooloften feels _Playing basketballssometimes _;doesnt _;thinking about _; worried about _Wishes

7、good at _and _;do both things wellFrom coachMa Jie has a special _; should be _to give up other things in life; should _ on playing basketball.From parentssports cannot replace a good (11)_; could get (12)_;no gurantee to have a future like (13)_;more (14)_ to study hard; prepare for a job in the (1

8、5)_Attitude(16)_with both of them(2) Ma Jie tells about some of the solutions he thought of and why these solutions did not work. Listen to the tape and write down the reasons he gives to each possible solution.(part C) Possible solutions1 try harder at everything2 focus on school, play basketball a

9、t the weekend3 study less4 quit basketballWhy this solution did not workl _l _l _l _设计说明 本环节为本单元的听力部分,也是一个信息输入部分。旨在培养学生多渠道获取信息的能力,同时也是培养学生独立思考,发现问题的能力的一个方面。Step 3 Discussing solutionsTask 1 Introduction to skill building 2 (3分钟)Q: What do you think of Ma Jies problem? (板书)(Teacher: Its a bit difficu

10、lt to answer the question because it is a big question. How can we break it into smaller ones? You can refer to the skill building 2: breaking a big question into smaller ones.) Have the Ss go over the guidelines and ask them to read the big questions and smaller questions given in this part as an e

11、xample.【教后记】 这是由听到说的过渡。在学生已经充分了解Ma Jie 的问题后,提出此问题并不显得突兀。但此问题明显问得不够具体,从课堂反应看,学生大都不感到难以回答。这也就正好符合了教师的设计意图,使引进skill building 2: breaking a big question into smaller ones 顺理成章。Task 2 Discussion (5分钟)Have Ss work in pairs and try to divide the big question “What do you think of Ma Jies problem?” into sma

12、ller ones. Problem: _Source of information: _People involved: _Attempts to solve problem: _Results of attempts: _Things one wishes to happen: _(板书内容)Ask some students to give their answers and write them on the Bb.Then student A asks student B these smaller questions , student B answers these questi

13、ons using the notes in step1.设计说明 让学生以两人合作的形式进行充分的讨论, 让复杂难处理的问题变得简单,可顺利进入下一步解决问题阶段。Task 3 Make up a dialogue (10分钟)After talking to Ma Jie, you decide to ask an older student from your school for advice. Role- play with a partner. You can use the two speech bubbles as guidlines.l How can I help him?l Do you think there is a solution?l Is there a way to make everyone happy?l Is there a solution he has not tried?l Why will that work? l give advice/ listen to his probleml every problem has a solution/ he must think about it a l


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