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1、2022年考博英语-西北工业大学考试题库(难点、易错点剖析)附答案有详解1. 单选题The State Council will lay down new rules that aim to make management compatible with internationally accepted conventions.问题1选项A.conferencesB.conversationsC.practicesD.formations【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:国务院将制定新的规则来使得管理与国际惯例一致。conference “会议”;conversation “(非正式)

2、 交谈,谈话”;practice “实践,惯例”;formation “组成”。根据前面的 “lay down new rules” 可推测出划线单词的意思是“规则”,因此选项C符合题意。2. 单选题During the terrorist attacks, the authorities ordered to( )the workers and residents of high-profile buildings from the constructions.问题1选项A.evictB.evokeC.evacuateD.evade【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。evict “驱逐;逐出

3、;evoke “唤起;引起”;evacuate “疏散; 撤退;排泄”;evade “逃避;逃脱”。句意:恐怖袭击期间,政府要求疏散建筑物中引人注目的楼房中的工人和居民。选项C符合题意。3. 单选题Based on the( )that every business is now free to formulate its own strategy in light of the changing market, I would predict a market improvement in the efficiency of Chinas economy.问题1选项A.guidanceB.i

4、nstructionC.premiseD.eminence【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。guidance “指导”;instruction “指令,指示”;premise “前提”; eminence “卓越,著名”。句意:基于任何企业都可以根据市场变化自由确定发展战略这一点,我估计中国经济市场的效率会提高。选项C符合题意。4. 单选题He noticed that Joan was studying him closely, but her expression gave away nothing of what she was thinking.问题1选项A.revealedB.di

5、sposedC.remindedD.distributed【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:他注意到琼在仔细打量他,但她的表情丝毫没有她在想什么。reveal “显示,透露”;dispose “处理,安排”;remind “提醒,使想起”;distribute “分配”。根据“her expression”和“what she was thinking”之间的关系可以推测出划线单词的意思是“透露”,因此选项A符合题意。5. 单选题In theory, governments are free to set their own economic policies; in practice

6、, they must conform to a global economic model or risk being ( )by the market.问题1选项A.replacedB.overlookedC.saturatedD.penalized【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。replace “代替;更换”;overlook “忽略;俯瞰;远眺;检查”; saturate “使湿透;使饱和”;penalize “惩罚”。句意:理论上,政府有制定经济政策的自由;实际上,他们必须遵守国际经济模式或冒险被市场惩罚。选项D符合题意。6. 单选题In the 1950s, the pione

7、ers of artificial intelligence (AI) predicted that, by the end of this century, computers would be conversing with us at work and robots would be performing our housework. But as useful as computers are, theyre nowhere close to achieving anything remotely resembling these early aspirations for human

8、like behavior. Never mind something as complex as conversation: the most powerful computers struggle to reliably recognize the shape of an object, the most elementary of tasks for a ten-month-old kid.A growing group of AI researchers think they know where the field went wrong. The problem, the scien

9、tists say, is that AI has been trying to separate the highest, most abstract levels of thought, like language and mathematics, and to duplicate them with logical, step-by-step programs. A new movement in AI, on the other hand, takes a closer look at the more roundabout way in which nature came up wi

10、th intelligence. Many of these researchers study evolution and natural adaptation instead of formal logic and conventional computer programs. Rather than digital computers and transistors, some want to work with brain cells and proteins. The results of these early efforts are as promising as they ar

11、e peculiar, and the new nature-based AI movement is slowly but surely moving to the forefront of the field.Imitating the brains neural (神经的)network is a huge step in the right direction, says computer scientist and biophysicist Michael Conrad, but it still misses an important aspect of natural intel

12、ligence. “People tend to treat the brain as if it were made up of color-coded transistors”, he explains, “but its not simply a clever network of switches. There are lots of important things going on inside the brain cells Where one stage of child development has been left out, or not sufficiently ex

13、perienced, the child may have to back and capture the experience of it. A good home makes this possible, for example by providing the opportunity for the child to play with a clockwork car or toy railway train up to any age if he still needs to do so. This principle, in fact, underlies all psycholog

14、ical treatment of children in difficulties with their development, and is the basis of work in child clinics.The beginnings of discipline are in the nursery. Even the youngest baby is taught by gradual stages wait for food, to sleep and wake at regular intervals and so on. If the child feels the wor

15、ld around him is a warm and friendly one, he slowly accepts its rhythm and accustoms himself to conforming to its demands. Learning to wait for things, particularly for food, is a very important element in upbringing, and is achieved successfully only if too great demands are not made before the child can understand them.Every parent watches eagerly the childs acquisition of each new skillthe first spoken words, the first independent steps, or the beginning of reading and writing. It is often tempting to hurry the child beyond his natural learni


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