2022年高三下学期第三次诊断性考试英语试题 含答案

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《2022年高三下学期第三次诊断性考试英语试题 含答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年高三下学期第三次诊断性考试英语试题 含答案(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2022年高三下学期第三次诊断性考试英语试题 含答案第一部分 知识运用(共两节,满分45分)一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. The two sides were busy bargaining with each other over the price and _ noticed the thief enter the shop. A. neither B. either C. no one D. both2. Congratulations on your 18th birt

2、hday, Mark! Many happy returns! _A. My pleasure. B. Good heavens! C. Thanks a lot. D. The same to you.3. Tommy, where do you plan to go during this summer vacation? Well, if you _ know, the USA. A. may B. should C. can D. must 4. It really surprised me that you should pose such a wonderful song. Tha

3、nk you! I _ in it when I was in Central Conservatory of Music.A. majored B. had majored C. have majored D. major 5. With so many plans _, Im sure to have a tight but rewarding summer holiday after graduation. A. carrying out B. to carry out C. carried out D. to be carried out6. As a petent consultan

4、t, you dont necessarily have to keep up with _ latest everything, but you should have _ rough idea of what is changing. A. the; the B. a; / C. /; the D. the; a 7. The telegram, which is out of date, is no longer _ use in most parts of the world now. A. of B. for C. in D. on8. Is the project difficul

5、t for the students? No. Most of the relevant information _ for them.A. has been provided B. has providedC. had been provided D. had provided 9. The founder of the Fund, _ a banquet (宴会) will be held tonight, is to arrive soon. A. in his honor B. in whose honor C. in which honor D. in honor of him 10

6、. The drug dealer pretended to be calm and insisted that he _ the crime and _ immediately. A. didnt mit; was released B. not mit; be released C. not mit; was released D. hadnt mitted; be released 11. If you need someone with professional puter knowledge, to Joe. A. talks B. talking C. talk D. talked

7、12. One mark of a reliable man is _ he tends to mean what he says. A. why B. if C. what D. that13. Construction workers rest in front of a billboard _ a luxury real estate property they are currently building, which is a striking contrast. A. advertising B. being advertised C. to advertise D. advert

8、ised14. Some people dream of success without action, _ others wake up and work hard at it.A. since B. as C. while D. until15. Dad, can I really get an apple watch as a reward if I pass the exam? Absolutely. _ . A. You decide B. You have my word C. You name itD. You bet 二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下

9、面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。ASmile really counts. Smile is a kind of language which cannot be heard by anyone, but persons always know its meaning. When you meet friends in the morning, smile means “Good morning!” When you fail, the friends smile means “Have another try!” So when

10、 you smile, although you dont say any word, you can understand each other. On a warm Sunday, I experienced the power of 16 . Slowly, my packages moved towards the cash register after I placed the 17 on the moving belt. I could see the 18 on her face. She had no doubt having been 19 for all day. My t

11、wo-year-old son, Josees, was with me. She performed her job with all her weary spirit.Josees stood in front of her across the belt. I dont know what made him move away from me and stand there. He stood there looking up.Sensing something, she 20 . “Oh thank God, look at that smile!” she shouted. Then

12、 she changed. The tiredness 21 . She appeared as fresh as if she had been a(n) 22 employee. I saw not the power of a child, 23 the power of a pure smile.Remember, you have the 24 power.Each day you will meet someone who is tired and weary. Smile right now and see if the power _25 .She was still in 2

13、6 spirits as we walked out of the shop.Josees never said a word. He only smiled.Remember Josees when you meet your weary person each day. Remember someone 27_ smile. 16. A. cryB. jokeC. smileD. play17. A. kids18. A. surprise19. A. waiting20. A. put down21. A. left22. A. good23. A. and24. A. sameB. i

14、temsC. assistants D. books B. excitement C. astonishment D. tiredness B. lyingC. standingD. plainingB. looked downC. knocked downD. died downB. appearedC. fellD. remained B. oldC. newD. lazyB. asC. soD. butB. differentC. magicD. mysterious 25. A. fails26. A. low27. A. deservesB. worksC. explodes D. explores B. differ


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