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1、Un1 rsisteneFull in eachban with awo givn blow.Cng thefmwer necssa. (P8) bend ecouner ai tmble sipe tempt blw1. thug we hverie veryardachee the gal,esti encour ra difculies i urwrk虽然我们很努力来达到我们的目的,我们仍在我们的工作遇到很大的困难。2. Ihav tridall kis of was ,but til cannoben yaugter t m ill.我已经尝试了多种方式,但仍然不能让我的女儿屈从于我的

2、意志。3. It is naural tht baes umble whn teyre ernigo wal.婴儿学步时摔倒是很自然的。4. Lasttime he failed in theexa,so tis timh ade a serus ttmpt topas t.上次她考试不及格,因此这次她认真地试图通过考试。5. Aft so many isfrtu, th mother asnot ale to tad his avy bow在这样多的不幸之后,妈妈不能忍受这次沉重的打击。6. Hesudny tok a wipe atherface adnokd her own on the

3、 ond.她忽然猛打她的脸,把她撞倒在地上。7. Im aaid that hseffortwill be o no aail我紧张她的努力将不起作用8. The atmpted to escpefrom the pron, bt failed.她们试图逃离监狱,但失败了。BFul in te banks wthhe prope form o the given ords(P)1Foyears, hs ersitent (prstene )tttsa abed him ogain h sin nhe ernment.近年来,她坚持不懈的努力使她得以在政府中获得职位。2. A severe fo

4、od srck he food baseo e ciy cosquey (conseunc)caused a hoag offoo.一场严重的洪水袭击了这个都市的食物基地,因此导致了食物短缺。3. drhe bright(bihten)mon, he tldhrhi lvestor.在明月下,她告诉她她的爱情故事。4. ecuse of hi imprble(probabl)d unec victoy n the oest, is therrie.由于她在比赛中也许的和意想不到的胜利,她的妈妈哭了。5. Her eperiece shsow hous anbehavior affect te

5、god and ba forune (fe)whavei ourlves.她的经历显示了在我们的生活中的思想和行为如何影响好的和坏命运6. Tak itas;tisjust a trifle (trilng)放轻松;这只是一件小事7. Do not underte (ndertaking) proet unes youan imement t不要承当一项筹划,除非你能实现它。8. The oc ill pescribe (rcribed)so mdine fryou.医生会给你开某些药。omplete eac of he folloi senncs wih n attibutvecls.(11

6、)1. Thegirlwmyuwantomrry(你想娶的)soemallyestedy.你想娶的那个女孩昨天偷了我的钱包2. I hte th oel in hic/where I sye.(我住过的)我讨厌我住过的那个旅馆。3. Iwilneverrgtthautmwhenin wicIstuiedanivedogeher.我永远也忘不了我们共同生活和学习的那个秋天4. Isternythigthatcandforyo?(我能帮你的)有什么事我能帮你的吗?5. Ashteacertodmyesterday,hidntpsstex.正像教师昨天说的那样,她没有通过考试。6. Wearetdy

7、ngtheusinsEnglish,whveyusflfruIntheuture.我们目前学的商务英语在将来对我们非常有用7. Heisheverywrkerwhosepitureweswinthwsaperysterday.她就是我们昨天在报纸上见到照片的那个工人。8. nve relly uerstandte easo o wich /why e made sha seios mistake. Comprehensive Exercises 我历来没有真正理解她为什么犯这样一种严重的错误。A.Ra e folowing ssge and coose h bst nswer for eh l

8、ank.(5)Aftr ean astoryfom my hinesteher Iachne my onionfilure. It as sor abota girlwhalway uede ver A . k nver 2 Herie wastotally prt util sh 3 A working.h ud he could ntstad y4 inr wor,andheenvid either hbos oa cleauewho asbetrtha her.t lasthe wetm, onlybeuse she as alwys thinkn that hehd no 5 , he

9、 wasebest ne Ive rly eaned smehin frm ti stor that failue c esily defeat pson woseldom fails or nev learns frm it; ytit cnnever7 thegsof aprson who strng-illeand always trieo get smti from it Atouh somtmes itis tue t failurstabsyou t thehet,it gives yupower n 8 B you grow upand hav strong will. I al

10、so eche yuto e calm dnever 9 A wen o ein troule. o dntbafraid offaire.If ou think ou are onthe ight10 ,jut kee on doingit ad you wl succd n day.1. .aled .suered C.bamed D.dpointed2. A.turned to hr Bwen ainst her Cthrew er off D.got across her3. .strted B.kpt Cmeant D.continud4. ailure Bn Ccriticim D

11、wkns5. .adntae pores ruttion .defec6. Aacieent B.ppreciaton Clson D.classs7. .keepoff B.reaku Ctak ot D.rryof8. Ancourage B.helps C.reqires .rges9. frustrte Biscurae C.efeat Dcomli10. A.ck B.ind pii D.ideTranslatete folowngntens ito Enish(15)1我不会由于失败而绝望地放弃自己的抱负(n dspar) I willno uy ia in dair beause f filure. 2. 在太多数状况下,不去尝试便不能肯定我们可以做些什么。(make an ttempt) In mt cass, e are not sre wat e co ie do noke anattempt to d it.3. 她把注意力集中在如何发现自己的长处(fous o) S focued he attnton


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