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1、毕 业 论 文(设 计)题 目基于支持向量机的入侵检测系统与实现 姓 名 端乐凯 学号 1109064004 所在院(系) 数学与计算机科学学院 专业班级 信息与计算科学1101班 指导教师 赵晖 完成地点 陕西理工学院 2015年 6 月6日陕西理工学院毕业论文基于支持向量机的入侵检测系统与实现作者:端乐凯(陕理工学院数学与计算机科学学院信息与计算科学专业1101班,陕西 汉中 723000)指导教师:赵晖 摘要入侵检测技术是当今一种非常重要也非常有效的动态网络安全技术,它可与静态安全技术如防火墙等协同使用,可以使系统的安全防护能力得到极大的改善。本设计系统的介绍了入侵检测的基本概念、发展历

2、史、与其他安全技术如防火墙等的紧密联系、基本工作原理、工作模式、分类以及发展趋势。当前入侵检测系统使用常规算法检测,不仅其检测效率低下,而且远远未能满足不了大规模和高带宽网络的安全防护要求,漏报率和误警率较高,很难检测分布式协同攻击等复杂的攻击手段;另外,预警水平过分依赖于攻击特征库导致其缺乏对未知入侵的预警能力。 统计学习理论最近兴起的最实用的部分是支持向量机(SVM),同时控制经验风险和分类器的容量(用分类器的VC维衡量)两个参数是其核心思想,使分类器间隔达到最大,从而使真实风险最小。另外,在小样本学习的基础上发展起来的支持向量机分类器设计方法,专门针对小样本数据,并且对数据维数不敏感,分


4、侵检测率最优值达到95.42%,误警率到达0.81% ,仿真实验表明。这些算法提高入侵检测率并同时降低误警率,具有较强的泛化性能和鲁棒性,有者较好的实用价值。 关键词入侵检测;邻域粗糙集;和声搜索;支持向量机;Intrusion detection system based on support vector machine and realizationAuthor: Duan Lekai(Shaanxi Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Information and Computing Science 1101 class, H

5、anzhong, Shaanxi 723000)Instructor: Zhao HuiAbstract:With the rapid development of computer network technology, its applications continue to expand,Production of human life are increasingly dependent on computer networks,Prism incident is the increased emphasis on network security issues.Intrusion d

6、etection technology is today a very important and very effective dynamic security technology,It can be used with static security technologies such as firewalls and other common use,Can greatly improve the security level of the system.This paper describes the relationship between the system intrusion

7、 detection concept, development, and firewall technology, the basic principle, operation mode, classification and trends.Conventional algorithm detection efficiency of existing intrusion detection system used by the poor can not meet the security needs of large-scale and high-bandwidth networks,fals

8、e negative rate and false alarm rate is higher,difficult to achieve distributed,accurately detect sophisticated attacks and other cooperative means of attack;In addition, early warning capability severely limited in the attack signature database for unknown intrusions lack of early warning capabilit

9、y.This paper uses a neighborhood based on rough set attribute reduction algorithm,positive domain neighborhood rough set determined to evaluate the importance of each attribute,descending order according to the importance of the attribute to set reduction,forming a plurality of attribute subset.The

10、realization of a mixed type continuous data effectively addressed,avoiding important data that may occur when discrete or hidden information is lost.Second we use the harmonic search algorithm optimized.By repeatedly adjust the memory of the solution variables,so the function value increases the num

11、ber of iterations continue convergence,so as to complete the optimization of support vector machine parameters.In addition, we also use Bagging classification algorithm integration. .Finally, we realize this intrusion detection system by programming, test results show that the performance of the sys

12、tem is an improvement over the current system are, of course, the follow-up work, we need to capture and to improve network security technologies and other aspects, thereby develop a comprehensive information security system.Keywords intrusion detection; neighborhood rough set; harmony search; suppo

13、rt vector machine; Integrated目录1. 绪论41.1 引言41.2 研究的背景及意义41.3 入侵检测系统发展及研究现状51.4 基本目标及主要内容61.5 论文组织结构62.入侵检测72.1 入侵检测的概念72.2 入侵检测的原理72.3 入侵检测的分类82.4 入侵检测技术的进展及发展趋势113.支持向量机133.1 支持向量机的基本原理133.1.1 线性硬间隔分类器133.1.2 线性软间隔分类器143.1.3 非线性硬间隔分类器153.2 支持向量机的优势与不足163.2.1 支持向量机在入侵检测领域中的主要优势163.2.2 支持向量机在入侵检测领域中的

14、不足163.3 小结174.本文算法的描述184.1 数据预处理属性约简算法184.2 基于和声搜索算法的支持向量机参数选择204.2.1 支持向量机中核函数的选择204.2.2 和声搜索算法(Harmony Search,HS)204.2.3 基于和声搜索算法的 SVM 参数优化选择224.3Bagging集成234.4 小结235.仿真实验及分析245.1数据来源说明245.2 算法评价标准245.3 数据预处理245.4 仿真实验255.4.1 实验步骤255.4.2 实验结论及分析255.5 实验结论28致 谢28参考文献291. 绪论1.1 引言计算机网络是上个世纪的人类文明的一项伟



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