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1、10个中国成语俗语的英文翻译,坚决收藏!来源:人民日报查看原文 234 人阅读 7小时前来源:中国日报网双语新闻(ID:chinadaily_mobile)中华文化博大精深,成语俗语都是智慧结晶,但翻译成英文如果体现不当,却容易引起误解。因此,一起来学学常用中文成语的英译很有必要!0爱屋及乌ove me, love m g.02百闻不如一见Oneok worth a houand word.Seing isbelievng03比上局限性,比下有余o fall horto te st,u ebetr hn th rst.04笨鸟先飞 slow sparrow souldmae an early

2、tar.05不遗余力Sar oeffrt; goall out; doonesbest.06不打不成交o ico,o concor拆东墙补西墙 eter ay u.8辞旧迎新Bid frwellthe old andshethe nw.9大事化小,小事化了Try fstto mk heir mistake soundles serous a hen toreduce t tonoting a l.10大开眼界roen one hozn; be an yeopeer.国泰民安The conry fourshesand people live in ace.2过犹不及oing beyndth li

3、mits as bad as fallig short; exce is ust as badasefcienc;too muh is s bd as too litle.13好了伤疤忘了疼Onco sr,e pray no more.14好事不出门,坏事传千里Ba w rav fat.15和气生财Haro bings wealh;riedliness ondcivto snessuccss.16活到老学到老Nev to old t lean.17既往不咎Le byones ygoe8金无足赤,人无完人herea spts eveno th n.19金玉满堂Treasur fill the h

4、e.20脚踏实地Be do-t-erth.21脚踩两只船St onthe enc; aence-stter;havea foot n etr camp22君子之交淡如水A dge bteen kees rendshp green.23老生常谈,陈词滥调Ct ad dried; clch24礼尚往来Courty calls r reciprocty.2留得青山在,不怕没柴烧Wre theres lie,teris hpe.26马到成功hee imdate vctoy; win insta succs.27名利双收inot fme dwealh.28茅塞顿开Besuenly enligtee.29

5、没有规矩,不成方圆Nothing ca be accmpished witout ormsor standas.30每逢佳节倍思亲Onfestieocsions more tan vee tnksof odarnes far awy.31谋事在人,成事在天Man prpos;Gd dsoss.32弄巧成拙Make a fo o selfin ryin o smart33赔了夫人又折兵Sfer a doubl lss; lse he bait aloniththefh.34抛砖引玉A oestsu toinduce others to omeforwrd wihvalablecontrbutio

6、ns; throa rat tctch a le.35破釜沉舟C o al ans retreat;burn onesown ay f rerea andbe etemined fgt tthe e.36抢得先机Take the peeptve opportuitis.37巧妇难为无米之炊Onecnak brikswhosraw.8千里之行始于足下A thousd-li ourne begns it the first stp-the ige emence be gine step by step.39前事不忘,后事之师Pas eperienc, n fogoe, is guie forthe

7、 fuure.40前怕狼,后怕虎Fear wolves ahead andtigerin;esitate in oig soethi.4强龙难压地头蛇Themighty ragonisno atfor th native serpent.4瑞雪兆丰年A l of sesonal sno ivespomis ofa fruitful year.人逢喜事精神爽Peole re in high siits whn ivolvd in hapy evs.4世上无难事,只怕有心人ere tee is a wil, tereisa way5世外桃源 retra ay fom theumolofthe wo

8、rl.46人之初,性本善Han aebon good.7上有天堂,下有苏杭t s hee i paraiseinavn, there are Szho an Hanzhu onh4塞翁失马,焉知非福Alsn in disuse;ery clud hsasilver liing.49三十而立 n soul be iendnt at th a ftiry At thirty, man houldbebe tohik for himsl.50水涨船高 sip rise with h de51时不我待Te andti wa or o man.5杀鸡用牛刀Usea steam-hamertocac nu

9、t.5实事求是Sek trt from facts; be pracicl an est; e ru tofacts.4说曹操,曹操到Spak fthe devil.5实话实说Sa he lin truh; lla spe a spe;tll it it s.56实践是检查真理的唯一原则Praticeis the socrierion tetg ruth.57韬光养晦Hid onaactes an bide ones i58糖衣炮弹Sua-coated ullet59天有不测风云nyhin unepcte maappn. a bfro he lue.60团结就是力量Uiy strength.6

10、1跳进黄河洗不清Even o jumpedhe YelloRir,one can otash onelf lean -thes nthn one cn do oclearonesnae62歪风邪气nhalty tren a vugr practies.63物以类聚,人以群分Brd o a feather floktogethe6望子成龙Hodhi hope fr oeschild.65唯利是图Seek otng bt rofts; ebindtallbut on own nert.66无中生有Ashee fabricati utofnhing; fabricat rmor uoi ar.7无风

11、不起浪Ther aeo wavs itotwind. thig comeof othing.8徇私枉法Twist th lawo sitones onprpse.9新官上任三把火Ane broom sweep clean.70蓄势待发Accuate steng for a tke-of1心想事成May all ourwish coe true72心照不宣Have a tacundersting;orouhly unrtadech oher,ithout havin exchanged wod of pnati.73先入为主First impressiosare frml entrnhed.先下手为强He wo stri first gain e advantge.Thebest dense is offense.75热锅上的蚂蚁Atson a o an76现身说法Wrnpeope b takinoeelf as anexape.77息事宁人Pour oi on rubledwaer; patch upa qurreland rconcie h aris ccerned.7循序渐进Proceedin aordrly a nd step by


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