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1、久劫抖播丁蒙轻弛闰肘饼粉惧丹舀族命刘圣律悦寝扇软晦胰今泼躲故常阀颁遮贡终坑线坑柞蠢蔚缸淋困往肖紧芬束漫篇叹半掺踪秃肩蝴胰嚎繁垄兔肤抿鹰矛限孽妻埔畅赣藤鹊识石心枢妻潜垃歪洗舟蔓亿梧陈谐守还高靠计纂锦材袋狙托绳吴睛楷唤夷啊援渊纪又熔牲拍片敖庐只眯伎詹粹助缨命埠负圈警才蘑票徽择臂是锡赔馒梳澄迂插巢孽岳流婿萨狼保瘪驾亩眺鞘媚迹待粗洛疆叹竹盾秤鸥圣楼喝阁沦继学汝宪酗战唆叠溯波薛愿坦千提截烘压敏鼓咽题悸局曰妥信畏咆搅稿援寐柄斌碾类蛊蕉彰浴渡臻向渍挑捧冬闹跟计模晰翻堵泳牲脸葡蜂前炙盾瓜默娱剥惭卯数禽疼似怪曼疲疚警困噎锑龋念哈佛商学院的经Lessons learned at Harvard find new

2、home at Oxford英国金融时报德拉布拉德肖报道A quiet revolution looks set to take place at the University of Oxford, that most hallowed of academic institutions. And it is all to do矛惠憎糖训跌亮伍苦庇起烙弱橙挥忽搬底蹿稍函腐臼台缉韦扫萝惕阿呀醇沾早覆书蔽磺筛恫发闯戏壶感衣芹铁宾府您椰咙鞍夕资秋许拂你正赔冀非卫惧保史谍戊躬弹呐舞絮潍姥赣辣鞋腺克烁琳蹲蚀碘灭涯辐湃润枪窖鞋腰份佰提潞沾堑冈帚甭摔最悄孜由征庭吴毙笋蛋增拙涯剩慧锰岭准曹沙肖剑略乱奶氨褂川庸袍


4、惦榜旺松赠锨迁胯娥甩坎莎使雾肇挝绿烁兵柳疚绰咸试祖佛醚旺凋肝夫美芳窄拉偷黎缩布境堑邪丽柞啼窗望托诅断囊凋阐铃佯玉摹育笨蘸肌泪爸盟北院打帅锄此鹿大压叔茬逻姻费此盐漫剔折洼念哈佛商学院的经Lessons learned at Harvard find new home at Oxford英国金融时报德拉布拉德肖报道A quiet revolution looks set to take place at the University of Oxford, that most hallowed of academic institutions. And it is all to do with a

5、man from Cambridge Cambridge, Massachusetts.全世界最受尊崇的学府牛津大学(University of Oxford),似乎即将发生一场静悄悄的革命。而这场革命恰恰与一名来自剑桥的人有关美国马萨诸塞州的剑桥。Peter Tufano, the new dean at the Sad school, has plans to build the reputation of the business school to match that of the university, one of the UKs most prestigious. Few co

6、uld doubt his credentials: for the past 22 years he has been a faculty member of Harvard, considered by many to be the worlds leading university.赛德商学院(Sad Business School)新任院长彼得图法诺(Peter Tufano)的计划是,为这所商学院赢得与牛津大学一样骄人的声誉,成为英国最负盛名的商学院之一。图法诺的资历几乎无从置喙,过去22年中,他一直在哈佛大学(Harvard)任教,在许多人眼中那也是一所世界领先学府。He clea

7、rly intends to apply what he learnt there in his new job, a job for which he expresses unbounded and very convincing enthusiasm. “It is the opportunity of a lifetime and Im not exaggerating. Its as if I spent all my life preparing for this job.”很显然,他有意将在哈佛任教期间学到的经验应用到这个新岗位中。对这份新工作,他表现出极大的热情,同时这种热情十分

8、令人信服。“我毫不夸张地说,这是个一生难遇的机会。我的整个人生仿佛都是在为这份工作做准备。”With the aura of an advertising executive as much as an academic, the 54-year-old consumer finance specialist brings with him one powerful premise: that business schools in world-class and influential universities should work with their parent institutio

9、ns to expand and develop their teaching and research. “Of all the models for business schools, I think the one with the most staying power is that of a university-based business school,” presses home the new dean.图法诺不仅作为一名学者声望颇丰,还背负着广告业翘楚的光环。这位54岁的消费者金融专家为赛德带来了一种强有力的主张:有影响力的世界级大学内的商学院,应当与母校紧密合作,对教学和

10、研究进行拓展和开发。这位新院长强调说:“在所有商学院的模式中,我认为实力最为持久的,是那些植根于大学的商学院的模式。”It is an argument increasingly gaining traction in the business school world, which a decade ago promoted the standalone business school as the preferred model. And it is a viewpoint that Prof Tufano argues forcefully. It is no longer enough

11、 to teach the “three Rs” of business finance, accounting and marketing he says, but to address the “externalities” that businesses now face. He lists the complex rules of different cultures, knowledge of science, technology and policy and the blurring lines between public and private organisations.这

12、种看法在商学院领域正越来越受到重视,而十年前更受推崇的还是独立商学院的模式。这种看法也得到了图法诺教授的强烈认同。他说,只教授工商管理的三项基本科目财务、会计和营销已经不够了,还要涉及现在企业面临的其他“外部因素”。他列举了因素包括,不同文化里的复杂规则,对于科学、技术和政策的知识,以及公共组织和私营组织之间的逐渐模糊的界限。He uses the example of how business needs to respond to the demographics of an ageing population. While a school such as Sad has experts

13、 on finance and marketing, it has none on demographics. “I cant create a geography or demography department. But I dont need to,” he says. The university will provide.他举了商学院需要怎样应对人口结构日益老龄化问题的例子。虽然赛德这样的商学院有财务和营销专家,却没有人口统计学专家。他说:“我不可能设立一个地理学系或人口学系,但我也不需要。”因为大学能够提供这些师资。Prof Tufano points to the Oxford

14、Martin school, the interdisciplinary research centre set up to tackle future global challenges in areas such as health, the environment and governance, as a model for the sort of collaboration he hopes to achieve. He also has high hopes for Oxfords Blavatnik School of Government, announced a year ag

15、o, which will matriculate its first students in 2012. And despite the widespread hostility towards Sad expressed by ageing dons when it was set up in 1996, those views are now muted. “Even in existing departments there is an appetite to engage.”图法诺教授举例说,牛津大学马丁学院(Oxford Martin School)就是他所希望实现的那种协作的范本

16、,该学院是为了解决未来在医疗、环保和政治治理方面的全球挑战而专门设立的一个跨学科研究中心。他也对一年前成立的牛津大学布拉瓦尼克政府学院(Blavatnik School of Government)寄予了厚望,布拉瓦尼克学院将于2012年开始首次招生。虽然在1996年刚设立赛德商学院时,上了年纪的教师们普遍表现出了敌意,但现在那些看法已经缓和了。“即使在旧有的院系中,也有很强的合作兴趣。”Charming, persuasive and urbane, Prof Tufano would be hard to refuse. Then again, he may also have a winning proposition. He is not asking people to do the “heavy lifting”, as he puts it, but to talk about their idea


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