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1、题目牛津英语8A Unit2 School life教学内容Reading第一课时教学目标1.Teaching aims and demands:Words: mixed, subject, Home Economics, sew, myself, tasty, softball, practice, senior, hero, taste, article, admirePhrases: how to cook healthy and tasty meals;a mixed school;drives me to school;enjoy this a lot;sentences: I di

2、d not know how to do things for myself before I came to this school. /I spend a lot of time practicing. / I meet my friends and we always have a great time talking to each other.2. Teaching main and difficult points:To identify specific information about school life.教学策略1、Teaching Methods:Task-based

3、 language teaching Method; Situational Language Teaching Method2、Studying Methods:Basic learning strategy; Practice strategy; communication strategy教学工具Pictures; multi-media teaching equipment; Projector教学过程教学步骤所用时间教 师 活 动学 生 活 动设计说明一、热身导入5Free talk:Whats your school life like?1.以问题形式介绍教师自己的学校生活。2.

4、观察学生的介绍是否准确介绍同伴的学校生活从学生最熟悉身边事谈起,把学生引入本课话题中来。二、检查预习71.出示不同类型的学校生活的图片。2.邀请同学描述图片导入生词。3.纠正学生们的发音用自己的话描述图片检查学生预习情况。三、感受课文5一读回答问题1. What are the names of their towns?2. How old are the students when they learn to drive in America?带着问题去阅读短文培养学生的阅读技巧,第一层阅读时只需做到表层性理解四、交流合作12二读1.出示表格WhoJohnNancyWhat activiti

5、esWhereWhenWhy 1.读完课文后小组讨论完成一张表格2.各组展示各自答案二读是对文章理解的升华。2听录音,判断正误1. John studies in a school only for boys.2. John learns how to cook in class.3. Johns school has a reading week every month.4. John and his friends always think that the reading week is too long.5. Nancy is in 9th grade and she is 14 ye

6、ars old. 6. Nancy drives to school every day.7. Nancys buddy is in 12th grade.1.小组合作完成2.小组竞赛,看哪一组完成正确数量多5三读 三读课文,请学生回答更多有关文章细节的问题1. Why does John love Home Economics most?2. How old are the students when they learn to drive in America?3. What do older students do at the buddy club?再读课文,在文中找到答案三读,回归本

7、原,检测学生的学习成果。五、展示成果101.见课件2.Exercise in class.(1). We always work together. He is my _.(2). _a week, I play softball after school.(3). She is a _in 12th grade.(4).I spend a lot of time _.(5). She knows everything and helps me a lot.She is my _.3.Sum-up:Go through the new words and the language points

8、 learnt during this lesson.通过练习检查学生的学习成果及对课文的掌握情况。六、Homework1.Finish the exercise on your workbook2.Find out the language points课后学生自主学习课本知识点,培养自己的动手能力七、BbdesignUnit 2 school lifePeriod 2 reading(1)1.Whats your school life like?2.Why does John love Home Economics most?3.How old are the students when

9、 they learn to drive in America?4.What do older students do at the buddy club?教学反思 上完8A的Unit2 School life( Reading)后,我进行了这样一番反思。这堂课给我最大的感想就是一个教师不仅要善于把握教材,而且也要善于处理教材。灵活运用学生已掌握的语言知识,从而展开教学,适时增加学生各类信息,让学生享受学习英语的快乐,才是英语教学的一个真正目的。让学生在玩乐中学,在玩乐中记,是初中英语课堂教学的主旋律.总之,在课堂教学中,教师是教学活动的指导者,学生活动的促进者,只在尽量想出各种方法,使教学富有趣味,激发学生主动学习的兴趣,使学生在不知不觉中自主地学,自信地学。


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