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1、让复习课“亮起来”合肥市经济技术开发区南艳小学 王立文摘要本文结合教学实例,就如何让学生摆脱压抑沉闷的复习课而创造宽松、和谐的教学氛围,进而提高复习课效果,提出了实现教学目标的有效途径关键词新鲜感,宽松,和谐,亲和力,情趣,如何让学生对复习课保持新鲜感,特别是对经历了一次或两次高考失败的复习生来说,往往会觉得身心疲惫,与新授内容相比,在一定程度上会失去新鲜感,而学生学习的兴趣又是保证复习效果的前提,那么如何让学生摆脱压抑沉闷的学习氛围而对复习课保持新鲜感呢?那么需要一种宽松、和谐的课堂教学模式来优化英语课堂教学气氛,激发学生的学习热情,以获得最佳的教学效果。笔者通过教学实践总结出一套行之有效的

2、方法,让复习课堂充满 “ 磁性”。一 、让学生的眼睛“亮”一下 有位老师曾经说过:“如果每节课你都能为学生带去他感到新鲜的东西,他会很愿意上你的课,自然而然地他也会喜欢你!”这种期待的心情,与无所谓的等待,无奈的接受相比,学习的效果会是大相径庭的,道理如此,那么真正的做到确是需要冥思苦想,下一番功夫的。 这“新鲜的东西”内涵是相当丰富的,自然可以是他们喜欢或是没见过的实物,也可以是你用来调整他们紧张的神经而设置的游戏方式,或者他们感兴趣的符合他们接受水平的英文小故事,甚至你出乎意料的神态、语气根据学生“好动、好玩、好奇、好胜”的心理特点,英语教学要创造新颖多样、富于启发性、能调动学生多种感官参

3、与学习活动的情境和游戏,来唤起学生对学习英语的兴趣和求知欲,达到有效地培养学生的学习能力,提高教学质量。游戏是学生最乐意接受和参与的活动。根据教学要求,尽量把传授知识和游戏融为一体,设计一些适合教材和复习知识的游戏几种费时少、易操作的课前热身法(Warming):Activity1:Chain SpellingThe teacher gives a word and asks a student to spell it, and then a second student should say a word beginning with the last letter of the word

4、given. The game continues until someone makes a mistake, that is, to pronounce the word incorrectly, misspell it or come up with a word that has been said already, then he/she is out. The last one remaining in the game is the winner.This game can be made difficult by limiting the words to a certain

5、category, e.g. food, tools, or nouns, verbs, etc.Activity2: Describing Appearances & Characteristics of PeopleEach student is then given one sheet of paper. One student stands in the front of the classroom. He/she describes a person and the rest of the class draws the person being described.It is mo

6、re interesting if the person being described is known by everyone. Once the student has finished describing that person then he/she reveals who it is and each student shows his/her drawing. The laughter from this is hilarious as the impressions tend to make the character in question look funny.It is

7、 a good idea to encourage students to ask the interviewee student questions about who they are describing. Activity3: Paper Airplane GameDraw a target (with points - like a dart board) on the blackboard or use a cardboard box in the middle of the room. Then, students make paper airplanes and launch

8、them after they answer your question in the form of a sentence. I dont expect my low intermediate students to form complete sentence so I help them to form correct sentences. To my surprise they will repeat the sentence several times (while Im helping them) just so they can throw their airplane. For

9、 low intermediate classes, I recommend formulating questions that lead to 1 or 2 types of answers. This allows for better memorization. For example, use CAN/WILL questions and write the beginning part of the answer on the board I can/will. I recommend giving a prize to make the target points mean so

10、mething, thus peaking their interest.Activity4. “You guess their adjectives”Follow these steps:. Ask Participants to think of an adjective to describe the way they are feeling at the moment. They should not say this adjective out loud. When everyone has an adjective in mind, ask the class to stand u

11、p. Explain the rules: You (the teacher) will call out some adjectives. If someone hears you say the adjective they have in mind, they should sit down. Start calling out adjectives e.g. happy, tired, sad, energetic, hungry, thirsty, full, sleepy, etc. Allow enough time in between adjectives for Parti

12、cipants to think and, if appropriate, sit down. If you keep going until everyone has heard their adjective and sat down, youve done unusually well. Normally there are still a few people left standing when youve run out of common adjectives. ( For large classes, you can call some or a group). Ask tho

13、se standing what their adjectives are. Then they too can sit down.Good revision of adjectives to describe moods and feelings上述活动或游戏只是抛砖引玉,用学生乐于参与的新颖的方式营造课堂氛围,使其很快进入最佳课堂学习状态.二、 让学生的心“动”一下到了复习阶段,学生感觉比较累,上课效果不太好,针对这种情况,把有些课变了点花样。(1)“我来做老师”。请同学复习基本短语、基本句型,讲评试卷.课上随机抽学生到前面做“老师”.学生准备得很严谨、认真,应该说效果不错。(2)“单挑”

14、。互出错题,同桌“PK”,人都有竞争的意识。紧张、刺激。(3)将复习的重点短语和句型以听写方式让学生写在黑板上,然后按座位顺序一人一句口头编故事并尽量用上所复习的知识点。看谁反应快,句子准确而且有趣。实践证明,学生非常感兴趣,不善于开口的学生也不得不讲英语了,复习效果明显。1)目的是复习基本短语、基本题型。2)目的是复习错题。3)目的是开拓学生视野,综合、提高。 英语课堂教学是一种多层次、多功能、综合运用人体各种感官的活动,是教与学双向作用的复杂而又细致的过程。在这个过程中,如何激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学生的学习积极性,是英语教师应该考虑也必须解决好的一个问题。三、让复习课具有亲和力。英语是第

15、二语言,对于中国学生来说,应该多给学生的语言环境,而用例是语言环境的一个重要组成部分。用例的亲和性,能激发学生学习英语的兴趣,因为用他们的所见所闻和所熟悉的材料用例,有亲切感,能使他们认为学习英语有用,有趣,感到老师在关心他们,尊重他们的人格,这样他们能认真地去学习英语。亲和力,在现代汉语词典里的释意为:“两种或两种以上的物质结合成化合物时互相作用的力(Force that acts mutually between two or more substances synthesizing chemical compounds.)”。从心理学的角度讲,是指人与人相处时所表现的亲近行为的动力水平和

16、能力。因此,对于教师而言,教和学结合成教学质量,这个无形的化合物。教与学之间是相辅相成的,教师越关爱学生,学生也会越回敬老师,因此教师在教学过程中所表现出来的亲和力对学生学习兴趣起作一定的作用。课堂用例的亲和性就是体现这种力的美好的结合体,对于学生学习英语有很大的推动作用。 课堂是否具有亲和力,能影响到课堂教学质量的好坏,亲和力与课堂教学质量成正比。英语的教学是语言的教学,课堂教学的亲和用例是非常重要。结合实际生活用例比大而空的用例效果要好得多。英语教师在英语课堂教学中除了和其他科目的教师应该具备有情感交流、身势语言、参与学生活动、对学生的评价等有亲和力外,还要注意亲和用例。亲和用例能结合实际,结合贴切学生们的生活学习环境,防止大而空。在现行的英语课程标准中也强调,教师应依据课程的总体目标并结合教学内容,创造性地设计贴近学生实际


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