山东省枣庄市2022中考英语一轮复习 第一部分 第3课时 七下 Units 1-6习题

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1、山东省枣庄市2022中考英语一轮复习 第一部分 第3课时 七下 Units 1-6习题一、完形填空(2019智乐星好题)A giant panda ran away from the zoo in London. He walked and walked and became 1 . He walked into a restaurant, where he found a 2 at an empty table. The waiter took the pandas order.After he 3 his dinner, the panda stood up, calmly pulled

2、out a gun which he had hidden, and fired into the air. 4 he turned around and walked toward the door.Naturally, the waiter was horrified(恐惧的), but he tried hard to pull himself together and stopped him for a(n) 5 The panda said to him, “What do I look like to 6 ?”The waiter answered, “Well, a giant

3、panda, of course.”“Thats right,” said the panda. “Look it up.” And he walked out.The waiter called the 7 . When they arrived the waiter told them the whole story, 8 the pandas words “look it up”. So the police officer 9 a young man out to get an encyclopedia(百科全书)The young man returned with the ency

4、clopedia. The officer 10 “panda” and there was the answer, “Giant panda, lives in China, eats shoots(竹笋) and leaves.”1A.tired BhappyCcrazy Dhungry2A.seat BnoteCwaiter Dnewspaper3A.ordered BfinishedCserved Dcooked4A.So BOnceCThen DAlso5A.talk BexcuseCquestion Dexplanation6A.us BhimCyou Dthem7A.bosses

5、 BpoliceCneighbors Dcustomers8A.about BlikeCwithout Dincluding9A.sent BtookCdrove Dinvited10A.turned to Basked forClooked up Dcalled on二、阅读理解(xx山东枣庄中考)The long trunk of an elephant is a wonderful example of skill. The neck of fourfooted animals is usually long, to have them reach their food without

6、difficulty, but the elephant has a short neck, to make him more easily support the weight of his huge head and heavy teeth. His long trunk lets him get his food easily.The trunk of an elephant is to him what the neck is to other animals. It is also a nose to him, for at the end of it there is an emp

7、ty place like a cup, and in the bottom of the cup are two holes, and the animal smells and breathes through them. It is an arm and a hand too, so that it has been said that the elephant carries his nose in his hand, and it might also have been said that he breathes by his hand.At the end of the trun

8、k, there is a strange part, about five inches long, which forms a finger. With this finger the animal can pick up the smallest piece of money from the ground, and he has been taught to make marks like letters with a pen.The trunk of a fullgrown elephant is about eight feet long. The elephant has suc

9、h great strength that he can knock down a man with it.1The elephant has a short neck to support Ahis leg Bhis bodyChis arm Dhis head and teeth2The trunk of the elephant helps him get his easily.Aside BtailCfood Dear3The trunk of the elephant takes the place of the following except Aa neck Ba nose an

10、d a fingerCan arm and a hand Da leg4How does the elephant smell? Through two holes .Ain the bottom of the cupBat the beginning of the trunkCin his headDin his face5The elephant can knock down a man with his trunk. This shows that he is Aweak BstrongCquiet Dangry三、语法填空阅读下面材料,有的答案要填入适当的内容,有的答案要用括号内单词的

11、正确形式,但每个答案不多于3个单词。(xx山东淄博张店期末)A river was running towards the valley(山谷), but when she came to a rock, she was afraid.The rock asked her, “Where are you 1. (go)?”The river answered, “Im going to the valley. My friends are waiting 2. me.”The rock made fun of the river and 3. (say), “You are still ver

12、y young. Go back 4. the hill, and dont e back here again!”Then the river said, “I can only go ahead. There 5. (be) no river that goes backward.” The rock became 6. (angry) and said, “Speak no more! You must go back!”The river asked, “Where should I go?”“Go anywhere you like, just dont e close to 7.

13、(I)!” After a while, more and 8. (much) water gathered as the river hesitated(犹豫)9 (final), the river ran over the rocks.She then said to the rock, “A person 10. has a strong will(意志) only goes ahead, and nothing will stop him!”四、阅读理解七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入15小题横线上的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 (2019预测)“Do you l

14、ike my dress?” she asked a passing stranger. “My mommy made it just for me.” She said with tears in her eyes. “I think its very pretty. 1. ” With a quiver(颤抖) in her voice the girl answered, “After Mommy made me this dress, she had to go to the heaven(天堂)” 2. She gently held the child in her arms and they cried for the mommy that was gone. Then suddenly the little girl stopped crying, stepped back and began to sing. She sang so softly that it was almost a whisper. It was the sweetest sound the woman had ever heard almost li


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